Everything Within Me

FEEDBACK: Please, if you want more (ie. yes there is more to the story, but it’s up to you if ya wanna hear it). It’s my first, so be kind. Bulletproof
DISTRIBUTION: Really? You want my story? Of course you can have it! Just tell me where it’s going.
DISCLAIMER: You know the drill. Joss is God........a somewhat wrathful God, but God and owner of all things Buffy and Angel nontheless.
RATING: smut smut smut. But with some semblance of plot. NC-17
SPOILERS: Well, everything up to season 3, ‘cept I haven’t seen season 4, only heard about it (hence the inclusion of Kate, Riley and Parker.....and Angel living in LA). Other than that your guess is as good as mine.
DEDICATION: To all those loyal B/A fans out there. You know Kate and Riley have to die!
SUMMARY: What if instead of transportation of bodies as in Dopplegangland, there was a transportation of souls?
NOTES: I’ve named Vamp Buffy, Buff, so keep on your toes, haha. Erm.... asteriks denote the changing over of universes (erm....it’ll make sense later)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Buff had been grappling with her former friends for a while now. Give or take a few hours. They had known about her changed state for about a week now, but it was time to finally face the facts: their Buffy was no more; the slayer was now playing for the other team. And they had been strong. Playful voices that joked so happily, now twisted in painful retort. Arms that had once offered comfort, now wielded a stake intended for her death. They had learnt from her and would now use it, ironically, to bring her own demise.

Willow, Xander and Giles were the only ones to face her now. Oz was on tour and Cordy and Angel had settled in LA. Willow could not bring herself to tell Angel of the news, opting instead to tell him after they had killed his love. She knew that he could never let that happen, regardless of circumstance.

Outnumbered, Willow was finally able to pin Buff to the floor.

"Can you actually do it Will? Could you kill your best friend?" Buff asked breathlessly, never one to leave without a final remark.

"No. You’re not Buffy. I know that now. You make a mockery of her existence. This is for her"

Willow slowly raised her stake, tears clouding her eyes, as she saw the vampire underneath her draw a sudden breath and a golden light shine through her eyes. Willow paused.


She lowered her hand slowly, though never letting go of the stake, still with Buffy beneath her.

"Willow? What’s happening? Why am I here?"

Willow was speechless as she tried to gauge the situation. She couldn’t bring herself to believe that this could be their Buffy, yet she couldn’t deny the change.



Buffy sat up abruptly, clinging onto her best friend, the one thing that seemed to be certain in this haze.

"Willow, what’s happening? I’m so scared. One minute I’m waking in my bed from a nightmare and the next you’re about to stake me! Willow, tell me this is a dream, tell me!"

Willow was overwhelmed, crying softly so that Buffy would not hear. She debates internally and finally brings a hand to Buffy’s hair, soothing away the girl’s confusion.

"Ssh, Buffy, ssh. Don’t worry, we’ll sort this out I promise."

* * * * *

Buff opened her eyes slowly. She was in her room again, the curtains drawn. though the last thing she remembered was Willow about to turn her to dust.

"Am I dead?" she thought, as she cautiously moved around the room and felt the weight of objects in her hand.

"I don’t think so. Everything feels real."

"Honey, it’s time to wake up, it’s time to go to school." Joyce’s voice penetrated her thoughts as she was about to open the door.

"No!" Buff cried as she realised the sunlight within that equation.

The door creaked open. Buff’s skin remained unscathed.

"Is everything alright honey? Oh good you’re up already" Joyce mindlessly babbled to a very confused Buff.

"Buffy, come on, stop standing around and get ready for school, you’ll be late!"

"Uh.....Okay Mom." Buff mechanically answered as she closed the door behind her mother.

She slowly went to the window and opened her blinds in a flourish. Eyes closed, she braved the sun, arms thrown back, ready to be burnt.


"Oh," Buff grinned sardonically. "This is going to be fun."

* * * * *

The gang was assembled at Giles’ house, all seated with a mug of hot cocoa in their hands. Xander and Willow had huddled around Buffy, while Giles, ever aloof, was standing across the room.

"Well, I-I-I’ll say, it is rather an unprecedented event."

