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Spiritual Answers to Difficult Questions

by M. G. "Pat" Robertson

The popular TV personality and producer of Christian programs, as well as president of the "Christian Broadcasting Network", answers 38 crucial and interesting questions, selected according to the frequency with which they are asked, and the educational value of the respective answers. The questions touch on the four central aspects that are handled in "Kingdom Dynamics": 1) Basic precepts, 2) Living promises, 3) Relationship priorities, and 4) Principles of power.

The following is an index of the questions answered further down on this page. You can skip the index and go directly to the answers, if you wish.

Questions About the Nature of Our Salvation:

1. What is God? (Acts 17:23)

2. What does the Bible say about the Trinity? (II Cor. 13:14)

3. What should be done in order to be saved? (John 3:3)

4. If I sin, will I lose my salvation? (Heb. 6:4-6)

Questions About the Abundant Life

5. How can I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:38,39)

6. How can I live in Holiness? (Matt. 5:8)

7. How can I know the will of the Lord? (Rom. 12:2)

8. How do I pray for a miracle to happen? (Matt. 17:20)

9. What is the "Unforgiveable Sin"? (Matt. 12:31)

Questions Relative to the End Times

10. When will Jesus Christ come again? (Matt. 24:42)

11. Who is the Antichrist? (II Thes. 2:2,3)

12. What is the "Mark of the Beast"? (Rev. 13:18)

13. What is the Millennium? (Rev. 20:2,3)

14. Will my family be in Heaven with me? (Eph. 6:1)

15. What is Hell? (Luke 16:23)

Questions About Morality and Ethics

16. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? (Rom. 1:27)

17. Is abortion wrong? (Psa. 139:13)

18. What is the difference between adultery and fornication? (Matt. 5:27)

19. Should a Christian enlist in military service or join the police force? (Rom. 13:3,4)

20. When should a Christian disobey civil government? (Rom. 13:7; Acts 5:27-29)

21. Must people be poor in order to be holy? (Luke 18:22)

22. How do I forgive my enemies? (Matt. 5:43,44)

23. How do I give up drinking and drug addiction? (Rom. 13:13,14)

24. Is there something evil in games of chance? (Luke 4:12)

Questions About Demons

25. What is a demon? (Mark 5:2-5)

26. What power do Christians have over demons? (Matt. 10:8)

27. What is exorcism? (Acts 19:13)

28. What about sects that use mind-control, or "science of the mind"? (Col. 2:8)

Questions Relative to the Laws of God's Kingdom:

29. What is the Kingdom of God? (Luke 17:21)

30. What is the greatest virtue in the Kingdom? (Matt. 18:1-4)

31. What is the greatest sin in the Kingdom? (Matt. 23:2-12)

32. What laws of the Kingdom support all personal and collective acquisition? (Matt. 25:14-30)

33. What law of the Kingdom governs every type of relationship between human beings? (Matt. 7:12)

34. What law of the Kingdom is essential for which laws, especially reciprocity and achievement of results? (Matt. 7:7,8)

35. What law guarantees the possibility that the impossible can come true? (Mark 11:22,23)

36. How is it possible for a kingdom to be destroyed? (Luke 11:17,18)

37. How does one become great in the Kingdom of God? (Luke 22:25-27)

38. What sin, in particular, impedes the flow of the power of the Kingdom? (Matt. 18:21-35)

Questions About the Nature of Our Salvation:

1. What is God? (Acts 17:23)

Theologians have tried to describe God in many ways. God is the substance of all the human virtues. He is all wisdom and knows all. He can do all that we're unable to do, and is the depository of all the goodness to which we aspire. In other words, God is omnipotent (can do all), omniscient (knows all), and omnipresent (everywhere).

On the other hand, we can describe God comparing him with our human limitations. For example, we are mortals, but God is immortal; we're fallible, but he is infallible.

God is eternal and imperishable spirit. He has no beginning or end. He is fully conscious of himself ("I am"). He is fully moral and responsible ("Let us make"). He's the essence of love and loves. He is also an honest judge - totally righteous and faithful.

God is the Father of creation, the maker of all that exists. He is almighty and holds the universe up. He exists outside the Universe (theologians call this transcendence), although his presence fills all of creation (theologians say that is immanent), and governs it. He exists within nature, but isn't nature, nor subject to its laws, as pantheists say. He is the source of life and all that exists.

The best description of God is the name which he revealed to the first Israelites, Jehovah. Jehovah is sometimes translated as "Lord". Specialists believe that it comes from an ancient form of the Hebrew verb "to be", whose literal significance would be "that thanks to whom (all) that is exists".

2. What does the Bible say about the Trinity? (II Cor. 13:14)

The Trinity is one of the great theological mysteries. Some think that as we are monotheists and believe in only one God, we can't accept the concept of the Trinity. But the Bible teaches that the divinity consists of three persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - , each one of them fully God and full manifestation of the divine nature (Luke 3:21,22).

The Father is the core person of the Trinity, the Creator, the primary cause, the original idea, the concept of all that which has been and will be created. Jesus said, "My father worked until now, and I work" (John 5:17).

The Son is the "Word" or expression of God - the "Only Begotten" of the Father - He himself is God. Moreover, as God incarnate, he shows us the Father (John 14:9). The Son of God is as much an agent of the creation as the only Redeemer of humanity.

The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, comes from the Father and is worshipped and glorified alongside the Father and the Son. He inspired the Scriptures, pours his power over God's people, and "convinces the world of sin, righteousness and justice" (John 16:8).

The three persons of the Deity are eternal. The Father exists and has existed eternally. His expression, the Son, always existed with Him. The Father always loved the Son and the Son loved and served the Father. The Spirit of God, who has existed for eternity, is in the loving relationship. It's not that the Father existed first, the Son later and finally the Spirit. The three have always been, before anything existed, three distinct persons in only one God. On the occasion of Jesus' baptism, the three persons of the Trinity were present and performing a specific function. The Father spoke from heaven, the Son fulfilled all righteousness and the Spirit descended upon the Son as a dove (Matt. 3:16,17).

The Trinity is a mystery that, someday, can be clearly understood. For now, we know that the Bible speaks of it and Jesus revealed it; the Christian church has confessed and safeguarded this precious truth from the beginning (I Cor. 12:4-6; II Cor. 13:14; Eph. 4:4-6; II Thes. 2:13,14).

3. What should be done in order to be saved? (John 3:3)

To be saved, you should turn your back on sin, believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus, and receive him as Lord and Savior of your life.

Step by step, try to follow the following process. First, you should reflect on your life and then abandon everything that is contrary to God's will. This moving away from self-serving attitudes and handing them over to God is called repentance (Matt. 3:7-10; Acts 3:19).

