
RATING: NC-17 for B/Aus sex.
FEEDBACK: You know the deal. No feedback, no part 3:
TIMELINE: Series veers off after Surprise.
SPOILERS: Season 2.
SUMMARY: What Angelus wants, Angelus gets. It’s all just a matter of how.
DISTRIBUTION: Knock yourself out.......not literally though.
DISCLAIMER: They belong to Joss who should get off their backs and give them a break.
AUTHOR’S NOTES: I’m twisting the story so there is no B/X hugging shudder. Sorry, but I think it’s the most unnatural thing in the world and if you don’t agree, I don’t want to hear about it.


"I don’t want to be the only girl in school without a real boyfriend."

Buffy looked down as Willow mindlessly rambled about her burgeoning relationship with Oz. Gee, it wasn’t enough that he wasn’t a blood-sucking fiend.....

"Oh, I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't even be talking about... Do you want me to go away?"

"Willow, I-I just......I think I need some time alone." And with that Buffy ran away from her best friend, she who Buffy thought she could confide anything in. But not this. This, this thing with Angelus was driving her crazy. She knew that she should hate him now, that he was one of them, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. She had been so in love with Angel, so perfectly in love, and somehow fate had stepped in again and decided to ruin her life. Now she didn’t know what to feel, didn’t know what to think. She only knew that she couldn’t go to her friends with this. Not Willow, most especially not Xander. They wouldn’t understand. It’d just be plunge and move on, plunge and.....

But she didn’t want to move on. Couldn’t bring herself to. There was so much she had wanted to say to Angel. So much she wanted to experience with him......but now that would never be. Not with his demon in charge.

Buffy sat numbly on her bed, thinking of all these things and more. She became weaker with every passing thought and couldn’t take it anymore, blocking her ears as if somehow that would stop her from thinking any more.

That is, of course, ‘til visions of Angel crept into her head again.

Only this time he was in leather.
And then..... without so much leather.
She had to get out


Angelus found Buffy sitting on a tombstone, impatiently tapping her stake by her thigh, muttering to herself.

"Come on, rise already.......ungrateful bastards......can’t even call to say hi.....just wanna kick your ass.....just a little bit......take my mind off-"

"Been thinking about me lover?" Angelus asked, close to her ear. "Cos I know I’ve been thinking about you."

Buffy pushed him away after her initial shock and stood facing him, stake drawn, though half heartedly, as she tried her best with her Slayer wit. "Well, if it isn’t Mr Got-No-Soul. I don’t believe you’ve been introduced to my stake."

"Uh, not tonight, Buff." Angelus smirked as he stalked towards her like a predatory cat, graceful and sleek, his movements mesmerising her, unable to do anything but stand there as he sidled up beside her. "I was thinking of getting intimate," Angelus punctuated his remark by pressing his rock hard erection into Buffy’s thigh as she gasped. "with old aquaintances."

Buffy drew in a ragged breath as she turned to face him. "What do you want from me?"

Angelus pressed himself closer as Buffy felt a rush of moisture flood her core. Angelus dipped his head and breathed in the scent of her arousal. "Obviously the same thing you want from me."

Buffy blushed and turned away, needing to get away from his penetrating eyes.

Angelus grabbed her, surprisingly gently, by the shoulders. His fingers trailed leisurely past her shoulders, tracing her collarbone and then stroking her cheek as she weakened under his smouldering gaze. "That’s right, baby. Just give in. We would be so good together."

He leaned in, closing his eyes, savouring her taste as he gently nipped at her lips. His tongue tentatively reached out and skimmed her lower lip before she fell into his waiting arms and opened herself up to him.

Angelus took this opportunity to plunder her mouth, Buffy all too soon receiving the tang of blood fresh from his tongue, bringing her back to reality.

Buffy pulled away as she ungracefully spat out the unsavoury taste.

"Christ’s sake, Buff, I don’t get it." Angelus swore, throwing his arms up in the air. "You were always good and ready for Nancy Boy. What does he have that I don’t? Huh? I got his hands, his mouth, his co-"

"You don’t have his soul." Buffy interrupted, in a clear, even tone. "And you’ll never have me."

Angelus shouted at her retreating form. "Oh, but I will soon. Now we just gotta do it my way."


Buffy and Xander were visiting one of Sunnydale’s many funeral homes. A werewolf had been spotted in the streets of Sunnydale and reports had followed of a girl who had been possibly mauled by animals.

"Vampire." Buffy stated as she checked Theresa’s neck.

"So that's good, right? I mean in the sense of the werewolf didn't get her, and..." Xander stopped short as Buffy shot him a look. "No. There is no good here."

"No good. Instead of not protecting Theresa from the werewolf, I was able to not protect her from something just as bad." Buffy busied herself with the guest register, not even daring to think of the possibility that this was the result the tryst that had left Angelus very pissed. "She had a lot of friends."

"Buffy, you can't blame yourself for every death that happens in Sunnydale. If it weren't for you people'd be lined up five deep waitin' to get themselves buried. Willow would be Robbie the Robot's love slave, I wouldn't even have a head," Xander looked into the coffin. "and Theresa's a vampire."

Theresa sat up, growling when she saw Xander and Buffy. Buffy lunges at the fledgling, Theresa throwing her down instead. Theresa dove after Buffy, Buffy managing to wrestle her to the floor, reaching for a nearby wooden wreath stand and breaking off its leg. Buffy raised the makeshift stake, about to thrust it into Theresa’s heart when she was interrupted.

"Angel sends his love."