"Yeah, hell, this has never happened before!"

"Yes, Xander."

Willow and Buffy smiled at Xander’s ignorance. They were both happy to finally have something normal again.

"Well, what exactly do you think has happened?" Buffy asked, needing to get to the bottom of all this confusion.

"I-I’m not entirely sure. Th-though this does seem reminiscent of the incident with Willow and her doppleganger."

Willow internally shudder "Ew! Me and that much leather......or not so much leather."

"I still can’t believe I was a vampire. I just thank God I didn’t hurt anyone...... And that you guys had the common sense to come and stop me." Buffy smiled at Willow and squeezed her hand, understanding how hard it must have been for her.

"Well, I’m just glad it’s over." Xander smiled, glad to have their slayer back.

"But it’s not." All three heads turned toward the watcher.

"What?" asked Buffy, uneasily, not sure she wanted to know the answer.

"Well, just as Buffy’s absence in Anya’s wish-verse had created a rift, so there will be one in whichever universe you came from. Th-there needs to be a balance, and I believe this would have been achieved by sending your vampire form into your universe."

"Oh God." Buffy realised quickly. "Oh God! Wh........What’s going to happen to Willow a-and Xander in my universe? We have to warn them!"

"I’m afraid I don’t know how to do that. Do you know the circumstances surrounding your arrival?"

"Well, like I said, I was having a nightmare, and when I woke up, I was here."

"Do you remember what you dreamt?" Giles asked.

"Well, kind of, it’s kinda hazy, but it felt really prophetic, like the ones I was having before. Umm....I think I saw Angel, and then I was really mad. Then, I was patrolling, well, no, almost looking for trouble, but there was too many of them, and they turned me."

"Oh God." Giles said.

"Oh God." joined Willow.

"Oh God?" Xander was confused.

"She went to LA." Giles realised.

"She must have seen Angel with Kate-"

"Kate?" Buffy jumped at this. Angel was seeing someone else?

"Kate, she’s a cop who helps Angel."

"Kate." Buffy didn’t like the way the name sounded from her mouth.

Willow read her thoughts perfectly, and added quietly to Buffy, "Don’t worry, it was only her that ever felt anything for Angel, he never returned it. We got called by Cordy who was worried about you."

Buffy smiled.

"So I guess I can see her pretty clearly. My vampire self, I mean. Maybe we can track her movements in my universe. My God. My universe. Now I know I’m on the hellmouth." Buffy said, getting back to business.

Giles stood. "Well, you all had best be getting home then. It is approaching dawn. We’ll deal more with this tomorrow. Buffy, I’ll have to take you house. Your mother knows nothing of this turn of events."

"No! My Mom’s gonna flip! Will, can I stay-"

"No and no" Giles reprimanded Buffy and Willow, ever ready to take her friend in, in turn. "Your mother deserves to know the truth Buffy."

"I know, I know." Buffy grumbled as they opened the doors to the library and the weak strains of morning sunlight streamed through.

Buffy’s skin started to smoke.

"Will close the door!" Xander anxiously cried.

Buffy jumped back, breathless.

"Oh my God."

Angel was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about how best to deal with Kate. The phone rang.

"Kate, listen, I’m sorry but-"

"Angel?"A decidedly British and male voice asked on the other end.

"Giles? What’s wrong? Is Buffy okay?"

"I think it best if you came back to Sunnydale, something’s happened to Buffy that I-"

"I’ll be right there."

* * * * *

Buff sauntered into the campus grounds and enjoyed the attention she was getting. Things were going to be different around here.

"Buffy! Hey!....Hey." Willow stopped short after seeing what Buff was wearing. "Uh....didn’t see you at the Bronze last night."

"Yeah," Buff, trying her best good little girl act, "I just had so much work to catch up on, you know?"

"Buffy! What’s with the leather?"

"Xander!" Willow cautioned, shocked, okay, not so shocked, at the boy’s insensitivity.

"I’m just trying a new look." Sure, Buff was gonna be the good little christian girl, but she’d be damned if she was caught dead, undead, dead, god damn this was confusing, in pastel colours.

"Yeah, but all over?" Xander asked, oblivious to Willow staring daggers at him.