Second, you should confess that Jesus died on the Cross in order to pardon your sins. Accept him as Savior so that he may cleanse you of sin, as the substitute who paid for your guilt. (Rom. 5:9,10; Titus 2:14).

Third, you should ask him to become the Lord of your life, admitting openly and publicly that Jesus is not only your Savior, but your Lord (I John 2:23).

The Bible says that to all those who receive him he gives power to become sons of God (John 1:12). Therefore, when you receive him and open your heart to him, he enters you - in your inner being - through the Holy Spirit, and begins to live in you. From this moment, it's your privilege and calling to confess that which God has done for your life.

4. If I sin, will I lose my salvation? (Heb. 6:4-6)

An act of sin doesn't cost you your salvation. There are some who say that if you sin after having accepted Jesus, you must be saved again. But this isn't what the Bible teaches.

Can you conceive of somebody adopting a child and then throwing him out because he stumbles when he's learning to walk? When we're saved, we are adopted into God's family. We should, filled with love, on the one hand, and with holy fear, on the other, live lives that please him. But the idea that a sinful act could make someone be expelled from God's family is not in the Bible (I John 1:7,9). However, sins and rebellions seize the joy of salvation from you. When David sinned, he felt no joy, because he had rebelled against God (Psa. 51:12). His words then were, "Do not take your Holy Spirit away from me" (Psa. 51:11). Even when he had committed adultery and was responsible for the death of an innocent man, this phrase reveals to us that he still possessed the Holy Spirit. Although he was punished for his sin, God pardoned and loved him when he repented before the Lord.

If one perseveres in sin, he can lose the confidence of his salvation, but that's not equivalent to an actual loss of it. When the Scripture says, "we know that all who have been born of God, do not practice sin", the Greek sense of the phrase isn't that the Christian never commits sin but that he doesn't persevere in it, refusing to confess it and repent. A person born of the Spirit of God will be led to repentance each time he sins.

Moreover, we read in Hebrews 10:29 that if someone scorns the blood of Christ and renounces the salvation he has received, that person could have lost everything. But the same book says, "But in your case, oh beloved, we are persuaded of better things (Heb. 6:9). It's very hard to believe that someone who has been born again would move so far away from God.

But we can ask ourselves: if we are new creatures in Christ, why hold onto the inclination to sin after the new birth? The response is that the perfect Christian awaits us in heaven (I Cor. 15:54). Thus, we remain joined to Jesus in salvation, but we are progressively transformed into his image and likeness (II Cor. 3:18). Our lives are gradually transformed, but in no moment before the believer's death does he reach perfection (I John 1:8).

Questions About the Abundant Life

5. How can I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:38,39)

We must do a series of things to receive this blessing. First, we need to be born again. The person who wishes to receive the fullness of the spirit, should first allow Jesus to live in his life and should belong to Him (Rom. 8:9).

The second thing you should do is ask for it. The Bible says that is we request the Holy Spirit, that prayer will be answered (Luke 11:8).

The third is to surrender yourself to Him. The Apostle Paul clearly explains it in the book of Romans: "That you present your bodies a living sacrifice" (Rom. 12:1).

In the fourth place, you should prepare yourself to obey the Spirit. GOD doesn't hand this power over to anybody in order to tell him, then, "You can take that which suits you and leave the rest". If you wish to be submerged in the Spirit, you should be prepared to obey him (Acts 5:32).

In the fifth place, you must believe. The Apostle Paul says, "Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by the hearing with faith?" (Gal. 3:2). The answer, obviously, is faith. We should believe that if we ask him, we will receive him.

Finally, you should put what God has given you to work. Having implored, having received, having prepared yourself to obey, and having believed, you should respond in the biblical way.

The Bible says that whoever was baptized with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost "began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave him utterance" (Acts 2:4). This means that they said what the Spirit had put into their mouth. The Spirit put the words on their lips, and the apostles and disciples made them their own. Their action was inspired by faith, it wasn't a merely passive response to that blessing. Thus should the relationship with God be. God offers the baptism of the Spirit to human beings so that they receive it and rejoice in its blessings.

6. How can I live in Holiness? (Matt. 5:8)

If it was impossible to live in holiness, God wouldn't have ordained it. The Lord says, "Be holy, because I the Lord your God am holy" (Lev. 19:2). Being holy means to be set apart for God. Holiness defines God's own nature. Being set apart for God makes us holy.

Good works doesn't make us holy. We are made holy through faith in Christ, and are also saved by faith. Little by little, while we grow and live in the Lord, we become more and more like Him (II Cor. 3:18).

If we put our eyes on the Lord Jesus, think about Jesus, study his life, pray to Jesus, and seek to follow his example, we become more like him. We begin to think and act like He does. We resemble Him because we are set aside for Him. this is true holiness.

If you are Christian, within ten years your life will be considerably different than it is now. Each day your motives and desires will be higher, in the same measure that you come closer to Him.

Jesus says, "Blessed are the pure at heart, because they will see God" (Matt. 5:8). We should reach a certain degree of purity in this life. But it comes from God, as we grow in faith and bring ourselves, each day, much nearer to Him. Although perfection cannot be completely achieved in this life, we should seek it and aspire to it every moment, because Christian maturity and holiness form part of the life of responsible sons and daughters of God. Holiness is also training. Mature holiness is seen in those who have ceased worrying about their own needs and totally identified themselves, from their Father's global point of view, with the task of transforming a wounded world. Holiness gives birth to the mature attitude that drives us to become Christ's instruments, in order to fulfill the longings of the Lord's prayer (Matt. 6:10).

7. How can I know the will of the LORD? (Rom. 12:2)

The best way to know GOD's will is to familiarize yourself with the Bible. If you get to know GOD's Word and understand it, you can know his will (Psa. 119:6,7,9,105).

Another way to know GOD's will is through prayer, a time when you enter into communion with Him and discover what pleases him. The Bible says, "And let the peace of GOD rule in your hearts" (Col. 3:15). This means that GOD's peace is like a regulator, so that when you violate the divine will, his peace leaves you, you feel an inner turmoil, and immediately find out that you're doing something against his will (John 15:4).

However, it's also true that GOD shows us his will in many other ways. He does it through confirmatory counsel (Prov. 19:20; 20:18; 24:6). We can also discern GOD's will, to an extent, by circumstances; through the inner voice of the Spirit of GOD who speaks to us; or through visions or dreams (Isaiah 1:1; Acts 2:17). The LORD shows us his will in various ways.

The important thing is to be sure that we have put our lives in his hands and are ready to do what he asks of us. If we intend to comply with his will, we will know what his plans are.

Finally, to the people who are unable to discern GOD's positive directives, I recommend that they follow the "negative" method of orientation, to say, "Father, above all I wish to do is your will. Help me to not turn away from your purpose for my life". Such a way of entreaty guarantees his guidance.

