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Scars on My Soul

Picture by Bent

Part 1 Part 8 Part 15
Part 2 Part 9 Part 16
Part 3 Part 10 Part 17
Part 4 Part 11 Part 18
Part 5 Part 12 Part 19
Part 6 Part 13 Part 20
Part 7 Part 14 Part 21

Summary: Buffy has died fighting Glory and saving Dawn, leaving behind grieving friends and loved ones...especially Angel, who isn't sure he can live without her. What does Angel do now? Carry on with the fight, as he promised her he would. But when Wolfram & Hart bring Buffy back, what are the consequences? And for the gang in Sunnydale, what about them? When Willow tries to bring her best friend back form Glory's Hell dimension, what happens then? Where do Faith, Spike, Cordelia, and Connor come into play? What of Angelus, how is he taking the death of the only being in the world he's ever loved? How do Angel and Angelus cope without Buffy? And Buffy...what about her? Angel-centric.

WARNING: No, there's nothing horrible here, but my own EXTREME take on Seasons 6 from Buffy and 3/4 from Angel. I mean really extreme, like X-tream plot rearranging. What can I say, I like my version better. *G*

Feedback is always nice.

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