Buff shrugged, she didn’t need to explain to the insipid simpleton.

"Actually, Xander, it’s a good thing you’re here, I wanted to ask if you had Cordy’s number in LA." Buff asked instead.

"Uh....sure. Why?"

"Uh....you know, just wanted to say hi. It’s been so long since I’ve spoken to her." Buff tried at playing it casual.

"Um...sure. I’ll give it to you later."

"Okay, thanks." And with that Buff once again stalked away, leaving a path of slack-jawed undergrads in her wake.

One in particular found the courage to follow her.

"Hi," he said awkwardly, "Um, I’m kinda new here, do you know where the Admin Office is?"

"Sure. I could take you there if you want." This could prove interesting. "What’s your name?"


"You think she wants to know about Angel?"

"Xander, where’ve you been the last few years? Of course that’s what she wants. It’s never going to stop being him."

"But.....she seems so-"

"Xander give up! You never change do you? She’s never gonna stop wanting him.....no matter what happens."

* * * * *

"Giles, what the hell is going on here?"

"W-well it would seem to me that what happened is quite unlike the incident with Willow."

"What do you mean?" Willow asked, concerned.

"Well, it’s obvious that you’re a vampire, but you have your soul. Perhaps your soul was taken from your universe and the demon has taken over your body."

"So you mean that that demon is walking around in my body WITHOUT ANY WEAKNESSES? MY GOD! WILLOW AND XANDER ARE AS GOOD AS DEAD!"

"Buffy, calm down. I know you are worried about them, but there is nothing we can do about it. I would much rather turn our attention to the problem at hand."

"What?" Buffy asked, irritated, just as her stomach growled.

"I think that encapsulates everything I was about to say."

Buffy was frantic "What am I going to do? Oh, I have to drink blood now, don’t I? Ew! Oh God, I can’t do this, I can’t. I’d rather starve to death, I can’t."

"Buffy, please, I know this is difficult for you to accept-"

"Difficult?! Giles! Blood!" Buffy whined.

"But I must point out that the body that you are now inhabiting has already taken blood into its system."

Buffy is speechless. "Ew." She paused, trying to let the unsettling news....settle. "So what comes now? What can I do?"

"I’ve called Angel." Giles softly reveals.


"He’s on his way."

"Giles, I don’t want him to see me like. I’m a-a monster, oh god, I feel so disgusting, I-"

"Buffy, take a step back for a second and listen to what you’re saying." Willow reminds her softly. "This is exactly why he left you."

"Oh God. Oh God, you’re right." Buffy cried quietly "He must’ve felt so horrible, and I treated him so-so-" Buffy broke down and Willow gathered her in her arms, trying to calm the girl.

Angel ran from his car to Giles’ porch, the sun was killing him, literally. He crashed through the unlocked door and hurriedly closed it behind him and breathlessly faced the group. <


"Angel." Buffy smiled sadly as she approached her love and warmly, well, as warmly as she now could, drew him into an embrace.

Angel, ever ready to protect his little slayer without a question, enveloped her within his arms. He felt her silently shudder with the sobs that wracked her body. He wanted to ward them away, for her to never feel this way again.

Looking over the top of Buffy’s head as her tears soaked his shirt, he turned to Giles.

"Giles how did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me that she had become a vampire?"

Giles was quite flabbergasted. "How did you know this?”

"She’s cold. And she obviously has her soul, which means you must have performed the ritual of the curse. Why wasn’t I here for all of that? Why didn’t you let me help her through it?"

Angel was becoming angry and Buffy could feel the blood raging inside him. She looked up and said to him gently, "Angel, sit down. We got some ‘splainin’ to do."

* * * * *

Angel was sitting with his head in his hands while Kate was pacing around his apartment trying to get him to see her way.

"Angel, come on, I don’t get you. One minute you’re kissing me and the next-"

"I was kissing you?! Hold on a minute! You were kissing me! It was never reciprocated."

Buff had been listening from the other side of the door, quickly forming her own opinion.

"Yeah right, Angel,"

Exactly, thought Buff, didn’t look like that from where I was standing.

"You were all over me."