8. How do I pray for a miracle to happen? (Matt. 17:20)

When faced with a great need, as much ours as someone else's, we should humbly seek GOD's will about that question: "Father, what do you propose to do in this situation?" Jesus said, "My Father worked until now, and I work" (John 5:17). He heard the Father's voice and paid attention to it. Watch that you don't begin and end any prayer saying, erroneously, "If it's your will". Instead, you should try to know GOD's will in each particular situation and base your prayer on it. Praying for a miracle represents an invitation to the Holy Spirit to manifest himself. When that is his will, He will inform you. Then you can ask him for the miracle you already know he wishes to perform.

Sometimes it's important to use the key thing to implore a miracle: the spoken word. GOD has given us authority over infirmity, demons, storms and finances (Matt. 10:1; Luke 10:19). At times we ask GOD to act, when, in fact, He calls us to use his authority acting on divinely authorized declarations. We should announce this authority in Jesus' name: we can command that the necessary funds flow through our hands, that the storm ceases, that a demon leave someone, that an affliction leaves us, or that an illness disappear.

Jesus' words were, "Whoever shall say to this mountain: Remove yourself and fall into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but believe that what he says shall be done, that which he said will be done" (Mark 11:23). Believe in your heart that it has already been done! Proclaim it with the anointing of faith that God gives you. But remember, miracles are born out of faith in GOD's power, not from ritual, formula or force of human will.

9. What is the "Unforgivable Sin"? (Matt. 12:31)

The concept of an unforgivable sin has been a source of difficulty for many, because it appears to contradict biblical teachings about grace. We know that GOD's grace pardons all sin, but the LORD mentions a sin that cannot be pardoned.

The religious leaders were listening to the LORD, but they opposed virtually everything he was saying. When he expelled demons, they alleged that he had done it using Satanic means (Matt. 12:24).

They were so spiritually blind, that they attributed the Holy Spirit's work to Satan. Even more, they rejected the action of the Holy Spirit in their own lives. In essence, the Holy Spirit was giving testimony that Jesus was the Son of GOD, that he was GOD, while they were repeating, "No, he isn't GOD, he's an agent of Satan". It was then that Jesus said, "Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to men, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven" (Matt. 12:31).

Obviously, the unforgivable sin doesn't consist of saying something unpleasant about the Holy Spirit. The said religious leaders completely rejected GOD's revelation. They had gone so far in their unholiness, that they rejected not only Jesus, but also the Holy Spirit. They confused good for evil and evil for good. They called the Spirit of GOD, Satan!

Rejecting Jesus, the only source of forgiveness, nothing could be done for them. A person who rejects Jesus Christ can't receive forgiveness, and that is what they had done.

If you desire to obey GOD, but are preoccupied with having committed the unpardonable sin, you haven't, in fact, committed it. If someone has committed it today, it must be someone with a hardened heart, who has turned against Jesus, has reviled him, and has become so depraved that he calls the Spirit of GOD, Satan.

Questions Relative to the End Times

10. When will Jesus Christ come again? (Matt. 24:42)

No one can say, with a certain level of assurance, when Jesus will return, because he clearly stated that not even the angels in heaven would know the day (Mark 13:32). No one knows the day it will be, and neither did the Son of GOD, when he was on earth. This knowledge, said the LORD Jesus, was strictly reserved for the Father.

We can observe some signs, or indications, of when his return is near (Matt. 24:3; Luke 21:7). Jesus said that there would be wars and rumors of wars, revolutions, famines, epidemics and earthquakes in different places (Matt. 24:6,7; Luke 21:10,11). There will be a period of unrest and anarchy, and finally the Antichrist will appear (II Thes. 2:3,4). Along with the "man of sin", that which is called the apostasy or falling away from the faith will come. Many believers will experience a chill toward their faith (Matt. 24:12). There will be persecution of Christians and a period of general disorder. All these things are already happening with growing frequency.

Many think that another event that should occur before the return of Jesus is the reestablishment of the Israeli state. Historical Israel disappeared from the world scene for many centuries, but a new Israel was established in 1948. The Jewish relocation to Israel represents a clear sign, as much in the Old Testament as in the New, that our era is about to end (Luke 21:24). June 6, 1967, the Jews took total control of Jerusalem for the first time since the city was captured by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C., which indicates that the Gentile control of the world is coming to an end.

However, Jesus said that an important thing that would announce his return would be the proclamation of the gospel in all the world (Matt. 24:14).

These are the signs of the end times. We should always be prepared for the LORD's return, because no one knows the day nor the hour in which it will occur.

11. Who is the Antichrist? (II Thes. 2:2,3)

In the book of Revelation we are told that a world dictator will arise, who will be invested with the power of Satan himself and will say that GOD's prerogatives are his (Rev. 13:1-18; II Thes. 2:4). A False Prophet will assist him, who will do signs in the dictator's name (Rev. 13:13-15; 19:20).

We know that the book of Revelation was written during a period when Christians were persecuted by the Roman Empire; we also know that the Roman emperors considered themselves to be gods, ordering statues to be built which their subjects were forced to worship. I believe these ancient dictators were symbolic of the world dictator of the end times. The possibility always exists that the Antichrist is already in the world. This man will appear to be a great leader, speaking with wisdom, and making all the people who aren't Christians worship him. He will represent the ultimate wisdom to them and will offer answers to all their problems (Rev. 13:18).

In order for a figure like the Antichrist to rise up in the modern world, an utter failure in the world order would have to take place, such as that which we know now. The world could have a monetary crisis, a collapse of law, international corporations, and of the power structure of national affairs.

A financial panic could pave the way. The same could occur in the case of a nuclear war. Catastrophes like these would impel people to cry out for a man of peace, who would represent a satanic imitation of Jesus Christ. This man will appear to be Jesus until he shows his true face. Then he will be incredibly cruel (Dan. 7; 8). The Antichrist will be the most dreadful dictatorial power that the world has ever known.

Remember that the spirit of the Antichrist will try in every way to separate the people from Jesus, telling them "worship me". The spirit of the Antichrist is present, sometimes, in our time when we worship and venerate governors, dictators, military leaders, and other human figures. The systems that are taught in our schools, in the communications media and in intellectual circles are very similar to those that will finally lead the people to the Antichrist, because this will be the consummate figure of humanism.

12. What is the "Mark of the Beast"? (Rev. 13:18)

In the book of Revelation, reference is made to the number of the beast, 666 (Rev. 13:18). The 6 represents man in biblical numerology, on the brink of the perfect; because 7 symbolizes perfection. So, the number 666, perhaps, refers to the quintessence of humanism. Revelation tells us that the number 666, or the mark of the Antichrist, will be imprinted on the hand and the forehead of every person during the reign of the Antichrist.

