
RATING: NC-17. Sex, swearing, but mostly just the sex.
FEEDBACK: like a vamp needs blood.... Bulletproof
TIMELINE: Veers off after Surprise.
SPOILERS: Up til season 2.
SUMMARY: Take B/A(us) in the second season and just add sex.
DISTRIBUTION: Knock yourself out.....not literally though.
DISCLAIMER: Think, people, if I were Joss, I don’t think I’d be writing fic.
AUTHOR’S NOTES: I’m just gonna assume that we’ve all seen the episode and skip some bits while twisting other bits for good......not evil : ) Oh, and Spike ain’t in a damn wheelchair.


Drusilla crawled closer and whispered intimately into Angelus’ ear. "Psst. We're going to destroy the world. Want to come?"

Angelus had been thinking before coming to confront his two children. Buffy was the strongest Slayer that he had seen within his 243 years of life and un-life combined. And as things stood, he had her under his thumb. Things could not be better.

"Yeah. Destroying the world. Great. I'm really more interested in the Slayer."

"Well, she's in the world, so that should work out." Spike reasoned, not fully understanding his sire’s intentions.

Angelus took Spike’s misunderstanding in stride. Sure, he was his childe, but the bleached blonde had always annoyed him, challenged him. That’s why he had turned him. He would let Spike think whatever the hell he wanted. Where Angelus stood, he’d be running the game. "Give me tonight. Hmm?"

"What do you mean?"

Angelus did not want a dead Slayer on his hands. Sure, it’d look great on his tally, but this girl was a keeper, he might even turn her one day. "Lay low for a night. I guarantee you by the time you go public she won't be anything resembling a threat.” Oh he had plans for her, but it had nothing to do with physical scarring.

"You've really got a yen to hurt this girl, haven't you?"

Angelus kept up with the charade. "She made me feel like a human being. That's not the kind of thing you just forgive."

Buffy entered the apartment, tired and worried. She walked over to the bed and saw that it had been made. Evidence of Angel’s presence warmed her heart as she reached for one of his shirts, laid out on the bed.

Angelus stepped behind her and picked up a necklace hanging from a statue, putting it on. The game was about to begin.

Buffy turned around, sensing him behind her and ran to him crying out his abbreviated name.

"Hey!" Angelus was trying his best at loving, really he was.


"Hey." Caring, this time he thought he’d try and throw in caring.

Buffy kissed him and held her quivering form against his hard chest, eliciting a low growl from Angelus which went unnoticed by the Slayer.

"Oh, my God! I was so worried!"

"I didn't mean to frighten you."

"Where did you go?"

"Just went back to the factory to check out the situation. Big Blue is up and mobile. I think they’re going to the mall tonight." Angelus relayed his priviledged knowledge to Buffy, hoping to ruin any of Spike’s plans for the world’s demise. Angelus liked it here. They had food and chainsaws and, well, a very fuckable Slayer.

"Ohhh. Oh, my God! Were you hurt?" She held him at arm’s length and gave him the once over before hugging him again. "I was freaking out! You just disappeared."

"I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t want you to worry."

"But you didn't say anything. You just left. Of course I was going to worry. If anything happened to you-"

"Ssh, Buffy, ssh, I’m here now aren’t I?"

Buffy nodded meekly and succumbed to the circle of his arms. Angelus nuzzled Buffy’s golden hair and began the process of taking advantage of a Slayer that was feeling very, very vulnerable. This was going to be fun.

Angelus pressed tiny, cool kisses gently into her neck and along her collarbone as Buffy struggled to keep a level head.

"Angel, we gotta get back to the others, they’ll be worried."

"Buffy, just let me do this." Angelus snapped, a little more aggressively as he began to unbotton her blouse.

Angelus fell to caressing her breasts with his fingers and tongue and all thoughts of anything outside of this room flew from Buffy’s mind.

He drew her to a frenzy as he ripped all other garments of clothing from her body and his own, and dipped a finger into her core, sensing her readiness.

Angelus carried the Slayer onto the bed and lay her down against the pillows, entering her in game face.

"Angel," Buffy drew in a quick breath, both at the pleasure of being filled with him and fear at his sudden change of demeanour.

Angelus increased the tempo, baring his fangs and lowering his mouth to her neck.

"No." Buffy whimpered helplessly, her body still responding to his in spite of herself.

"Yes, Buff," Angelus answered as he back-handed her, "you’re playing my game now, Slayer."

