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Pretend there is a clever animated thing here. It will make the page seem better.

After several months of being prettier, Monkeychild has reverted to the lo-tech, ugly version, due to the extreme slooooooooowness of the slightly more beautiful version. *sigh* Those of you on 56K modems should be grateful. Any suggestions for further change can be emailed to the webmonkey at: this address, or you can sign the guestbook. Which is around here somewhere...

Site Map. Oh, yes...

Random Obi-Fic Generator
Ee-wan - Yay!
Ee-wan pics!
The Dulcet Tones Of Ee-wan
Obi-Wan pictures!
The Rules Of Fanfic
E-cards! Yay!
More Ecards!
Anakin Skywalker - He evil, y'know.
Queen Armadillo of the Naboo - Just cos.
The Queen's Wardrobe.
The Handmaids.
The Church Of Aunt Beru
Ep 1 and what happened in it.
Ep 2 and what won't happen in it.
A Life Less Ordinary
Linkage - so you can escape.
Awards gived to the site.
Awards you can have for your site.
Me - cos I, like other web people, actually think that people care who made the site in real life.
Sign my guestbook or I'll track you down and kill you.
Tell a friend aboot the site.

Hopefully, I will think of other stuff to add at some point. Oh yes.

DISCLAIMER: I am insane. Leave me alone. If I have stole stuff off you then sorry, that's the nature of la internet, and you probably stole it off someone else anyway. However, complaints along those lines, or any other feedback, can be sent here. Very few animals were killed during the making of this website.

Here is a gratuitious picture, to fill space.

I recognise that by reading this I lose all possibilty of eternal salvation. *

*Checkbox "inspired" by Princess.

What the hell are you doing down here? Go back up.