The forehead represents our desires, our will, as much as the hand symbolizes our activities. In some way, the Antichrist will leave his mark on people everywhere, making them serve him with their mind and actions. It wouldn't be unusual that the Antichrist imposes global control on the population.

The Bible warns us that if we have the mark of the beast, we shall have his terrible fate (Rev. 14:11). Nobody should fear "accidentally" receiving the mark of the beast. Accepting it implies "worshipping" the Beast (Rev. 13:15), and the decision would be so obvious it would represent a matter of life or death. However, we should stay alert, because if we consider the forehead as the center of volition and the hand as a symbol of what we do, the mark is something more than a technological device. It is actually given to whomever we ally ourselves with. The spirit of the Antichrist is really already active (I John 2:18). Will we hand our mind and our work over to the spirit of the world? If we ally ourselves with GOD, we won't serve the Antichrist, and his mark won't leave an imprint on us.

13. What is the Millennium? (Rev. 20:2,3)

A millennium is a thousand years. The biblical Millennium will be a period of peace, love, brotherhood, when all of nature will live in the harmony that should have existed in the Garden of Eden. The book of Isaiah (Is. 11:6-9) speaks of an epoch when wild and domestic animals will live together in peace, when serpents will no longer use their venom. A little boy could play with a cobra or herd savage animals without suffering harm. Military academies will be closed and weapons of war will no longer be produced. The money and resources, that are now invested for purposes of war, will be dedicated to peaceful things. When that day comes, each person will have his own parcel of land and his own home. Everyone will live peacefully with his neighbors. No one will be afraid that somebody will try to steal his belongings. There will be universal peace, because the knowledge of the LORD will cover the land like the waters cover the depths of the oceans.

I believe the Millennium will be a transitional period, when Jesus Christ will return to the earth to show mankind how the earth would be if sin had never entered it. There will be a universal government under the direction of Jesus, with the national states subject to Him. The Bible says that representatives of the different nations of the earth will go to Jerusalem every year (Is. 2:2-4; Zech. 14:16).

14. Will my family be in Heaven with me? (Eph. 6:1)

There is no reason to suppose that there won't be families in Heaven. However, all Christians are part of GOD's family now, and the ties which unite families probably don't exist in Heaven. There, we're part of an immense family, and we'll feel a profound love for everyone else. It will not be said, "Here I am with my wife and no one can touch us". We are all one in Christ (Eph. 3:14,15).

Although we'll probably have families in Heaven, pay attention to two things: First, your wife or husband, son or daughter or parent will be with you in Heaven - if you are Christian -, only if they have been born again of the Spirit of GOD (John 3:3,5). Your nearness to GOD won't save your family members. Each one must establish his own link with Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31). Second, Jesus said that there would be no human procreation in Heaven, and the need to conceive and raise children will cease (Mark 12:25).

15. What is Hell? (Luke 16:23)

There are two descriptions of Hell in the Bible. One is of a burning fire. Jesus sometimes used the word "Gehenna" to refer to Hell. "Gehenna" was the garbage dump that was always burning in the outskirts of Jerusalem. Jesus said that Hell was a place of torment, full of worms, where the fire is never quenched. That's where the concept of an ever-burning lake of fire arose. The unholy will suffer eternal remorse and punishment there (Mark 9:43-48).

Jesus also said that in Hell "there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 8:12). The image we're given is of a place where a terrible loneliness is experienced, without relationships with GOD and other human beings. Those who are sent to Hell will remain submerged in an eternal emptiness, with no one to communicate with; constantly alone.

The Bible speaks of a lake of fire reserved for Satan and his angels (Matt. 25:41). It was never intended for human beings to go to Hell. But those who decide to reject GOD will someday share that eternal torment with Satan.

There won't be any exit in Hell, no escape hatch nor second chance. That's why it's so important, in this life, to receive GOD's forgiveness which is extended to all human beings through the cross of Jesus Christ.

Questions About Morality and Ethics

16. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? (Rom. 1:27)

The Bible says that it's an abomination for a man to sleep with another man as if he were a woman, or for a woman to do the same with another woman as if she were a man ("Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination"; Lev. 18:22; 20:13). The Bible says that because of abominations like homosexuality, the Earth will vomit up its inhabitants (Lev. 18:25).The Apostle Paul called "uncleanness" the consequence of having been handed over to "disgraceful passions" by GOD (Rom. 1:24-27). In the Old Testament, those responsible for those practices were expelled from the congregation of Israel and executed. The New Testament tells us that those who practice homosexuality will not enter GOD's Kingdom (I Cor. 6:9,10). The Apostle Paul refers to it as the ultimate expression of rebellion against GOD. When people exchange the truth of GOD for a lie, and begin to worship the creature instead of the Creator, they are handed over to evil. When all values are turned upside down, and moral anarchy appears, men burn "in their lust for each other", just as women do for other women, but they will receive the punishment for their actions in their own bodies (Rom. 1:22-27). From a biblical point of view, the rise of homosexuality indicates a sign that society is in the last stages of its decadence.

17. Is abortion wrong? (Psa. 139:13)

Abortion definitely constitutes an evil. It is abolishing a human life, which the Bible already shows begins with conception. GOD gives us form even when we are in our mother's womb (Psa. 139:13). The prophet Jeremiah and the Apostle Paul were called before their birth (Jer. 1:5; Gal. 1:15). John the Baptist jumped in his mother's womb when he heard the voice of Mary, the mother of the LORD (Luke 1:44). Obviously, the children already had a spiritual identity from when they were in their mother's womb.

From the moment of conception a process of development begins which will continue until adulthood. GOD condemned the Israelites who sacrificed their children to the pagan god, Moloch. These babies were consumed in the sacrificial fire (Lev. 20:2), offered to a god of sensuality and human convenience. The same occurs today, and by acting this way, we confess that human beings have no value to us. That is a terrible stain on our society.

The Bible isn't more specific about the subject of abortion because such a practice was unthinkable for the people of GOD. For example, when Israel was in Egypt, a cruel pharaoh forced the Israelites to kill their newborn children. In the Bible, this incident is considered the highest representation of cruelty and oppression (Exod. 1:15-22). The idea of killing their own children was anathema to the Hebrews. All through the Old Testament, the women dreamed of children. Children were considered a gift from GOD. Women would beg to not be sterile. How could a woman believer destroy her own child? Abortion is not only unthinkable, but the ultimate exponent of pagan barbarianism.

18. What is the difference between adultery and fornication? (Matt. 5:27)

Sexual relations between a married person and someone who isn't their mate constitutes adultery.

The Ten Commandments contain the prohibition against adultery, "Thou shalt not commit adultery". The reason is simple: matrimony makes up the foundation of society and comes with the responsibility of raising children. Random extramarital relations not only endangers the marriage, but destroys paternal and maternal feelings toward the children, and confuse family ties.