Angelus gently slid his fangs into her neck as both Slayer and vampire were pulled over into orgasm.

Angelus collapsed on her sated body as he regained his composure. He reached up to touch Buffy’s face.

"Don’t touch me." Buffy jerked back away from the hand that had all too recently hit her. "What the hell are you doing, Angel? I-"

"Uh-uh, Slayer," Angelus answered, chidingly, "Not Angel, Angelus. You set the demon free, Buffy, you gave Nancy Boy his moment of happiness."

"What are you talking about, Angel? I don’t understand you." Buffy sobbed quietly as Angelus quickly got dressed and proceeded towards the door.

Buffy cried out after him in a last ditch attempt. "Angel!" He stops and faces her. "I love you."

Angelus smirked and pointed coolly at her. "Love you, too." He turned away. "I'll call you."

Angelus goes out the door, leaving an extremely confused and distraught Buffy, naked in his bed.


Angelus wasn’t too sure the Slayer quite understood who was coming to town to play. He thought he’d make it clear.

Angelus appeared behind Willow and Xander in research mode and called out their names.

They turn to look at him and he sees the relief that passes over their features

"Angel." Xander says, recognising the vamp.

"Thank God you're okay." Willow smiled at him then became worried. "Did you see Buffy?"

"Yeah. What's up with the lights?"

"I don't know." Xander replied. "Listen, I think I have an idea."

"Forget about that now." Angelus replied, wishing to draw them away. "I... I got something to show you."

"Show us?" Willow asked.

"Yeah. Xander, go get the others."

"Okay." Xander replied before running off.

"And Willow. Come here." Angelus ordered, drawing her further.

Willow walks slowly towards him. "What is it, Angel?"

"It's amazing."

Angelus almost had her before Jenny intruded, wielding a cross, Xander also came to join the party.

"Willow, get away from him." Jenny said, wanting to avoid any danger.

Willow stopped advancing towards Angelus and looked at her. "What?"

"Walk to me." Jenny ordered.

"What are you talking about? It's Ang-" Angelus sneaked up behind the unsuspecting hacker and grabbed her by the throat. Willow yelped as Xander came running through the door from the other hall.

"Don't do that!"

Angelus smirked. "Oh, I think I do that."

"Angel..." Willow said, warily.

"He's not Angel anymore. Are you?" Jenny asked, understanding.

"Wrong. I am Angel." correcting her, tightening his grip around Willow’s neck. "At last!"

"Oh, my God." Xander gasped, letting the full weight of the situation sink in.

"I got a message for Buffy." Angelus snarled, letting the game play once more.

Buffy appeared, from nowhere, behind him. "Why don't you give it to me yourself?"

Angelus spins around with Willow, facing her. She wasn’t meant to be here, but hey he could go for some additional emotional scarring.

"Well, it's not really the kind of message you tell. It sort of involves finding the bodies of all your friends." He replied, further tightening his grip on Willow, yelping again.

"This can't be you." Buffy said, still not wanting to believe.

"Gee, we already covered that subject."

"Angel, there must be some part of you inside that still remembers who you are." Buffy pleaded, hoping to every god she ever heard of that this wasn’t real.

"Dream on, schoolgirl. Your boyfriend is dead. You're all gonna join him."

"Leave Willow alone, and deal with me." Buffy said, wishing to leave Willow out of danger.

"But she's so cute" Angelus replied, reminding Buffy of their earlier encounter, pinching Willow’s cheek, "and helpless. Really a turn-on."

Xander who had been slowly advancing on Angelus, shoved the cross into his face from behind. Angelus reels back and drops Willow who cries out as she falls backward into Xander. Angelus palms Jenny as he backs down the hall. Reaching Buffy, he grabs her by the shoulders as she inhales sharply.

"Things are about to get very interesting."

Angelus kisses her roughly and pushes her against the wall as he backs out the door and all Buffy can do is watch him leave.


"And we're absolutely certain that, that Angel has reverted to his former self?" Giles questioned, back in the library.

"Yeah, uh, we're all certain. Anyone not feeling certain here?" Xander asked, still thinking about the recent turn of events.

"Giles, you wouldn't have believed him. He was so... " Willow faltered, still haunted by the feel of Angelus’ hands around her throat. "He came here to kill us."

"What are we gonna do?" Cordelia asked, also scared.

