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  Copyright 1999-2007. This site is a portfolio of design work, some sections are experiments in progress. Click the buttons around the spinning Earth / Moon to see "Flash" movies. See note below about high speed access. last update 4/26/07.

My website is intended for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Please Note: Some of the following pages require Shockwave-Flash enabled browsers.
High speed access is necessary to properly view multimedia content. Thanks to Angelfire I still have a free website.
Tony's BLOG | AngelfireGoals for this site: I plan to redo the entire thing with more of a marketing theme for various insane project to include Video, style sheets, lots of photography, and links to myspace and you tube if necessary for extra space, add to my blog from time to time, current whims are to plant seedlings for bonsai plants, also to do some stoneware pots for the same. I think it is good to embrace my innar restlessness, and whimsy to by financial gain, who knows maybe use E-bay to sell these marvelous works of art. Tony's Wiki