Fornication is sex between two people who aren't married. The Apostle Paul said that it represented a sin against the body. He recommends that Christians flee fornication as a sin against GOD and ourselves, because the body of the believers is the temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:18,19). Paul says that if a believer unites his body with that of a prostitute (or any immoral person) he is uniting Jesus Christ with that person (I Cor. 6:15,16).

It's very important to know that neither fornicators nor adulterers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven (I Cor. 6:9,10). In the world today, the term fornication is rarely used and immorality between unmarried people is commonly accepted as part of the modern lifestyle. But immorality, although rampant, is a sin that deprives thousands of salvation, unless they repent.

19. Should a Christian enlist in military service or join the police force? (Rom. 13:3,4)

There are some who believe that Christians shouldn't serve as soldiers or police officers, but the Apostle Paul shows that such "authorities", if they perform their duties justly, are "GOD's servants" (Rom. 13:2-7) because they restrain evil. The police, as "GOD's servants", provide an essential good to society. While there are sinners, police will be necessary. As long as men and women don't submit to GOD's justice, it will be necessary to use force to prevent murders, rapes, kidnappings and robberies from hurting innocent victims. It's not inappropriate, then, for Christians to form part of the Coast Guard, police or army. Law and order must be maintained, because no one is safe amidst anarchy.

There are some, because of sincere religious beliefs, who feel they could never kill another human being, even in war. Society should respect their viewpoints, but the Bible doesn't obligate Christians to become conscientious objectors.

20. When should a Christian disobey civil government? (Rom. 13:7; Acts 5:27-29)

When a civil government deprives the people of their right to freely worship and serve GOD, it loses the mandate and authority received from GOD. Then, disobedience by Christians is justified.

Thomas Jefferson believed that when a government began to be transformed into a tyranny, the citizens not only had the right, but also the responsibility to rebel against it. However, the Christian is called to bear his government as much as possible. Jesus didn't call for a revolution against Rome, although it was a cruel conquerer that oppressed Israel. On the other hand, the apostles refused to obey an order to stop preaching and teaching in Jesus' name (Acts 5:27-29). When the civil government prohibits us from practicing what GOD has mandated, or forces us to do things that GOD has prohibited, our disobedience is always justified. Blind obedience to a government is never right. No matter how difficult or costly it may be, we should reserve the right to say no to the things we consider oppressive or immoral.

21. Must people be poor in order to be holy? (Luke 18:22)

It has been taught for many years that holiness and poverty go together. The Apostle Paul says, "I know how to live humbly, and I know how to have abundance". He then added, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:12,13)

. You can be holy when your financial situation is comfortable as well as when you're poor. Perhaps, it's easier to cry out to GOD when you are in need. But if Christians sanctify GOD in their hearts far above material worries, they should be able to live beyond the circumstances that surround them, whether they are prosperous or poor.

Poverty is a curse, not a blessing. It's certainly not synonymous with moral integrity. It is sometimes caused by the horrors of war, and unjust government or short supply. Occasionally it's the result of oppression by the ambitious and selfish, or from human disobedience to the divine commandments, or from not knowing how to begin to uncover GOD's blessings. At times, temporal poverty is the result of a satanic attack or a series of inexplicable calamities. Whatever the cause, holiness and poverty are not equivalents.

Some voluntarily take a vow of poverty in order to hand themselves completely over to GOD. In such a situation, poverty becomes a blessing to these people, because they have renounced all material possessions in order to serve the LORD. However, simple poverty doesn't represent a sign of holiness. Of course, the same thing can be said of riches. The holy are those who are content wherever GOD has placed them, and serve the LORD with all their heart, independent of the circumstances that surround them (I Tim. 6:6;17-19).

22. How do I forgive my enemies? (Matt. 5:43,44)

The first way to forgive is to recognize your resentment against an enemy. You should identify the enemy and what he has done to hurt you. Then you should say, "I forgive him for the following offense". Then you should repent of your feelings and ask GOD to forgive you as Jesus said (Luke 11:4).

After this, pray fervently for the good of your enemy. Jesus told us that we should pray for our enemies and that would help us to love them (Matt. 5:43-48). When you pray for your enemies, you ask him to manifest himself before them and fill their needs, you're conquering evil with good. Instead of filling your mind with negative thoughts, feed it with positive thoughts about GOD's love for this person. If GOD answers your prayer, as is your wish, the person for whom you pray will be blessed, and will receive a lesson about redemption, the highest exponent of divine forgiveness (Matt. 18:12-35). If you ask GOD to bless someone who has hurt you, the result will be a repentant sinner and a new brother or sister in the LORD!

23. How do I give up drinking and drug addiction? (Rom. 13:13,14)

In either case, a person should reflect about a course of action. I don't believe in gradually quitting cigarettes, narcotics or alcohol. With these things, you must break the habit totally. I means you should break with everything that can tempt you.

In my case, when I found Jesus, I poured out a bottle of expensive liquor, to the surprise of my wife, who had not yet made the same decision. That moment was decisive for me: I would never drink again. I think that's the case with whatever habit a person considers sinful. He or she should say, "Well then, that was the last time. I'm finished". And from that moment on, ask GOD to help you.

You should confess that you've been doing something harmful, and that you've been profaning the temple of GOD (I Cor. 6:19,20). You should tell GOD that you desire and need his forgiveness and salvation. You should renounce your habit and expel the spirit of alcohol, narcotics or nicotine from your body. Order it to leave and decide that, with GOD's help, you will never again smoke a cigarette, use marijuana or relapse into whatever bad habits you've given up.

Afterward, don't hang around with those who lead you to take up their vices, nor with those who may tempt you to turn back. It may be difficult, but it's necessary. Instead, you should seek new friendships, preferably Christians, who have given up the same habits and who can support you during these difficult moments.

24. Is there something evil in games of chance? (Luke 4:12)

According to the Bible, lots were cast to determine GOD's will (Lev. 16:7-10; John 1:7; Acts 1:24-26). In ancient Israel, it was believed that GOD controlled the fingers, and would speak to his people in this way. As what is called luck doesn't exist, and GOD holds everything in his hands, when someone takes GOD's money (because everything we have belongs to GOD) and bet it on roulette, or cards, that presents a problem. By that, you're saying, "LORD, I'm risking your money and my faith, in hopes that luck will favor me". When you act in this way, you put GOD to the test. You tempt him, and that's sin (Deut. 6:16; Luke 4:10-12).

Gambling can destroy a person, becoming an obsession that grows into dependence, like alcohol. The habitual gambler ruins his family and his life, and there are those who have stolen to be able to play. Gambling can become a sickness, which has destroyed tens of thousands of people.