"I'm leaning towards blind panic myself." Giles remarked uncharacteristically phased.

"Rupert, don't talk like that." Jenny reminded, understanding that he was their support base. "The kids."

"I'm sorry." Giles replied, collecting himself. "It's just that things are bad enough with the Judge here. Angel crossing over to the other side... I-I-I wasn't prepared for that."

"None of us were."

Willow sees Buffy looking down sadly, so unprepared for anything like this.

"Are you okay?"

Buffy shakes her head, carefully avoiding any tears spilling from her eyes.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Buffy shakes her head again. "I should've known. When I........ at the house, he was different. The things he..."

"What things?" Giles asked, intrigued and needing something, anything to help explain Angel’s sudden change.

"It's private."

"But you didn't know he had turned bad?" Jenny asked, curiously.

Willow spoke up. "How did you?"

"What?" Jenny asked, surprised by the question.

"Well, you knew." Willow explained "You told me to get away from him."

"Well, I saw his face." Jenny quickly covered.

"If only we knew how it happened." Giles said to no one in particular as he sat down on the table.

"What do you mean?" Buffy responded. "Well, something set it off. Some, some, uh, event must've triggered his transformation. Well, if anyone would know, Buffy, it-it should be you." Giles offered.

"I don't." Buffy replied quickly.

"Well, did anything happen last night that, that might..."

"Giles, please, I can't." Buffy said hurriedly before running from the library, needing to seperate herself from the current situation.

"Buffy, I'm sorry, but we can't afford to... Buffy!"

"Giles, shut up." Willow said, understanding Buffy’s need to be alone.


"You should've seen her face." Angelus gloated as he sat on a conveyor platform. "It was priceless. I'll never forget it."

"So you didn't kill her then." Spike stated questioningly, still not understanding Angelus’ plan.

"Of course not." Angelus replied, almost as if it were the most obvious thing on earth.

"Now, I know you haven't been in the game for a while, mate, but we still do kill people. Sort of our raison d'etre, you know."

"You don't want to kill her, do you? You want to hurt her. Just like you hurt me."

Ah, another person that just didn’t understand him, but sure, he’d play along.

"Nobody knows me like you do, Dru."

"She'd better not get in our way." Spike replied, feeling slightly jealous of the bond he sensed Dru felt with her sire.

"Don't worry about it." Angelus said confidently, after he was done with her....

"I do." Spike said, unconvinced.

"Spike," Angelus slammed his hand on a crate. "my boy, you really don't get it!" Well, it was true. "Do you? You tried to kill her, but you couldn't. Look at you. You're a wreck! She's stronger than any Slayer you've ever faced. Force won't get it done. You gotta work from the inside. To kill this girl... you have to love her."


Buffy walked into her room and gently closed the door behind her. She takes off her coat as she swings the necklace that Angel had given her when they had first met. She then looks down at the claddagh and pulls it off of her finger and looks at it, bursting into tears as she remembered the bitter- sweetness of that night. Clutching the ring she lies down on her bed and starts crying uncontrollably, crying herself to sleep.

She dreams of the perfect night that they had shared with each other. Her first. Her only. The perfection of tender caresses in heartfelt love, yet untainted by any morning after, augmented with confessions of love.

She opens her eyes in the dream and sees his game face as it had appeared to her in the morning.

The dream takes her to a funeral in bright daylight. Angel walks up to the grave as Buffy looks over at him.

"You have to know what to see." Angel said cryptically.

Buffy looks around and notes the other people attending the funeral, seeing Jenny Calendar lifting a veil from her face.

Buffy woke with a start, eyes open wide, suddenly realizes Jenny has something to do with this.


Buffy marched into Ms. Calendar’s classroom, bypassed Giles and shoved Jenny back against her desk by the throat.

"What do you know?!" Buffy asked, again ignoring Giles.

The students left, again unnoticed by Buffy, as she continued to grill Jenny.

"Did you do it? Did you change him?"

She let go of Jenny’s throat as Giles again entreated her to calm down.

"Did you know this was gonna happen?"

Giles is again ignored as Jenny lets out a painful confession.

"I didn't know... exactly. I was told... Oh, God. I was sent here to watch you. They told me to keep you and Angel apart. They never told me what would happen."

"Jenny!" Giles exclaimed, suddenly unsure of who the woman of his affections was.

"I'm sorry, Rupert." Jenny explained. "Angel was supposed to pay for what he did to my people."

