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Structure of BASU: 


* President
* Treasurer
Convenor of Different Committee (welcome/farewell and other programs)

* Members

 Who will be the President?


President will be elected/selected by BASU members. The present tradition is 'selecting from D2 students'. If there is no eligible and suitable candidate found, BASU members will select from others.

 Who will be the Treasurer?

Treasurer will be elected/selected by BASU members. The present tradition is 'selecting from Master students'. If there is no eligible and suitable candidate found, BASU members will select from others.


The duration of President & Treasurer will be 6 months (each semester).

President (October 
1, 2015 ~ March 30, 2016

Muhammad Abdullah Al Mamun

PhD Student (D2)

Treasurer (October 1, 2015 ~ March 30, 2016

Syed Mumun R Rashid

Master Student (M2)


In the general meeting on 28th March, 2015, decision was taken to keep moderator name hidden. All communications regarding moderation of personal info or web info should be done to President. President will either select any  moderator or do it by himself.

Shamim Al Mamun till now

Ordinance of BASU:


Ordinance proposed on September 2010

The responsibilities of President, Moderator and committees, working procedures of BASU and related issues are defined by this ordinance.