Caretaker | Voyager's first mission takes it a wee bit farther out than expected. | |
Parallax | Janeway promotes B'Elanna for punching Carey in the face. Guest fiver by Admiral Sab! | |
Time and Again | Janeway and Paris blow up a planet, except they don't. | |
Projections | Doc kills Tom and nobody cares. | |
Persistence of Vision | An alien has fun with everybody's brains and enrages the P/Ters of the world for years to come. Guest fiver by Jade! | |
![]() | Janeway gets medieval on Susperia, who deserves it for that silly name. Guest fiver by Jade! | |
Meld | A psycho blows Tuvok's mind. | |
Investigations | Voyager finally gets rid of Tom, but it doesn't take. Neelix gives a traitor his just desserts. | |
Tuvix | Tuvok and Neelix prove that two heads are not better than one. | |
Resolutions | Janeway and Chakotay get down to some monkey business. | |
Sacred Ground | Janeway takes on religion. Religion wins. | |
Blood Fever | P/T* versus V/T. Gee, who's gonna win? | |
Displaced | Voyager gets invaded by the Body Switchers in furtherance of P/T. Guest fiver by Admiral Sab! | |
Scorpion | The Borg learn that futility ain't what it used to be. | |
The Gift | Kes gains the power to warp reality. Seven of Nine demonstrates her power to warp demographics. Guest fiver by J. D. Curran! | |
Day of Honor | B'Elanna and Paris trace their relationship problems to their core. | |
Waking Moments | Seven shows Harry her true feelings. Janeway blows up. | |
Hunters | Harry hones his whining skills as Voyager goes postal. Guest fiver by Hejira! | |
Prey | The Hirogen bite off more than Voyager can chew. | |
Unforgettable | Chakotay learns to forgive and forget. | |
Hope and Fear | Voyager gets a jumpstart, courtesy of one bitter, bitter man. | |
![]() | Seven buys a make-your-own-drone kit. The Borg demand a refund. Guest fiver by Nan the Mysterious Romulan! | |
Timeless | Harry kills everybody, but it's okay because he fixes it later. | |
Counterpoint | Janeway gets the five-year itch. | |
Dark Frontier | Seven defies the monarchy. Voyager re-coils. | |
The Disease | Janeway gets a limited-edition glow-in-the-dark Harry Kim. Guest fiver by Starbase Creative's CaptAnna! | |
Someone to Watch Over Me | Doc and Seven do the Pygmalion thing. Guest fiver by Hejira! | |
Barge of the Dead | B'Elanna discovers the real meaning of Hell: Doc singing Berlioz. | |
Pathfinder | Reg Barclay saves the day. The Admiral Paris Anti-Defamation League scores its first victory. Guest fiver by Gorizo! | |
Tsunkatse | The Rock beats up Seven. Seven beats up Martok. Voyager beats up Weyoun. Don't that beat all? Guest fiver by Benne Holwerda! | |
Ashes to Ashes | Harry has a brush with death. Guest fiver by Jennifer Zawilski! | |
Muse | B'Elanna Torres turns out to be Kate Winslet's secret identity. | |
Fury | Kes vs. Everybody: the grudge match. Guest fiver by J. D. Curran! | |
Unimatrix Zero | Seven blows up her boyfriend's hangout. Janeway, Tuvok, and Torres get a makeover. | |
Imperfection | Seven's battery runs out. | |
Drive | B'Elanna gets mad at Tom, so she marries him. Neelix goes Sportline. | |
Repression | Tuvok blows Chakotay's last shot at the big time. | |
Critical Care | Doc tries to bring down the Hospital of Death. Janeway gets a new boyfriend. | |
Inside Man | The Ferengi decide they won't settle for just one Voyager episode. Troi shows off. | |
Body and Soul | Doc walks a mile in Seven's catsuit. | |
Nightingale | The Kraylor learn why Harry is not a captain. Icheb does the Vorik thing. | |
Flesh and Blood | Rebels, tough guys, and a turncoat Doc. | |
Shattered | Chakotay does the time warp again. | |
![]() | Tom and B'Elanna get the baby blues. | |
Prophecy | Klingons, Klingons everywhere, nor any drop to drink. Guest fiver by Tassia and Ryven! | |
![]() | The crew decide Earth isn't so hot after all. Doc sees red. |
Back to Five-Minute Voyager All material © 2000-2001, Colin Hayman. |