"And me?" Buffy jumped in. "What was I supposed to be paying for?"

"I didn't know what would happen until after. I swear I would've told you." Jenny said, apologetically.

"So it was me. I did it." Buffy said, suddenly facing reality.

"I think so." Jenny conceded. "I mean, if you-"

"I don't understand." Giles said, demanding an explanation.

"The curse." Jenny took a step back for his sake. "If Angel achieved true happiness, even just a moment of... He would lose his soul."

"W-w-w-h-h-how do you know you were responsible f-for..." Giles stammered, still unable to grasp the situation.

Buffy gives him a look as Giles understands.

"If there is anything that-" Jenny offered.

"Curse him again." Buffy said hurriedly.

"No, I-I can't. I mean, those magicks are long lost even to my people."

"You did it once. It might not be too late to save him."

"It can't be done. I can't help you."

"Then take me to someone who can."


WAS IT GOOD FOR YOU TOO, the message, in blood, scrawled across the wall the room Ms Calendar’s uncle was staying in.

"He's doing this deliberately, Buffy. He's trying to make it harder for you." Giles said, trying to extricate Buffy from emotional attatchment.

"He's only making it easier. I know what I have to do." Buffy said, full of empty conviction.


"Kill him."


Spike, Angelus, Dru and the Judge stood at the doorway of the mall, surveying the many, many people that were about to die. One in particular is extinguished by the Judge with a reach of his hand and the shoppers of Sunnydale Mall suddenly realise this ain’t another typical tuesday in Sunnydale.

"Lock the exits, boys." Spike ordered, quickly reverting into game face. "It's all yours."

Buffy and her Slayerettes enter the scene, Buffy giving out specific instructions. "Everybody keep back. Damage control only. Take out any lesser vamps if you can. I'll handle the Smurf."

The Judge continues to dessimate the population of Sunnydale, unaware of a more worthy opponent and her new toy.

A crossbow breaks his concentration as the killing process is stopped. The Judge pulls the bolt out from his chest and glances around.

"Who dares?"

Angelus spies his young lover, crossbow in hand, ready to kill. Oh she was delicious.

"Think I got his attention." Buffy quipped.

"You're a fool." The Judge called out. "No weapon forged can stop me."

"That was then." Buffy lowered her crossbow as Xander hands her the rocket launcher from the box, and she raises it to her shoulder. "This is now."

The vamp trio bolt as the Judge can do little more than be baffled. "What's that do?"

Buffy pulled the trigger and The Judge is blown to pieces.

The Scooby Gang peep over the counter, coming out of hiding and take in the scene.

"Best present ever." Buffy commented as she handed the weapon down to Xander.

"Knew you'd like it."

"Do you think he's dead?" Willow asked, worriedly.

"We can't be sure." Buffy agreed. "Pick up the pieces and keep them separate."

"Pieces? We get the pieces. Our job sucks!" Cordelia’s voice is barely registered by Buffy as she spots Angelus waiting for her, wanting to cause a little more damage.

Buffy runs to the side hall where Angelus was last seen running from. She looks around and is caught by surprise as Angelus catches her in a kiss.

"Nice work, Buff," Angelus smiled against her lips, "couldn’t have done more damage myself."

Angelus presses her against a nearby wall, effectively trapping the Slayer. Taking her by the shoulder, he kisses her roughly again before breaking off with a growl of lust.

"We could do more together though." Angelus breaks into game face and presses closely to her. "What do you say?"

Buffy pushes him off of her and punches him in the face.

Recovering and with blood on his lips, Angelus gets right back up. "No? Aw Buff, you don’t have to answer right now." He backhands her as she falls to the floor. "I’m sure I can get you around to my way of thinking" He kicks her in the gut while she’s down. He crouches down and looks at her with mock concern. "Even if I have to kill you."

She leaps up and kicks him in the face. "I will kill you before I let you touch me."

Angelus gave a bloody grin as he lunges at her and tackles them both to the ground. "You know, Buffy, I was gonna bring you round gently." Buffy squirms beneath him, but she’s effectively pinned down. "You know, wine, candles... but hey! If the Slayer likes it rough," He kisses her with his fangs in play, getting a taste of the delicious concoction of their blood mixed together, "I’m only happy to oblige." Angelus got up off of her and kicked her again before heading for the doorway, leaving her sprawled on the ground. "Be seeing you ‘round, Slayer."


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