Buffy hesitated, Theresa using the opportunity to send the stake flying. She was able to pin Buffy to the ground while Xander stakes her with another wreath stand from behind.

Buffy looked away distantly, murmuring to herself as she stood on shaky legs. "Angel."

"Are you okay?" Xander asked, concerned, reaching for her.

Buffy flinched away, shaking her head emphatically. "This isn't happening. This- it just can’t be-"

"Don't let him get to you. He's not the same guy you knew."

Buffy took some calming breaths, completely ignoring Xander. And it all became clear. Fuck him if he thought he could get away with this shit. She was the Slayer God damnit, not some helpless pawn of his.

Xander could see the Slayer gradually working herself up in a silent, seething rage. He took a few steps back, knowing that any closer, and he’d be a dead man.

Buffy hurriedly grabbed her backpack as she rushed towards the door.

"Buff, where are you-"

"Oh." Buffy turned back suddenly. "Umm, Xander, tell the others about Theresa. I’ve, uh, I’ve got some things to take care of."


Buffy stalked the cemetary she had last met Angelus in. She could feel his eyes on her, staking her out.

"Come out, Angelus, I know you’re here."

"Hello lover." Angelus revealed himself in front of her, dressed in his usual leather pants and blood red shirt hidden under his long duster.

"Stay. Away. From my friends." Buffy spelt it out for him, eyes warily watching him as looked down at his hands indifferently.

"Hey. I tried to warn you, but you were the one who walked away. You’re the one who left us both unsatisfied."

"Could you get over yourself for a second-"

"Shut up, Buff. I know you still want me. I hear you calling out my name in your sleep. Yeah, that’s right, I watch you baby, just like Nancy Boy used to." Angelus grinned at the Slayer’s obvious discomfort at this revelation. "Hell, I can smell you right now."

Buffy collected herself as she held a smirk of her own. "Must be hard, Angelus. Demon like you with a crush on the Slayer."

Angelus let out a bark of laughter. "It’s all about the power, Buffy. You and me, babe, we could have it all. We could rule this world."

Buffy snickered in response to this. "Oh yeah, I’m just jumping with joy at the prospect of being demon queen."

"OK, then fine, forget that for a second. You gotta admit the sex was pretty good."

Buffy steeled herself over. "That was Angel. I made love to Angel."

"Yeah, but it was me in the morning, babe, and you still came. Hard, as I recall."

"Yeah, whatever, if you want to delude your-"

"If you deny me once more, someone else is going to die." Buffy stopped short as she stared at him with first horror, then anger in her eyes.

"You wouldn’t." "Theresa screamed, when she died. She begged. There is no space for delusions, Buffy. Not if you want a complete set of the Scooby Gang."

"Go to hell."

Angelus caught her in an upper cut that sent her flying to the ground, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. She propped herself up on her elbows, glaring at him with hatred as he squatted down beside her.

"I don’t want to hurt you, baby." He said as he trailed his finger across her chin, cleaning the blood from it and bringing it to his mouth. "You just make it so hard for me. This could all be so easy if you just let me take care of things."

Buffy looked at him in contempt as she raised a knee to his groin, sending him stumbling as she ran from the scene, tears streaking her face.

"Buff," Angelus warned, "you’re just making it harder for yourself."


Buffy lay crying in her bed, crying at how futile it all was. People were dying and she was denying her body of everything that it screamed for. It wanted its mate. And it recognised him, with or without soul. "Why can’t he just leave us alone?"

Buffy sobbed, curled up above the covers as she fell asleep, dreaming of her demon lover.

Angelus watched from the window, smirking as she called his name. Sure, it wasn’t his name, but it was close enough. He climbed in through her window as noiselessly as possible while she lay writhing on her bed, hips arching in silent invitation to his body.

And Angelus was never one to refuse an invitation.

Angelus hovered above the length of her body, placing soft, gentle kisses across her face, keeping under the guise of the man in her dreams.

Buffy turned towards him, eyes still closed, reaching out for him with a slight whimper. Angelus slowly lowered his body to rest against hers, Buffy moaning at the delicious weight above her as she draped her arms around his neck, pressing into a kiss.

The Slayer kissed him hungrily, urgently, sweeping her hands across his back as Angelus moved to remove the hindrances of clothing from both of their bodies.

Angelus dipped his head to her neck and softly kissed her jugular as he gently entered her. He paused deep within her as he watched her face for any signs of her waking. Buffy simply arched her hips off the bed as she scrunched her eyes, feeling him deeper inside her. Angelus began moving, sliding in and out of her scalding heat as she mewled against him, helpless against his onslaught, still under the veil of sleep.

As Angelus felt himself approaching the edge, he pumped into her, harder, faster, leaving her breathless and panting his name. He gently slipped his fangs into her waiting neck as they both spilled over into orgasm. Buffy, sated, fell limp against the bed, burrowing her head into her pillow as she whispered softly, "I love you Angel."

Angelus' cold, dead heart warmed a little at the sight of his Slayer in the arms of sleep. He tucked her in and gently kissed her forehead, all the while an annoying voice in his head, rejoicing in the fact that this was as close to Buffy as he was ever going to get.

He started to move away as a glint of metal shone in the moonlight from her nightstand. It was their wedding ring.


Buffy woke that morning from the most vivid, most erotic dream she’d had in her life. Naked. Her clothes were folded neatly on her chair, a blood red rose sitting on top of the pile. She looked away, confused, as she raised her hand to work away the kinks in her neck. And her claddagh ring came into contact with the bite marks on her neck.


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