The chronicles begin

The first step...

Slow death and burial

The thin man speaks

Two Virgin Births

Welcome to Hell

The Sacred Grove

The Madness Of Thaddiusbile

The tale continues

Tangletoes And The Trapper

3 Short Stories

Karas Assault Menu

The Tower Of Venom

The Darktower Menu

The Overfiend Of Fillisia


I am Foresti,creator of the world of Katet and its peoples.I hope you enjoy reading the tales which are the results of several years of dnd play in my world.The story is written as an account of the actions of the players within the game.I am now altering the style as time goes by , to include conversation and more character thought process.I would have done this initially but due to the sheer size of the campaign, I felt it better to get it all down and on the web as it is, to allow my players a reference tool and also to see what sounds and looks right out of a gameplay enviroment.It improves with the dark tower section and the remainder is being re-edited as and when I can.

About me

I am currently 37,I have 4 children and due to a back injury I have been a full time father for several years. I have been a single dad for a while, something that is to change soon after meeting someone very special.

In recent times my band ANIHILATED have re-released our first 2 lp's on cd.(we split up in 1990 but demand continues!)

I have appeared on Etherlords 2(pc game) as a voice artist(too many characters to list!) and have a keen interest in garden design. I have played dungeons and dragons since 1976,in many different forms and using many different rules.After a break of several years I began again.

After much consultation I began the Katet series with an adventure called "THE HALLS OF AYSHA"

My campaign has been influenced by,amongst others,The Alien film series,Clive Barker,Tolkien,Twilight zone,the Dark Horse Alien graphic novel series,Spawn and a lifetime of reading WHEN VIEWING THESE PAGES,THERE ARE IMAGES THAT MAY TAKE TIME TO LOAD,PLEASE BE PATIENT SOME ARE WORTH THE WAIT!!!


 Background material

The Characters



Ipswich Town womens Football Club

Wunderland (a sci fi PBEM)

