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Custom Work

We love custom work around here. If your youth group, band, or church needs shirts, CD jackets, or skateboard deck designs, drop me a note. If you're not a big company, and you're into Jesus, I'll probably give you a design for about $50. 2-sided shirts, $100 bucks (2x$50)

I built this website by hand. If you're interested in web work, look at a couple of other sites I built:

First Presbyterian Church [ 1st Pres]
Full Sweep Distro [ 1st Pres]

Websites are complicated. I try and charge $50-$100 a page. E-mail me and let me know what you want

I've done more logo work than I can shake a stick at, and I love it. With the help of cafepress, It's incredibly easy to put your logo on most anything, and allow others to order it with no handling by you at all. Ask if you're interested.

copyright 2001 Tucker FitzGerald @ riot.gear graphic design. Ask first or face our stable of well trained ninjas. home. products. designs. ignite. refuge. custom. contact.