"All over you?!" Angel was starting to become annoyed, “What the hell are you.....Listen Kate, you kissed me, granted, but regardless, you have to realise that I feel nothing for you."


"No, this is the way it is. I don’t love you. I can’t. I’m sorry. And I know it’s unfair, but I can’t give you my heart. It’s not mine to give.”


So maybe he won’t be punished after all, Buff thought. Well......not too much.

"Yeah, Buffy. It’s always been her. It’s always gonna be her. I thought you knew that."

"But she’s not here now. She’s not the here and now. We are. You told her to move on. Why can’t you?"

That girl’s knee caps are gone! Buff, already planned Kate’s death.

"No, Kate, I can’t. I’d be lying to myself if I said that I could be with you, to love you. I’d be lying to you."

"Angel, please" Kate was getting desperate now, "Can’t you just forget about her? Just pretend you never met her-?"

"Kate," Angel said sadly, with a finality, "I could never do that. I could never forget the impact she’s had on my life. I could never forget the first time we met. The way I could forget everything else but her when I’m around her. The way she made me smile....laugh-"

"You never smile."

Angel shrugged. "She has that effect on me. I’ll never forget her, no matter what happens. Without her, there is no me. I define myself in her."

Kate stood there, letting the situation sink in, while Buff was practically jumping at how easy this all would be.

"You really do love her don’t you?"

"With everything within me."

"Friends?" Kate asked as she offered her hand to Angel.

"Friends." Angel accepted. "Walk you home?"

"No. I think it’s better if-"

"Come on, Kate. Friends can do this. Friends make sure they get home safely."

Damnit thought Buff, Oh well, just have to kill her later.

"Okay that’d be nice."

"I’ll just grab my coat."

Angel thought it better this way and thanked God that he wouldn’t have to repent breaking this woman’s heart.

"Well, you broke Buffy’s didn’t you?" Angel’s demon reminded him. "God, you make her love you then poof see ya later toots! Hell, you’re worse than me!"

Angel shook it off as he entered his apartment and put his coat away. He’d be glad just to get a wink of sleep without that damn voice creeping into his head.

He went blindly to the bed without turning the lights on. He took off his shirt and let himself sink down to the bed.


He jumped. It couldn’t be her. It had been four months without a word from her. She couldn’t be here. Yet he couldn’t deny it. That timid little voice hidden behind so much strength. It was his slayer.


* * * * *

Night had fallen and Angel and Buffy were seated on the couch in the mansion.

Buffy was seated in Angel’s lap and playing with his shirt sleeve.

"Buffy, honey, as much as I’d love to stay this way forever, we have something to take care of."

"What?" Buffy asked innocently.

Angel playfully put his head to her stomach as Buffy laughed and smacked him gently on the shoulder.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, my love, you do."

Angel got up to bring his own supply to her, but she shook her head.

"Angel, please, I don’t want to. It’s just too weird. I mean first the whole alternate universe thing, and now this. Angel I just can’t."

"Okay." Angel nodded, though not without a plan.

* * * * *

"Angel, oh Angel I’m so scared!" Buff cried as she flung herself to his bare chest.

"Buffy? Oh baby, what’s wrong?" Angel asked, worried. What could cause his brave little slayer’s resolve to break this way?

"Angel, it was so horrible. There was this guy, Parker. He just seemed like such a nice guy. So we were at the Bronze with Will and Xand and was gonna go out to patrol when he pulled me into an alley and he-he-"

Buff was quite impressed with her performance. Faith definitely was the world’s second best actor.

Angel hung his head in shame. He had done this to her. He had left her. He had told her to find someone new.

"God, Angel, you’re so ashamed of me , you can’t even look at me!" Buff sobbed as she got up and hid in a corner.

"Baby I’m not, please, I just feel so angry at this guy. But mostly at me. I’m so sorry, Buffy, I should have never left."

"No, you shouldn’t of." Buff pouted petulantly.

"Buffy," Angel got up and placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. "I’m so sorry. I love you so much."


"Never doubt it."

"Then why did you leave?" Buff asked in a small voice.

"Because I’m a stupid, stupid man."

Buffy nodded in agreement.

"Kiss me?"

"Try and stop me."

