I'm a pretty open-minded gal, I'll rarely disagree strongly with anyone...unless they are *really* wrong. ;-) I love all feedback. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Drop me a line, I *promise* I won't bite your head off.

Max deals with the ramifications of another's drastic actions

Elevator Talk
Basically a Max/Kendra fic. Logan is barely in this, but his butt gets mentioned!

Alt U. Max never escaped from Manticore and Logan has a 'different' job. They meet...but do they get along?
Chapter 01    Chapter 02    Chapter 03    Chapter 04    Chapter 05    Chapter 06

Haunting Past, New Beginning
A desperate night leads to complications. Will Max and Zack get through it? (Yes…a Max/Zack pairing…whoo hoo!)
Chapter 01    Chapter 02

Helplessness, Detachment, and Stupidity
Logan and Max have a fight
Chapter 01    Chapter 02    Chapter 03    Chapter 04    Chapter 05

Something Held Her Back
Hesitation can cause unwanted consequences

Waiting For Silence
Zach reflects