Part Three

RATING: B/A, B/A(us) NC-17. You were expecting something else? Oh yeah, and more Kate-like violence (see the second part).
SPOILERS: Like I’ve said before, I’ve never seen the fourth season and am only going off stuff that I’ve heard. (This also makes for a very inconsistent interpretation of the new season four characters, so bear with me here). I’m also abusing this fact to paint Riley probably as he’s not, so don’t read this if you love Riley.
FEEDBACK: Fuel for all writers: Bulletproof
SUMMARY: Parker gets his and I screw around with Fish Boy’s head (ie. not for lovers of Riley). Angel and Buffy come visit (for universe summary see the first part.)
DEDICATION: To Claudia, who took a chance on a new girl and posted my fic :) She has an amazing series "Wicked Seduction" and also houses many other B/A(us) authors.
Go visit her site here:
DISCLAIMER: Joss (who abuses his custody rights) and all associated corporations own all things Buffy and Angel.


The Scooby Gang were once again assembled at Giles’ house, with the recent addition, Doyle, filling them in on the necessary constituents for the ritual. "Do you think you can handle it Willow? I’ll be helping you of course."

"Sure. I did this once with Anya. Thank God she’s gone. That girl just gives me the wiggins."

"Are you ready?" Doyle asked Buffy and Angel, apprehensive, but determined for the cause.

"As we’ll ever be." Buffy replied, grasping Angel’s hand.

"Let’s do it."

* * * * *


Buff strode through the Bronze confidently, her blood red dressing clinging to her slight frame.

"Buffy! Where’ve you been? Why didn’t you call?"

"Parker can we talk for a second?" Buff raised her eyebrows suggestively. "Outside?"

Angelus watched from the shadows of the club as he watched the dribbling fool follow his goddess like a bounding puppy to the alleyway beside the club. He knew the plan, but couldn’t help but feel his possessiveness rise within his blood.

Parker stood nervously beside Buff, fidgeting. "So........what happened? Why didn’t you call?"

Buff forcefully pushed him against the wall, raising her knee to be precariously balanced just below Parker’s crotch, applying enough pressure to make the boy squirm, needing more contact.

"Parker, I can’t stop thinking about you.." Buff practically panted into his ear. Buff manouvered her mouth seductively across his face, though never touching, her light breath causing him to ache for more.

Angelus was growling low in his chest, barely able to keep from bursting out and ruining their charade.

Eventually Buff’s lips were close, so close, to Parker’s own. She whispered, "But I can’t ever see you again."

"Why?" Parker wailed.

"Buffy?" Angelus called, playing along with her game.

"I have to go." Buff hurriedly replied, making as if she needed to escape.

"No." Parker held her firmly by her shoulders. "Just, please, I need....." And with that pressed Buff’s crotch against his.

Angelus leapt out of hiding with a menacing growl. No one touched his woman. Sure they looked, ‘cos, well, you just couldn’t help it, but no one, NO ONE touched her. He threw Buff off Parker quickly and backhanded the boy, too stunned to move.

"This is him? This is who dared to touch my woman?" Angelus snarled in Buff’s general direction.

Buff feigned fear, nodding dumbly.

"Please don’t kill me." Parker might have been stupid, but he could still feel the waves of rage that were emanating from Angelus’ body.

"Noble isn’t he?" Angelus snorted, amused by the boy’s cowardice. "Did she like it, Parker?"

Parker, humiliated, retaliated, "Yeah, she liked it. She screams with the best of them."

"Boy, now is not the time to grow a spine." Angelus chuckled. "I’m going to crush it."

Parker whimpered as Angelus delivered blow after, yes, spine-crushing blow to the body that had been so priveleged to have experienced his goddess’s flesh. Down, but not out, the boy never knew when to shut up. "Makes you wonder why she came searching for more."

Angelus scoffed, "I was actually going to save you this humiliation, boy, but hey I’m not gonna let you go to hell without knowing that Buff is mine. You? You are nothing to her."

"Not from where I was standing." Parker coughed out, along with his life’s elixer, slowly dribbling down his chin.

Angelus picked Buff up as if she were a rag doll. He hiked up her short dress and ripped her already soaked panties away from her body. He quickly undid the zipper and button to his leather pants and sheathed himself within her hot, tight body.

Buff ground herself down on him, mewling, head thrashing from side to side as Angelus pushed her against the wall and started pounding into her.

"How ‘bout from where you’re standing now?"

Buff was screaming, gripping tightly onto her lover’s shoulders, their sounds being drowned by the clubs pulsating beat.

"Who do you belong to?" Angelus growled at his lover, within the throes of ecstasy.

"Angelus! Oh God Angelus!" Buff screamed, again and again.

"That’s all he needed to hear."

Angelus ravaged her mouth, fangs pricking her lips while one hand slithered down her body to manipulate her clit.

Buff gasped and squealed into his mouth, orgasm gripping her tightly, bringing Angelus over the edge.

He gently set his lover onto her unsteady feet as he stalked toward their voyeur.

"Parker," Angelus broke him out of his stunned daze as he vamped out. "Tell ‘em Angelus sent you." and he drained the boy’s blood.

That done, he returned to collect his collapsed lover, still breathless from their recent coupling.

"Tell them Angelus sent you?" Buff asked incredulously.

He shrugged. "The boys like to keep a tab."

* * * * *

Angel and Buffy woke in the alleyway, seconds after their alter-egos had left the scene of the crime, finding Parker in their wake.

"Oh God..." Buffy whispered as she moved towards the body.

