Part Two---Come Out And Play

FEEDBACK: Better than more sugar than the human body can handle (mochas) Bulletproof

SPOILERS: Season 3 and bits of season 4 (nothing specific, really, just character-wise. Also I have no idea what Kate, Parker and Doyle are like cos I haven’s seen season 4, so this is just based on my own interpretation)

RATING: What? You want smut?!?! Oh, okay. NC-17

DISTRIBUTION: Want. Take. Have. (Just tell me where it's going)

SUMMARY: the first part.

DEDICATION: To Mariah who sent me my first feedback! : )

DISCLAIMER: Joss, Joss, Joss. I’m sure he wants to give them to me..........

NOTE: Asteriks denote change in universe.


Buffy, never breaking the kiss, stood up slowly and started walking backwards towards the bed.

Angel chuckled at his slayer’s intentions and pushed the already unbuttoned shirt off her shoulders, moving his hands lower to make short work of her pants.

Buffy grinned. "Angel, honey, we’ll never make it to the bed with my pants around my ankles."

"Just watch me." Angel said as he lifted her in his arms and carried her bridgegroom style to the bed and placed her gently there, kneeling in front of him.

Buffy twisted her arms around his neck, placing her forehead on his and staring straight into his now permanent soul.

"I love you."

Angel shivered in delight and grinned down at her. "Say it again."

"" Buffy said, between undoing the buttons on his shirt while Angel busied himself with smothering her breasts with his hands.



"It’s always been you. It’s always gonna be you."

Angel grinned and lowered his head to reverently suckle her breast while his hand worked its twin, alternating between pinches and light feather touches.

Buffy cleared her throat and tried to keep track of her words, which, at this moment, was damn hard because Angel’s attentions were making her head spin.

"I guess what I’m trying to say is......well, I mean, I haven’t........there wasn’t......." Buffy sighed as she blurted it out. "I haven’t had sex since my last time with you."

Angel smiled at her shyness and looked up at her tenderly. "Good. The thought of any other man touching you makes me want to cause grievous bodily harm on the next person who looks at you. But I don’t think that’s the problem here."


"Oh. Buffy, what my demon said-"

"No, it’s okay, Angel, I get it......big fat ugly demon trying to put me off my game."

"Yes....No.....well not all of it. Yes he was trying to put you off, but also because he was scared."


"He was attracted to you Buffy. And he was afraid of that. Big fat ugly demons aren’t allowed to be infatuated with those who are pure and good. He became obssessed with you. And when he found that he couldn’t have you, he just got so frustrated that he decided to send the whole world to hell."

"One big scary guy."

"Yeah. But he’s gone now. And I get to tell you this." Angel picked up his little lover and lay her down on the bed. He lay down next to her and caressed her hip and side. "Buffy, baby, you mean the world to me. You ARE my world, there is nothing else without you. It could all go to hell and I wouldn’t care, as long as I still had you. And that night, Buffy? I would trade my soul all over again for that night. You were everything I could ask for, and not just because of the sex, cos, you know, you make me hard just by looking at me with those deep, innocent, hazel eyes of yours. No. Amazing as you were, that wasn’t why I lost my soul.... I lost it because you love me. I lost it because you trust me. I lost it because there is no-one else that will ever make me feel this way. Buffy Anne Summers. I love you."

Buffy let a tear slip out of her deep, innocent, hazel eyes and pulled him towards her as she gave him the tenderest kiss he had ever experienced in his life or un-life.

"Angel..........make love to me."

"Thought you’d never ask."

Angel kissed her again....everywhere. Starting at the top of her golden head, he worked his way down, gently kissing her temple and closed eye-lids, sucking softly on her ear lobes, nipping at her lips, placing big, open mouthed kisses on her abdomen and finally he reached his destination.

Angel knelt by the side of the bed and stared straight into her core.

Buffy giggled. "Angel, what are you doing?"

Angel’s responsive grin was both wicked and playful at the same time. He took her foot in his hand and lightly sucked each of her toes into his mouth in turn. He then luxuriously licked his way up her calf, past her thigh, until his mouth was so close it was driving her insane.

And just as a trickle of her moisture leaked out onto the bed, he plunged his tongue into her.

Buffy, caught by surprise inhaled sharply, quickly grabbing his head and twisting her fingers through his silken hair. She pressed him closer as his tongue delved deeper, exploring every piece of flesh he could find and worshipping it. Then Angel brought his thumb to her clit and ever so quickly touched it lightly.

"Angel," Buffy panted as her hips lifted off the bed, needing more contact, more friction, more everything.

Angel grinned at her moan as he pulled away. Things were definitely going to plan.

"Angel, please," Buffy whined as he stood to remove the oh-so-tight pants.

"Soon, baby, soon."

Angel brought himself to lay above her, resting on one elbow beside her while the other hand slowly redefined her body.