Indulgence with gambling in our society instills in people the idea that fame, success and fortune can be obtained without work or endeavor. The virtues of industry, skill, wise investments and perseverance are undermined by this vice, which leads the way to ambition, covetousness, laziness and the live-for-the-moment mentality. How sad to think of how some lawmakers tie their future budgets to the lottery and legalized gambling, practices that undermine the civil virtues that are necessary to achieve economic growth and prosperity!

Questions About Demons

25. What is a demon? (Mark 5:2-5)

A demon is a fallen angel. When Satan, who was the highest ranking angel, rebelled against GOD, he dragged a great number of beings down with him (Is. 14:12-15; Rev. 12:3,4). When the rebellion failed, they were expelled from Heaven. Those angels are now demons. Just as angels are able to reach the pinnacles of spirituality, the demons descend into the deepest abyss of loathing, rancor and perversion. Demons torment people, possess them and separate them from GOD and his truth (Mark 5:2-5; Acts 13:6-12).

Although lust, homosexuality, intoxication and perversion are sinful expressions of the flesh, they can also represent demonic manifestations. Sexual perversions, like sadomasochism and pedophilia, have demonic roots. Similarly, schitzophrenia is a mental illness, but can also be caused by demonic possession.

Just as angels have archangels and superiors, demons have what are called "principalities and powers". It is possible that various demonic princes are in charge of specific regions and cities on Earth.

There is a conflict in the invisible world between GOD's faithful messengers and the demonic forces. In some way, within the miraculous order which He created, GOD uses the prayers of his people to restrict demonic activity and direct the activities of the angels in order to control the forces of evil (see Dan. 10).

26. What power do Christians have over demons? (Matt. 10:8)

The Bible says, "Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" (I John 4:4). The believer in Christ, in possession of the Holy Spirit, has power over all demons. When Jesus Christ sent his apostles out on their mission, he said that he gave them authority (exousia) over all the forces (dunamys) of the enemy (Luke 10:19). The authority of Jesus is greater than satanic power. When the disciples said, "LORD, even the devils are subject to us through your name", Jesus replies, "But don't rejoice that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice because your names are written in Heaven" (Luke 10:17,20). The believer in Christ possesses unlimited authority over demons when he invokes the name of Jesus, but that's not comparable to the glory and authority that we will know in Heaven.

27. What is exorcism? (Acts 19:13)

Exorcism is to order, in the name of Jesus, that a demon leave an individual, a house, or wherever it is. It is achieved through the spoken word, in the name of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and is quickly and easily accomplished (Acts 16:16-18).

The person who performs an exorcism should be filled with the Spirit of GOD, he shouldn't have any secret sin in his life, because the demon will make use of any weakness (Acts 19:13-16). Likewise, he should be someone who is without shameful motives, sexual impurities, greed and any other thing with which the demon, who is the accuser of the brethren, can charge him.

Another precaution: People shouldn't seek out demons or invent demons where there are none. The believer should be prepared to confront them when it's necessary, but not cause this type of encounter.

28. What about sects that use mind-control, or "science of the mind"? (Col. 2:8)

These sects are centered on the concept of a "universal consciousness which makes human beings: 1) part of an infinite and eternal awareness; 2) divine, in essence; 3) immortal through a variety of forms (reincarnation and other things like that); 4)capable of communicating with the dead and other spirits; and 5) capable of receiving power through psychic or physical exercises in order to transcend nature, decipher mysteries, and influence their own destinies or the lives of those who surround them.

Those groups, in the interest of "investigation" and "enlightenment", "psychic investigations", "transcendental meditation", "yoga", and other practices, are not establishing contact with the "consciousness of GOD", nor with psychic powers, but with Satan and the demons.

The Greek word psuche is translated as "soul", from whence the term psyche is derived. Many of these groups occupy themselves with psychic phenomena or the soul. I Cor. 2:14 says that the person psuchikos, dominated by the soul ("natural man"), doesn't perceive the things of the Spirit of GOD, because they are madness to him. Teachings about mind control or the New Age Movement all appeal to the psychic man, because they don't require him to repent or become born again (John 3:3,5). A prevalent concept within those groups is that, if a person achieves sufficient consciousness, he can dominate or control events, because he forms part of GOD, or is GOD.

We must remember that the world of the soul is the field of demons. Demons can enter, and they sometimes do it, into the sphere of the psyche. People who maintain contact with the dead or "the beyond" aren't listening to messages from some universal consciousness, but from demons. Demons hide behind certain eastern religions, as well as conceal themselves through these kinds of mind-control doctrines.

Questions Relative to the Laws of God's Kingdom:

29. What is the Kingdom of God? (Luke 17:21)

A kingdom is a place where a monarch governs. It is the Kingdom of GOD where the LORD reigns over people's lives. The Kingdom of GOD isn't visible because He isn't. We're discussing a spiritual Kingdom, not a visible one. Jesus Christ said, "The Kingdom of GOD is in you" (Luke 17:21).

Jesus taught us, in the LORD's Prayer, to lift the following petition to GOD: Your kingdom come. Your will be done, as in Heaven, thus also on the earth" (Matt. 6:10). This prayer shows the importance that Jesus gave to the Kingdom of GOD. Can't we affirm that the Kingdom of GOD will come when his will is respected on Earth as it is in Heaven, when the visible world, completely reflects the invisible world? I think so. In the Kingdom of GOD all things will be subject to the divine power, immediately, without delay. GOD's will is resisted in the visible world.

The Kingdom of GOD is eternal. For the moment we're discussing an invisible kingdom that is inside us. Wherever two who honor Jesus Christ, the King, gather together, and wherever his Spirit is found, there will be the Kingdom of GOD (see also Kingdom Dynamics: Genesis 1:1).

30. What is the greatest virtue in the Kingdom? (Matt. 18:1-4)

If pride is the greatest of sins (and it is), humility must be the greatest virtue. Humility is what helps me remember that GOD claims my life, that I am a mortal and fallible creature and that He is the owner of the universe. Humility is what makes me say, "I am a sinner and I need to be saved". The origin of all wisdom is in humility (Prov. 22:4). The truths of the Kingdom are only perceived through humility. No prideful person will ever receive anything from GOD, because "GOD resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6). The humble receive GOD's grace and the secrets of the Kingdom, because they come to him as beggars. Jesus Christ said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, because of them is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:3).

31. What is the greatest sin in the Kingdom? (Matt. 23:2-12)

The greatest of the sins is pride, due to a series of reasons (Psa. 59:12; Prov 8:13; 16:18; 29:23). In the first place, pride was the cause of Satan's sin the first time that he disobeyed. Pride says, "I can do it better than GOD", and Satan thought that he could rule the universe better than his Creator! (Is. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:12-19). In the second place, pride inevitably leads to the sin of rebellion. Arrogantly carrying out our own plans puts us unavoidably in conflict with GOD's plan. This is why the Bible says, "GOD resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6).

