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Paul Flowers
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The Ratnest

Here it is!  Yet another FAWP.  It seems that I've been trying to put together a web page that makes me happy.  Still haven't managed it.  But I keep trying, because I have no sense of when to quit.  Enjoy, it's been fun putting it together...

2003/1/29 UPDATE:  And you bloody well better cheer, too!  Only three days and already I the ConFusion Pics are up, over at my good buddy Matt Blak's site.  Nudge Nudge, wink wink.

2002/12/5 UPDATE:  Hmmm.  Got some Conclave photos up, and also a funny movie clip

2002/10/14 UPDATE:  Oh my god.  I really need to update this more often

2001/1/29 UPDATE:  Added a new Rant.  Check it out!

2001/2/7 UPDATE:  Please visit Paul's page.

Oh, if you need to email me, click the rat 


trax.gif  Click it, check it out.