Just the Facts, Ma'am.
Data we need to send you your script.

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It's a GOOD Life

This information will be used only by FunAntics Theater Scripts and never given out. We must have contact information to complete this transaction. We may contact you to confirm this information.

1. Do you agree to follow the Rules for Ordering "It's a GOOD Life"?
If you agree, type "yes"--> (required)

2. What is your name?

3. What is your email address and/or phone number?

*4. What is the name of the official BUYER who will own the performing rights?
It could be you, another person, or a single theater, church, school or performing group, but NOT a school district or string of businesses or churches. You get the idea.

5. The script will be emailed to you for free. Do you want it printed on paper and mailed for an extra $10?

*6. What is the name of the performance location: theater or school for example, and address, including city, zip code, and country?

7. What is the buyer's phone number, including area code, please. If it is the same as above, type "SAME".

*8. What is the email address to send the script to? or type "Same" if it is same as above

9. What dates do you expect to perform? If you change these dates you need to notify us.

10. What is the your performing organization's website address?

Any feedback or questions? (or email me)

We need payment before sending you the script. Perusal or charity scripts must be requested by telephone.

If you are paying with PayPal,
click the "Submit" button
to go to the PayPal ORDER FORM:

If you are paying by mailing a check,
make check out to Jeannette Jaquish.
[____] $30 for 1st performance
[____] Optional: $6 for Mrs. Fremont's memory that Anthony puts on television, shipping included.

$__________: TOTAL

Print this page, write in the answers and mail to:
Jeannette Jaquish
1423 Louisedale Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