There is no way to remain neutral in the Kingdom. We are either with Jesus or against him. The proud immediately place themselves against him because they haven't yielded their lives to him, putting them in service to his cause.

Finally, pride gives way to feelings of self-sufficiency, making us undisposed to understand GOD or other people. Jesus said we must change ourselves and become like children (Matt. 18:3,4): they're trusting and able to understand; they are always attentive to the Father's teachings.

But the proud supposes that he knows it all and doesn't wish to understand, while the blessings of the Kingdom are for those who implore them. If you don't ask, you don't receive.

GOD's name reveals this truth. He is "I am that I am" (Exod. 3:14). Who am I? The answer: He who supplies your needs. I am healing, wisdom, sanctification, provision, victory and salvation. He extends his great power to all as a blank check. But the space is filled according to our need. You can only truly experience GOD when you understand that you need Him. If we believe that we have no needs, that we are totally self-sufficient, we leave no place for GOD in our lives. Thus pride deprives us of all the blessings of the Kingdom. Pride makes us sin against GOD and against ourselves.

32. What laws of the Kingdom support all personal and collective acquisition? (Matt. 25:14-30)

This is called "the law of use". Jesus told of a rich man who went on a long trip and distributed his belongings among his servants (Matt. 25:14-30). He told them, "Negotiate with them until I return". Two of the servants invested what they had received but the third didn't. When their lord returned, he made them give him account. The first two received praise and rewards for their diligence, but when Jesus concluded the story, its ending seemed unjust. The traveler took the talent from the one who hadn't invested it and gave it to the one who had the most, firmly announcing the following law of the Kingdom: "For unto he who has, it will be given and he will have more; and to him who doesn't have, even that which he has will be taken away" (Matt. 25:29). In other words, if you use what you've been given, you will gain more, If you don't use what you have received, you will lose what you think you have. In whatever kind of matters, whether they be material, personal, intellectual or financial, use whatever thing you've been given, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Do it diligently and increasingly. Seek to reach higher goals each day. This is the secret of the Kingdom, which guarantees success to every Christian who knows to put it into practice.

33. What law of the Kingdom governs every type of relationship between human beings? (Matt. 7:12)

Jesus expressed an important principle, which should be adopted by every society. He used the term "law" because it's a question of a universal standard: "All things that you wish that men should do to you, thus you should also do to them" (Matt. 7:12). What profound effects would come out of this "golden rule" if it was applied in every level in the world today!

If you don't enjoy your neighbor stealing your things, don't steal his. You might not want to be run over by a negligent driver; don't drive carelessly. You're anxious to receive help in moments of need, you should help others when they need it. It displeases us when industrialists pollute the upper layer of the river that passes in front of us; we shouldn't do it to those who live downstream. We don't like to breathe toxic air; we shouldn't make others suffer that inconvenience. We don't accept being oppressed in our workplace; we shouldn't oppress our employees. If this law of the Kingdom was applied, armies, police and prisons wouldn't be necessary; problems would be resolved peacefully, public debts would be reduced and energy freed for other things. "Do unto others as you wish the rest to do with you", put into practice, would revolutionize society. This is the law of the Kingdom that should govern all of our social relationships.

34. What law of the Kingdom is essential for which laws, especially reciprocity and achievement of results? (Matt. 7:7,8)

Jesus taught us the law of constant prayer (directed toward GOD) and of perseverance (in human conduct). On one occasion he said, "Ask and it shall be given to you, seek, and you will find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Matt. 7:7). The Greek present tense places emphasis on continual action. Jesus didn't say knock one time and stop, but keep knocking until the door is opened. GOD, in his wonderful wisdom, has constructed the world in such a way that only the diligent and persevering would gain victory. People who make up their minds to reach the finish line that GOD has posted beyond whatever obstacle, will triumph. The fearful and hesitant, those who don't persevere, will always lose.

GOD lifts us up so that we can achieve higher goals. Only some endeavor sufficiently to obtain them.

It's necessary to overcome all requirements in order for the laws of reciprocity and use to bring results. The Apostle Paul declared proudly, "I have fought the good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith" (II Tim. 4:7). He also wrote to the Galatians, "Let us not rest, then, from doing good, because in its time we shall reap, if we are not dismayed" (Gal. 6:9). In whatever task GOD has given you, don't give up, go further.

35. What law guarantees the possibility that the impossible can come true? (Mark 11:22,23)

The law of miracles guarantees the realization of impossible things. Miracles occur in the name of Jesus, due to the power that flows out of the invisible world where GOD is. This is realized through the human spirit, where the center of our being is found, through the mind, where ideas appear, and from there are communicated through the spoken word, to the world that surrounds us (see question 8 regarding the steps to follow).

But a conditions exists. Do not doubt in your heart (Mark 11:22-24). Those who waver won't receive an answer (James 1:6-8). Jesus said further, "And when you are praying, forgive, if you have something against someone, so that your Father who is in Heaven can also forgive you your offenses" (Mark 11:25). The great obstacle to a miracle being produced is declining to forgive. Whether that attitude is justified by the circumstances or not, we have to free ourselves from bitterness and resentment, or there will be no miracles that move mountains. You cannot have resentment, or bitterness, or jealousy, or envy, or any other thing. If we wish to see miracles, we have to love and forgive.

36. How is it possible for a kingdom to be destroyed? (Luke 11:17,18)

Jesus said, "Every kingdom divided against itself, is destroyed; and a house divided against itself, falls" (Luke 11:17,18).

This is a universal truth. Most projects fail if there's no unity. When there's division, no plan prospers. Satan causes division among Christians for this reason. By dividing ourselves, suspecting each other and fixating on each other's weak points, we violate the most sacred principle of collective success: unity.

Jesus said that the world would know that GOD had sent him if his disciples were one (John 17:20-23). Unity serves to show the world the supernatural origin of the Christian Church. "How these Christians love each other!" said the astonished people of Imperial Rome. With unity, the Church can win the world for Christ. Without unity, the Church is powerless. Even the unholy have success when they unite. Observing the tower of Babel, GOD said, "Behold, the people is one, and they all have one language...and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do" (Gen. 11:6). This is the divine vision regarding a united humanity. Unity possesses an incredible force! Nothing is impossible for a united people.

In Old Testament times, when GOD wished to destroy Israel's enemies, he put division among them which put them at odds with each other. Sometimes Israel didn't have to go to battle with them because their enemies had destroyed themselves. When confrontations begin within an organization, it is always weakened. Unless unity is fostered, nothing can be done, for good or evil. Think about what GOD's people can accomplish working united, and under His blessing, according to the laws of the Kingdom.