"So god damned beautiful" Angel murmured as both his venturing fingers and tip of his cock nudged her outer lips.

"Angel, I need,"

"Baby, what do you need? Tell me everything."

"Angel, please you know what I want .....What you want.... I just can’t-"

Buffy lost her breath as he slipped his tip inside of her. Nothing more.

"I can’t......please I can’t go another minute without feeling you inside me."

Angel grinned and eased himself all the way in slowly, both of them moaning at the feeling of finally becoming complete. It took all of Angel’s restraint not to just pound into her as he so needed to do, but rather waited for her to initiate the movement.

And she did. Her little hips arching upwards, urging him to join her. And he eventually did, moving in and out so slowly, fulfilling neither of their needs.

"Angel, Ang-"

Angel finally began the last phase of his plan, frantically moving in and out, angling his cock such that there was as little friction on Buffy’s clit as possible.

Buffy was so deliciously close, but this was nothing compared to what she needed. She felt her ridges form, too consumed in thoughts of need to care, wanting only to complete this moment, to be fulfilled, to be full of him.

She lifted her head and sank her fangs into his neck, drawing on him heavily. Angel responded in kind and lost himself in the feeling of her exploding around him. He could feel her everywhere, her muscles undulating in orgasm, blood raging through his veins. This was all he needed as he spurted his dead seed into his lover.

Panting heavily, they both calmed from their fantastic high as Angel rolled them over so she was lying on top of him.

"Guess that solves that problem."

"Hmm?" Buffy asked lazily, still lost in her daze.

"Well you’re not hungry anymore are you?"

The realisation dawned on Buffy and she smacked his arm playfully. "You are so bad!" she giggled, "And thoughtful. I love you"

"I love you too." Angel replied as he kissed her forehead and settled them both down to sleep.

* * * * *

"Here’s a new twist," Angelus grinned. "Slayer wants to play."

"Slayer wants to play..." Buff forced Angelus up and against the headboard "rough"

Buff straddled Angelus’ waist and began to lick and none-too-lightly bite his neck.

"While I’m all good and up-" Buff ground down on this evidence, eliciting a moan from both of them, "for a good fuck; vamp, you’re not. So what’s the deal? The Almighty Slayer finally get tired of that pathetic excuse of a vampire?"

"Got no soul." Buff murmured as she licked a trail up to Angelus’ ear lobe and started sucking.

"Oh, you don’t know what that does to a man." Angelus shuddered as he grabbed her shoulders so he was staring directly into her eyes. "I’m gonna fuck you senseless."

"Mmm," Buff replied nonchalantly, "While that all sounds good and fun, I do believe we have another matter to deal with."

"You mean one more pressing than this?" Angelus asked while grabbing Buff’s waist and pushing her down.

"God, Angelus, you’re so crass." Buff scolded. "I love it."

"Say my name again."

"Baby, I’ll scream it as my mantra right after - or during, whichever does it for you - we deal with this one thing."

Angelus sat studiously still, intently listening.

"That bitch who touched you-"


Buff snorted. "She doesn’t need a name. I was gonna kill her either way."

"Feeling a tad possessive are we?"

"Come on! Tell me you aren’t gonna rip Parker’s balls off with tweezers when we get back to Sunnydale."

"Lover, you know me so well!" Angelus exclaimed as he started to plunder her mouth. Remembering something, he pulled away. "And Buff?"


"During. Definitely during."

* * * * *

Buffy awoke with a start.

"What is it, my love?" Angel woke with her.

"She brought him back. She brought Angelus back."

"And all hell will break loose." Came a voice from the doorway.

* * * * *

Buff and Angelus walked along the sidewalk, swinging their joined hands like the cute little couple they.....weren’t.

"So you wanna just jump in for the kill or should we play with her for a while?" Buff asked as if deciding what to eat for dinner.....which in effect, she kinda was, well for Angelus at least.

"You lead. I’m just here for the show."

"Oh yeah?" Buff countered as they reached Kate’s front door. "We’ll see about that."

Buff drove her lips against his, both trying to gain the upper hand, serving only to increase the lovers’ ardour.

As Buff pulled away she pricked her bottom lip with Angelus’ quickly extending fang, drawing blood and leaving him growling.

"Down boy." she commanded as she knocked on the door.

"Hi, may I...........Buffy?"

"You must be Kate. Listen, we need to... talk. Can I come in?"

Kate, not missing the girl’s undertone and an unmistakable glint in her eye became wary.

"Enter if you are able."

And she did.

* * * * *

"Damnit, Doyle, you couldn’t of knocked?" Angel asked, irritated that the half-demon was intruding.

"I take it you’re Buffy." He asked the girl hurriedly putting on Angel’s silk shirt.

"So you’re the Irish guy that Cordy won’t shut up about."

"My princess talks about me?"

