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Monthly Message

July 9 2002!!!

Yes, Tis true!!! I'm going to see Cats live for the second time!!! Go check out the link to Vannycats.

I can't wait, as it's not only to see Cats but to my first cossy meet!

July 2002:Ok.. again.. more revamping...Right now I'm working on getting my site in just plain working order. I will soon be taking submissions and stuff like that.. if you wanna send them to me now.. I can keep them on my hard drive.. and eventually get them up. I'm praying I can get this fixed up by the end of the week or something like that.. but with me.. who knows.

Hope you like the reworking.. I'll get a guestbook up for you guys to sign soon enough. Till then.. feel free to chat on the Forum.. I'll actually chat back!

Well that's all the news for now... come back and keep checking the site to see what we have up and running.

See ya

Well well.. new image.. 'bout time huh?? The follow the kitties can still be found elsewhere... and in the graphics section if you want to use it. Just remember to let 'em know where you got it...

Where will this lead us??