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Book Analysis and Thoughts

First off, I must mention that I was already a fan of the series before I read these three books, having read every book in the Diversity Alliance series; which came after the Shadow Academy story arc. It was a great pleasure to find out the origins of the characters and read about their very first real adventure together. The series itself is a very good read for those looking to delve into a group of connected books instead of just one. Each of the novels is also only about 220 pages, so reading them all won't take much time for veteran readers. Although I do prefer the future books when compared to these, the three books I read during silent reading are great sci-fi novels for fans and non-fans alike looking for an escape into adventure.

Continue to find out my thoughts on each book...

Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights
From the mind of mee...

Heirs of the Force

Rating: ** (out of 5)

Being the very first book in the series, it's almost ironic that this was the last book that I read during silent reading out of the three. That being said, the fact that I read the first book last is probably the reason that I liked it the least. Compared to the branching and exciting plots of the other two, reading this book was boring and unentertaining. The adventure is very scaled down in this novel, and if it were a story by itself then I would not recommend it. But the fact that it is the beginning of a saga redeems it somewhat.

Don't get me wrong, there are good points though. Being a fan of the series, it was nice to finally read the true introductions of the characters, and see how they first met. The first few chapters, which center around the twins and how they met Lowbacca, are lively and really fleshes each character out. But as the book goes on, the chapters seem to drag, and it was almost as if a story that could be told in a small number of chapters was being stretched into an entire book. It seemed to me like the authors knew this was going to the first book of many, and did not want to take the characters to the limit (as far as traveling and adversaries go) as of yet. I think this philosophy was a huge mistake.

Instead of developing the characters through a slow, detailed approach, the authors should have made the first book more exciting and feature more action. It's a shame that this book only has one 'real' enemy, Qorl, and at points in the novel we would even feel sympathy for him. The authors also missed their chance to create the 'set-up effect'. No mention of future struggles or hints of things to come are clearly given.

Complaints aside, this book is a good read for those looking to get into the series for the first time, but for people looking for action and suspense, look to the books further along in the series.

-great introduction of the main characters
-detailed character descriptions

-very slow pace, little suspense
-sub-par action sequences
-only one antagonist

Shadow Academy

Rating: **** (out of 5)

The second novel can truly be considered as the 'sequel' to the first novel. Although it follows the same formula of the first (a few of the young Jedi Knights are captured, while the others must find a way to rescue them), every thing else is bigger, better, and more exciting. The group of Dark Jedi, who are the main antagonists in the series, are finally introduced, and the action heats up as the young Jedi are put into their most life threatening and exciting adventure yet.

I liked this novel a lot, it was easy to get into, and the story portrayed a sense of urgency that almost forces the reader to keep reading. I believe that this is the book where the authors truly came into their own. The characters are less cardboard than in the first, and exhibit much more varied personalities and seem much more vulnerable. The other good feature of the story is that is is much darker and tense than its predecessor. The enemies are truly evil and put the young Jedi Knights through a series of challenges that torture and humiliate them. One particular sequence that stood out was the lightsaber hologram scene. When the holo-costumes vanish and Jacen and Jaina realize that they had been fighting themselves, the reader can almost feel the pain and remorse within them.

Out of the three books, Shadow Academy is the darkest, deepest, and most suspenseful. It will take you to the farthest reaches of the galaxy and back, leaving you begging for more. Definitely recommended.

-darker, branching and tense plot
-fleshed out heroes and enemies
-good balance of character and action

-story tends to drag in the middle
-finale may seem too short

Jedi Under Siege

Rating: ***** (out of 5)

The last book in the series, this one is truly an epic read. Assuming that the reader is aware of the main characters and their previous adventures, the story wastes no time in kicking the action into high-gear. This is the one all the other books in the series have been building up to, the final confrontation between the Jedi Academy and the Shadow Academy.

The entire novel is pretty much a one non-stop battle, broken up into individual conflicts and duels. The fact that the characters spend more time fighting than they do talking may turn some readers away, but I found it enjoyable. The other great thing about the book is that it ties up all of the loose ends and sub-plots from the previous five volumes, tying all of the past books into one very satisfying resolution. The authors also did a very good job of balancing each of the main characters' place in the story. Each of them gets an ample amount of pages and each has their own unique sub-plot and/or enemy to fight.

The authors also did a commendable job in creating the atmosphere of an epic battle and their descriptions of the events cause the story to spring to life in the reader's hands. One memorable scene features not one of the young Jedi Knights but a never-before-seen character. The authors' elegant way of describing the thoughts of the tree-like Jedi student and the way in which it disposes of its enemies stands out above the other massive fights in the story.

The one problem with the book is that people new to the series will find the characters, their motives, and the events unfolding somewhat confusing. Perhaps this will inspire them to read the earlier books to find out what happened leading up to the battle, but it is still a problem nonetheless. Otherwise, whether read first or last, this is a great book, masterfully written, and an exciting finish to the Shadow Academy series.

-incredible action that never quits
-detailed battle descriptions
-a satisfying end to the series

-bad for newcomers
-not enough character development

Overall Series Rating: ***** (out of 5)

Although when considering the individual books, some may stand out as being better than the others, the series as a whole is top notch. When read together, regardless of the order, these books will take the reader on a series of amazing advantures to the farthest reaches of space. Personally the Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights series of novels is one of my favourites, because the authors have put together a group of likeable characters, each with their own unique personalities. Overall, no one should hesitate to pick up a book (or two... or three...) from the series.

Thoughts On... My Thoughts
I believe that my thoughts on the books above were very different when I initially read them than the thoughts that I have written on this page. I think that a book, much like a movie, should not be judged by the first time through, but the second. After going back and reading through these books again, I noticed particular details and other little things that I may not have noticed before. As well, when I examined the series as a whole, and how they connected, my opinion of each book rose.

Continue to the next page to explore the books as a series...

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