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The Mysteron Complex Retrometabolised

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Mysterons and Spectrum Agents



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Twisted songs!

Interesting site.  Thunderbird stuff as well as some, um, interesting pictures!
Site run by one of my AMs, Jo. Includes stuff for those of you who have a thing for big cats and marine mammals.
Site run by Kick-Assity Angel. Loads of Fanfic written by the creator.

Carlton's Thunderbirds site. Monthly competitions, loads to do and stuff to download

I thought you'd like to see this as I know a lot of you who came here from Thunderbirds World have something against him!
Run by Lieutenant Amythyst (Eleanor). Pages of information on the species to do with care etc as well as pictures.

Joey-Wan's Jedi Academy
Still in the making at the moment, but knowing the owner (our Kick-Assity Angel) it's bound to be great!

The best filing cabinet site on the web for Thunderbirds stories gathered form all over!
A great site run by Kick-Assity Angel, based on a Playstation Game (Ok, I've failed! I need reminding which game!! )
Another game site by Kick-Assity Angel, based on a game called The King of Fighters

Shockwave: Diamond Mine
A little game my brother helped me to find, so simple, yet soooo addictive!!

This is the place I found a load of cool fonts which I've been using the spice up pages. Check out the 'alcohole' one, you'll find it here on the Spectrum/Mysteron page. Also used here are 'Night Sky' and 'Digital Readout'

Hey, guess which house I was sorted into! Give you a clue, the red and gold one on the left! Fancy being sorted too? Why not go along, they also have an end of year exam for each of the years so far (so all four books to date). But why do I get the feeling that the Mysterons who try out will be sorted into...


One of my favourite sites! There's loads to do, including, for all you fans out there, a downloadable desktop owl who'll bring you messages about the Wizarding World! So why not get sorted here and enjoy all it offers!






 The Mysteron Complex Retrometabolised - Meet the members

Mysterons and Spectrum Agents - Gallery - Characters - The Mysterons - Technologies -

The Complex - Dates - Memorable dates of the month -

Related Links - Unrelated links - Fan Fiction - Episodes - Mysteron Files - Spectrum Personnel - Downloads - PHOTO DIARY





Our Complex on MSN - Comm link - Forum FanFic - Officers' Lounge

Downloads - Twisted songs!






Copyright (c) of all trademark material "Supermationation", "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons", and all other series titles, and all their characters, vehicles, craft, etc. owned by ITC POLYGRAM, CARLTON, unless otherwise mentioned. Information of the series mentioned on this site are all been taken from copyright (c) materials, and we acknowledge the properties to their rightful owners.  No money is being made on this site by its owners.