* * * * *

"Angel, I’m worried about Will and Xand. And my Mom and Giles."

"Buffy, they’ve known you were a vampire for a week, I don’t think they mind now."

"No, Angel, I mean from my universe. What’s she gonna do to them? Oh God, I don’t even want to think about. They know nothing about her, they won’t know-"

"Buffy, baby, ssh. They fared well against her here didn’t they? They’ll be fine, I promise. We’ll find a way to get back to them if we have to.”

"But, Angel, I’m just so scared that we’ll be too late, that they’ll be gone before we get there. What if sh-"

Angel silenced her with a kiss. Tentative at first, but was drawn out to be deep and tender, neither needing to stop to breathe.

Finally though, Angel did let up, placing his forehead on hers and looking deeply into her eyes.

"Wow" Buffy whispered. "Could definitely get used to that.”

Angel grinned as he went back to his task. He lingered on her lips for a while before trailing down her neck as he gently sucked on her pulse point.

"Oh God," came out of the breath Buffy didn’t know she was holding. As a vampire, she had heightened nerves around her neck and was finding what Angel was doing extremely erotic.

Angel started to move lower, toward her clavicle when Buffy realised what was happening.

"Angel, honey, we gotta," Buffy stopped short as he gently started to undo each of the buttons on her shirt and explore each part of her newly exposed skin with his tongue. Buffy let out a shuddering breath and reluctantly continued, "Angel we gotta stop. You’ll lose your soul."

He shook his head against her stomach as his muffled voice answered. "Can’t."

"What?" Buffy asked, quickly bringing head to her level. “Y-you can’t lose your soul?"

Again he shook his head, keeping his eyes lowered.


"Doyle told me. Something about the Powers That Be.”

Buffy smiled widely. "Remind me to kiss that man a million times."

"You’re not angry?"

"Angel, things are so different now. Yesterday I was the slayer, today I’m a vampire. They mightn’t of turned me. I could’ve been dead, but I’m not. Instead I’m here, with you, soul and all. Angel, there’s no point in being angry now, it’d just be a waste of time, cause we both know that one way or another, we’re going to end up together. Angel, I love you, forever, no matter what happens."

Angel had tears in his eyes. "I love you too."

"Well you better, mister. You’re stuck with me for an eternity."

"All mine." Angel smiled as he wrapped her up in an embrace.

"All yours." Buffy replies as she playfully nipped at his bottom lip. "Angel?"


"Let’s go to bed."

* * * * *

Buff was lying on top of Angel, her mouth hungrily suckling his, her hands touching him everywhere at once.

"Buffy," Angel reluctantly broke away, "Maybe-"

His sentence was lost as her fingers had found the zipper to his pants and had already begun to work them down his legs.

And her hot little mouth had started to engulf him.


He lost all train of thought as her blonde little head started bopping up and down to the tune which she hummed in the back of her throat.

Angel dragged her back up, not wanting to come in her mouth and rid her of her tank top. He kissed her deeply as his hands pulled her skirt down and tossed all garments to the floor.

Unable to wait any longer, Angel poised himself at the mouth of her entrance. "Buffy I-"

Buff arched her hips off the bed in an attempt to hurry proceedings along. She wanted Angelus to come out and play, and she could hear him just below the surface, rejoicing at his inevitable arrival.

Angel was now embedded deeply into her flesh as she flipped them over with her slayer strength and started to ride him.

Angel was too lost within the feeling of her velvety warmth covering him to notice her new-found brashness. Her opening tightly gripped him as she ground herself up and down his length at an urgent pace. He hissed at her heat and arched off the bed to meet her thrusts.

Buff could tell from Angel’s contorted face of his impending orgasm and guided his hand to her engorged clit.

Together they worked themselves toward a blinding orgasm, riding out the wave that never seemed to end, they slowly lowered themselved back down to earth.

Angel gathered Buff to his chest, checking over the top of her head that his stake was still on the top of his bed-side table. The night would not be long enough.


Angelus woke with a gasp as he turned to see a startled Buff beside him. "Oh God it’s good to be back."

"Yes, lover," Buff replied, stroking the ridges that were forming on his face. "It certainly is."

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