(One Way of Finding Out How Thin Those Starfleet Walls Are!)

by ALM_Voyager

Kathryn Janeway held the PADD in her hands and walked towards the turbolift that would take her to the astrometrics lab. Why did she have to have another talk with Seven on her manners (or lack of) when it came to interacting with other personnel on the ship? It was like talking to a brick--

"Going my way?" Chakotay's voice startled her out of her thought.

She offered up a glum smile, "Depends on if you have a date with a Borg?"

"Another problem?" Chakotay inquired.

"With Seven? When isn't their a problem?" They entered the turoblift. "I'm one scolding away from a warp core breach."

"Then let me set off the explosion," he stated as he moved towards her, pushing her body against the wall of the lift.

Kathryn was surprised beyond belief as the Commander's lips pressed against hers - their warmth intensifying as she felt his tongue part her lips and enter her own mouth, mimicking the movements of lovemaking. She groaned, and felt his hands moving down her uniform's shirt, in search of a way to get it off her.

Chakotay growled at the stubborn Starfleet Uniform, and was rewarded with a trembling moan from Kathryn who was enjoying his aggressive nature. It was as if the Uniform had been designed knowing that he, of all people, would try to seduce his Captain. Passion overriding his senses he yanked the top apart, hearing the tearing of fabric and feeling slightly satisfied. They'd figure out a way to explain it . . . later.

"Oh Chakotay--" Kathryn moaned.

"Captain--" his voice didn't seem as close as it had originally been. How was that possible when he was nibbling on her ear?

"Oh yes, . . . Chakotay, please . . ." she wanted him.

"Captain, are you there?" Came the voice and Kathryn's eyes flew open. No, not another dream . . . oh hell, when wasn't it a dream.

"Janeway here," Kathryn responded with a tired voice. If only Chakotay would--

"Sorry to wake you, but there's a problem," Chakotay stated.

"Problem?" Kathryn started to wake up and propped herself up in bed.

"It seems we've sprung a leak," he stated.

"*A* leak, Chakotay?" she asked and looked at the dripping that was taking place all over her ship. Buckets had been replicated and were scattered haphazardly around the ship like small stepping stones to be followed. "Try several leaks." She held up her hand knowing that a furthered explanation would be followed, but frankly, she just wasn't in the mood. "Where did the problem originate from?"

She could tell it was going to be a humorous tale, as he got that twinkle in his eye before answering her, "Tuvok was meditating in his quarters and," he had to pause, "and had just finished blowing out his incense when," he paused again.

"Commander? You find this amusing?" she asked.

"No, Captain." He cleared his throat and continued, "When a rush of water 'directed its natural course onto his head' is how he put it, I think."

"So in other words," Kathryn took the PADD from her Commander's grasp that, no doubt, held the events of the morning on it, "Mr. Tuvok was hit by a trenching shower?"

"Ensign Dawson says that he was completely soaked," Chakotay did a let a little chuckle but turned serious before Kathryn could pinpoint a glare. "And then--"

"And then?" Kathryn turned her head towards him. "You mean there's more?"

Chakotay stopped suddenly. "You're enjoying this as much as I am," he countered.

Kathryn scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous, Chakotay. My priority is in getting things back to parr -- not enjoying the crews' misfortune at--"

"Then I will skip the stories and you can get to work," he smiled slyly and walked off towards the messhall where Neelix's souffle had been destroyed by a steady stream of water.


Where in the JC UNIVERSE do you want to go?


Email: ALMcKenzie@aol.com