Shadowcat (Normal)Shadowcat (Costume)

Real Name: Kathryn "Kitty" Pryde

Mutant Power: Ability to phase through solid objects (if she phases through electronics, she also shorts them out). She has also recently picked up to "hover" on air by using the opposite of this ability.

Voice Actor: Maggie Blue O'Hara

First Appearance: "The X Impulse"

Back Story: Kitty was an only child growing up in an upper-middle class family in the Chicago area when she discovered her powers. Soon afterwards, she met up with another Mutant, Avalanche, before joining the X-Men. Avalanche joined the Brotherhood later, but the two have always shared a rather unique similarity in that they lived in the same general area even before moving to Bayville. No particularly exciting backgrounds here, but hey, every main character doesn't need one.

Personality: Kitty's "valley-girlish" personality on the outside (saying "like" and "totally" more than most human beings, and having a pretty big interest in fashion and stuff like that) is actually rather deceptive. Once one gets past her exterior, one finds that she is actually a rather shy, extremely intelligent individual with a knack for learning new things. (To prove this point: She's a freshman, but many of her classes are for seniors!) She is also pretty good at computers and the like. She is usually a very nice and obedient student, but occasionally she can get a rebel streak, as seen in "Fun and Games" and "Walk on the Wild Side". Unlike most of the other X-Men, Shadowcat remains rather close to her parents even while she's at the Institute, and writes them letters often. Although she and Avalanche were intially enemies, they slowly started to become a sort of unoffical girlfriend/boyfriend pair around the beginning of the second season. Why this was, I have no idea, since Avalanche and Kitty remain pretty much opposites. Not to mention Avalanche has tried to kill her several times before. Luckily(?), this relationship had fallen apart as of the third season, when Lance became a much more angry individual after the Mutant situation was made public. At this point, I'd have to say that, as much as I hated the relationship, it was GREAT for character development. Kitty pretty much considered Avalanche a lost cause up until "Ascension", when Lance helped to save the world from Apocalypse last-minute. Now they're back together again. Kitty also seemed to be developing a friendship with the Acolyte Colossus, who she sees as a "big softie" under a tough guy visage. (And she's kinda right, anyways.) It is doubtful that this will develop into anything more than a friendship like it did in the old comics, though, since Colossus is WAY too old for Kitty. Kitty has also taken a liking to Danielle Moonstar, and they have quickly developed a close bond. Oh, and on a side note: Kitty's Jewish, although you couldn't tell except in the episode "On Angel's Wings". According to Xavier's "future visions" at the end of the series, Shadowcat is an X-Man for good, it seems. (Like you could picture her with any other team.)

Final Reflections: Evo Shadowcat remains one of my favorite X-Men characters to date, namely because she's so well-rounded (as explained above), even though her valley-girlness was exaggerated a bit in some of her first episodes. I'm definitely going to miss this character a LOT, especially since she didn't get as much focus as most of the other "main" X-Men.

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