"Oh yeah, everytime I call-"

"Ladies." Angel broke in, "While I’d love to sit here and play matchmaker all day, I’d really like to know why I can’t spend the first day I’ve had with the woman I love, ALL ALONE."

"Fine." Doyle grumbled, eager for that piece of gossip which he had been waiting for so longto hear. "Yes, as you've seen, your demon has brought forth Angelus within your dimension. Their power will be unstoppable, none will be able to parallel their strength, their intensity, they will feed each other's passions and the world will come to be beneath their wrath. It has been prophesised. Luckily however, the prophets never really considered the parallel universe factor."

"This where we come in?" Angel asked, glad to be able to finally face his demon in physical battle.

Doyle nodded. "We need to create a temporal fold. We will send you back, Buffy, with Angel. I believe the two of you will be able to overthrow Angelus and Buff. Yes, Angelus may be vicious, but Buff isn't a vampire. She isn't a slayer either. Once a slayer loses her soul, she loses her powers. There is no other way. You guys consent right?"

"Of course" Buffy answered instantly.

"Good. We'll do it tomorrow at midnight. Meanwhile....." Doyle grinned. "So what was it that won my princess's heart?"

"Doyle...." Angel warned in a menacing tone.

"Alright, alright! Buffy, walk me to the door?"

The vampiress and the half-demon bounded toward the door like school-girls, giggling and setting the grounds for a plan to be set into action regarding a certain Miss Chase.

* * * * *

"Kate, Kate, Kate," Buffy chided, throwing away all pretense. "What have you been doing with my lover?"

"Lover? can't of......Angel's soul....."

"Yeah, actually I've been wondering about that too. Hold on a second. Angelus, honey," Buffy called toward the door, "Come in for a bit. I was just wondering, at what exact moment did you lose your soul?"

"Must have been the mind-blowing sex."

"Hmm, that's what I thought." Buff grinned and turned toward the woman. "Are you getting the message here, Kate?"

"Oh God......"



"She needs a lesson."

* * * * *

"So, what's the plan." Angel finally caved as Buffy was so happily skipping back toward him from across the room.

"Don't worry, Angel, we won't have to have this room."

"Baby, you read my mind." Angel sighed in relief. Nothing was coming between him and his love. "So what'd you tell him."

"Nothing......." Buffy started innocently. "Ok, ok, I told him about Cordy's constant fantasy. Featuring Doyle, Cordy, hot chocolate fudge...."

"Buffy! I really don't........" Angel made one of those I'd-rather-be-tortured-with-a-mack-truck looks and continued. " does Buffy like to play?"

"Angel!" she whined, already feeling embarrassed at her lover's possible reaction to her fantasy.

"Come on, Buffy....." he lowered his head to whisper in her ear, "I might actually do it."

"Fine." Buffy said before looking down at her nails, anything to get away from his penetrating eyes. "Well.....there would be......cheese.....and, and Oz's guitar......" Buffy started to melt into the fantasy, "And you, of course, and leather pants and.....well.. and kickingofKate'sasstowhereverthehellshecamefrom."

"You heard about that, huh?" Angel asked grimly.

"Yeah." she replied gently in little girl innocence.

"You know she doesn't mean anything."

"I know" she said, still avoiding his eyes. Buffy sighed then looked at him with big doe eyes and grinned at him shyly. "But why don't you show me?"

"Let me call Oz."

* * * * *

Kate had been tied up with her own shirt so as to allow Buff easier access to her bare skin with Faith's knife she had so conveniently kept.

Kate was sliding in and out of consciousness as Buff lathered herself in the woman's blood.

"Are you hungry, baby?" Buff asked seductively.

"For you?" Angelus replied, voice husky. "Always."

"Good." Buff said over the rip of leather pants. "Let me increase your appetite."

Buff straddled her lover and slid slowly down his already hard cock, each hissing at the sensations, her hot tight muscles clenching around him, drawing him further.

As Buff continued her steady rhythm, it was all of a sudden not enough for Angelus and he slammed her against a wall, pounding into her oh-so-willing flesh.

True to her word, the house was soon filled with the sound of Angelus' name being cried consistently, punctuated by the slamming of bodies into the brick wall.

Buff gained enough sense to turn her head over her shoulder while Angelus licked the blood of her neck.

"Kate" she called breathlessly. The woman, though extremely close, had not yet died. She lifted her head instinctively at the call of her name.

"You have no idea what you're missing-" Buff gasped as her lover's tongue moved lower to her breasts. "I really can't blame you for wanting him."

Kate's head lolled to the side, unable to support her any longer.

"Then again," came Buff's voice again as a pencil was thrown through Kate's heart. "I can."

At Kate's agonizing scream of death, Angelus came within the woman that had murdered her. Buff soon followed suit and they both collapsed to the floor.

Buff's head came away from Angelus' shoulder. "That was fun." she smiled, chirpy. "Let's go find Parker."

* * * * *

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