Played by-Nicole Bilderback

She was born in one of the Manticore labs and trained as a weapon.  She escaped in 2009 with eleven others including Max, Tinga, Jondy, and Zack.  She lived in LA until Lydecker's men tracked her down.  Brin moved to Seattle to hide. She called Zack because she needed help.

When she got to the meeting place, she saw Zack walking towards her.  Soon some army vans showed up and the men stunned her and took her to a base.

Brin came over with Progeria, a condition simular to Werner's syndrome.  Zack and Max came to rescue her.  Brin was getting sicker fast and she didn't want to die.  Brin choose to be taken back by Manticore to get the treatment she needed.  She didn't know what Manticore had planned for her.