"Yeah. I recognise the craftmanship. They’re here alright." Angel, grimly stated. "I think we should find Giles. Tell him what’s going on."

Buffy nodded. "But first can we go in for a second? I-I just gotta see for myself that they’re OK."

Angel smiled. "I know love. You go ahead. I’m gonna go check around. They didn’t leave here too long ago. I’ll meet you at Giles’ house."

Angel kissed Buffy gently on her forehead and moved quickly among the shadows, searching for any danger before it could come to harm his beloved.

Buffy sighed and entered the Bronze. It was packed. She quickly scanned the club, but couldn’t see Willow or Xander beyond the crowd. She was about to set off to look for them when a familiar voice broke in through her thoughts.

"Buffy? Where’ve you been?" Riley Finn, or more aptly named, Fish Boy, came into view. She so did not want to deal with the loser hick now.

"Umm....around. Listen, have you seen Willow or Xander?"

"Yeah they’re.........somewhere or other. So listen, I was thinking about what you said the other day, and I would really like it if you came out to meet my parents this weekend."

"What? Riley I never said anything about meeting your parents. Hell, we’re not even going out, whatever gave you that idea?"

"Sure you are. You kissed me just two days ago."

"Riley there is no way-"

"Listen, Buffy," Riley grabbed her shoulders violently, "are you trying to walk away from me? ‘Cause no-one does that. No one breaks up with Riley Finn."

"Well there’s a first for everything." Buffy bolted from the scene, desperately trying to avoid the need to break the boy’s arm in the process. Where the hell did he get off forcing her to do anything?

Angel had finally been able to find Angelus and Buff at the cemetaries. He watched in awe as he saw Buff sitting precariously on top of a headstone, head thrown back, while Angelus’ dark head was seen frantically moving between her legs. Soon Buff’s screams filled the cemetary, wantonly crying out for all to hear. Angel had seen enough. He walked away stealthily, towards Giles’s house.

Angel walked slowly down the path leading to Giles’s front steps, just as Buffy crashed into him, tackling them both to the floor.

"Oh God, Angel, I ran all the way from the Bronze."

"What’s wrong?" he almost growled, his protective nerve being fully awakened by the sight of his slayer in full flight.

"Oh..." Buffy said, catching her breath. "Just a big scary guy. He thought I was going out with him."

Angel quirked an eyebrow and pulled his lover and himself up off the ground, drawing her close.

"I think my evil self’s been doing the rounds."

"But how come you were running? Did he threaten you?" Angel asked, his voice laced with rage.

"Well, kinda. Fish Boy doesn’t take rejection well."

"We’ll see how well he does when Angelus comes out to play."

Buffy grinned. "Oh that boy’s goin’ down."

Giles opened the door cautiously. "Oh. I thought I heard you two out here. Come in then." Giles ushered Buffy and Angel into his house. "I must say, I’m not at all surprised at your presence in Sunnydale, Angel. Especially after I heard that Buffy had asked for Cordelia’s number. I’m just glad it was you and not your demon." Giles managed to get his mouthful out without a word from his guests, having them seated. "So. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be off.......oh I don’t know what you two do alone and quite frankly I’m glad."

Buffy fidgeted. She was growing hungry and didn’t particularly want to share her demon side with Giles face to face.

Angel began. "Giles, this might take a while, but-"

"Angel," Buffy tugged at his arm, "I’m hungry."

"Oh, Buffy, I’m sure I can spare a few scones-"

"No, Giles. You see I just.......Well I mean I can’t........." Buffy sighed and gave up. She decided to let her actions speak for themselves as she climbed into Angel’s lap and gently sank her teeth into his proferred neck.

Giles jumped up, grabbing the nearest bit of weaponry, a crucifix, holding it out against the invited vampires. "What the hell?" Giles screamed.

Buffy and Angel both hissed and drew back slightly.

"Watch where you shove that thing Giles."

"How dare you enter into my house! Get back, demon!"

"Giles, stop with the wiggins. We’re still with the soul having here."

"How......What........How...?" The Watcher was flabergasted, though not for the first time, as Buffy and Angel related their tale of dopplegangers and Doyle’s prophecy.

Angelus and Buff strolled through the Bronze seperately, looking to cause havoc. They moved as different bodies, yet still in perfect synchronisation, graceful and predatorial all within the same movements.

"I knew you’d be back for more." Riley Finn suddenly broke the rhythm that the two had set up as Angelus quickly busied himself with one of his staring admirers.

"Riley." Buff simply stated, sizing the boy up, daring him to come closer.

And he did. Stupid boy.

Riley swept his hand behind Buff’s head in a seemingly sweet gesture. Seemingly sweet and painful when he suddenly grasped a fistful of Buff’s hair and drew her to eye level.

"I don’t know what that was back there, but let me clear something up for you, Buffy. You are never again to walk away from me, do you understand? You’re mine now."

Buff giggled. This was going to be fun. "Okay, Riley, but I hope you understand," Buff moved closer to press the words home, "that you’ll be nothing by the time he gets here."

And with a smirk she started screaming.

"Riley, no, you’re hurting me!" The crowd surrounding them stopped as one solitary black mass stormed towards the scene and took Riley out with an upper cut.

"Take your time, baby?" Buff asked, her hand rubbing the back of her head.

Angelus shrugged. "I thought you had it covered."

"What can I say?" Buff dragged Fish Boy to his feet. "I like seeing my man in action."

Angelus grinned seductively and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh come on! That’s twice tonight already!"

"Like that’s stopped us before."


* * * * *