37. How does one become great in the Kingdom of God? (Luke 22:25-27)

The LORD Jesus chose men - usually humble men - to be disciples. What occurs, with people as a rule, is that they are prideful and ambitious (Matt. 20:20-23). Faced with that situation, Jesus put a child in their midst, telling them that in the Kingdom they should be like that child: humble, trusting, eager to understand (Matt. 18:4). Later, when they were again preoccupied about the position they would hold in the Kingdom, he expressed the idea that they should be "as he who serves" (Luke 22:25-27). This standard should be enforced in our day. The most important people in our society are those who serve the sick, the needy, the suffering. They are great because they've given themselves over to others. And Jesus was at the head of the list: he's the greatest of all, because he handed his life over to take away the sins of the world (Phil. 2:1-11).

The beginning of greatness is manifested today in our daily life. Those who serve the most people can sometimes be the most famous and prosperous, but those aren't their motives. Even better, public recognition seems to be the inevitable result of unselfishly serving everyone else.

38. What sin, in particular, impedes the flow of the power of the Kingdom? (Matt. 18:21-35)

Refusal to forgive obstructs access to the Kingdom and its wonderful power (see also Matt. 6:5-15; Mark 11:22-26).

The first person whom you probably haven't forgiven is yourself. Often, people need to forgive themselves more than any other people. They are reluctant to forgive themselves and remember that GOD said, "As far as the east is from the west, he has removed our rebellions from us" (Psa. 103:12). If you are a believer, the LORD has already cleansed your conscience of dead deeds, to serve the living GOD (Heb. 9:14). GOD cleansed us of sin, so that you may serve him without feelings of past guilt getting in the way. These should be dead, buried and forgotten.

"If our heart doesn't condemn us", the Bible says, "we have confidence toward GOD" (I John 3:21). Obviously, we can't continue sinning and expect to be forgiven. We should free ourselves of deliberate sin and rebellions against GOD. But if we walk in the light, and in the path of forgiveness, the blood of our LORD Jesus Christ continually cleanses us of all sin (I John 1:7).

The second person we should "forgive", if we are bitter, is GOD himself. There are those who blame GOD for the death of a child, because a husband or wife has left them, because they have infirmities, because they don't earn enough money. They consciously or unconsciously accuse GOD for all these things. If a well of resentment exists, you can't experience the power of the Kingdom flowing through your life; you should free yourself of all resentment toward GOD. That may require a certain amount of introspection. You should ask yourself, "Am I blaming GOD for my situation?"

The third person you should forgive could, perhaps, be some family member whom you may have left. Chase away resentments, especially toward those who are closest to you. Husbands, wives, children, parents, all should be forgiven when petty resentments rise up within the family. Many say, "I didn't think that was important. For me, it was only a family matter". All refusal to forgive should be eliminated, especially toward other family members.

Finally, you should forgive any other person who has done something against you. Your resentment could be justified. It's possible someone has done something terrible to you. Perhaps you have every right and sufficient reasons to reject and hate that person. But if you wish to see the life and power of the Kingdom flowing through your life, it's absolutely necessary that you learn to forgive.

Forgive until you feel free of resentment and bitterness, and you are able to pray for someone who has hurt you. If you don't do it, refusing to forgive will keep GOD's power from reaching you and filling your life. A miraculous life depends 100% upon your relationship with GOD the Father. This relationship strictly hinges on the firm foundation of forgiveness that GOD grants you.

Forgiveness is the key to everything. Other sins may exist, and if your heart accuses you of any other thing, as it's bound to, you won't feel confidence toward GOD. But it is refusal to forgive that most often separates people from the LORD.

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What is the one true church?
The one true church is the universal body of believers everywhere who have given their hearts to Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD. That is the only true church.

The Bible teaches us that we must maintain the unity of the Spirit until we come into unity of faith. In other words, spiritual unity is something that all Christians can have. Complete unity of knowledge is something for the future.

The fact that there are many different denominations reflects a lack of knowledge in the church. In many instances, it also reflects pride. People are unwilling to meet together with others and submit their concepts to the body of Christ. And many denominations have come about because of doctrinal error. What begins as a beautiful and fresh revelation of GOD often degenerates into lukewarmness and then into fighting what GOD is doing.

Many times those who claim to know GOD persecute those who really do. It becomes necessary for the LORD Himself to come back with a fresh revelation to break through the solidification of the orthodox believers. This happened in Israel. Israel had lost sight of the Lawgiver in their exaltation of the law. They killed Jesus, who was the manifestation of GOD, in the name of their law.

In the Middle Ages, when the church had gained political as well as religious power, it began to grow corrupt. Then a reform movement came about through Martin Luther and others, who were persecuted severely by the church. Later on, Lutherans began to persecute Calvinists. Then Calvinists began to persecute Anabaptists, who brought out truth from GOD on baptism.

Still later, Baptists persecuted Pentecostals, who brought out a different truth about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. There have been succeeding waves of truth that GOD wants to restore to the church. These revelations of truth have been the seed for some of the major denominations which many times began as despised and persecuted sects.

The new Christian needs to find a fellowship of believers who love the LORD and who believe the Bible. There are Episcopal priests who love GOD with all their hearts, who are filled with the Holy Spirit, who serve Jesus, and whose churches are beautiful places of worship. In some Catholic churches born-again Christians could feel at home. There are Baptist churches where the members love GOD, Presbyterian churches where the members love GOD, as well as Methodist, Assemblies of GOD, Nazarene, and Holiness churches and many others where the members love GOD.

When you are looking for a church home, the first thing to do is to ask the LORD to guide you. Ask Him where He wants you. Find a church that is true to the Bible, one where the people love Jesus Christ and serve Him as LORD. Are the doctrine, teaching, and practice of that church in accordance with the Word of GOD? Do the members try to live out the doctrine they profess? If you find those characteristics and a warm fellowship, the church may be for you.

What are the chief differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants?
I believe the major difference between Roman Catholics and Protestants is the place given to the Bible. Although Roman Catholics believe that the holy Scriptures are inspired of GOD, they also believe that, along with the Bible, the tradition of the church through history, brought about by church councils, is to be given weight in matters of faith and doctrine. Protestants believe that the sole rule of faith and practice should be the holy Scriptures, and therefore, they do not accept certain Catholic practices that are primarily justified by appealing to tradition. They do not accept the authority of the pope. They do not accept the practice of praying to the Virgin Mary, and they do not accept other rituals practiced in Roman Catholicism.

At the time fo the Reformation, a Roman Catholic monk named Martin Luther rediscovered the doctrine of justification by faith set out by the apostle Paul in the book of Romans. If a man is justified from his sin by faith alone, Luther reasoned, then what is the need for pilgrimages, penance, indulgences, purgatory, and the last rites? Since Luther's findings were interpreted to undercut Roman Catholic tradition, he was excommunicated. However, large numbers of Germans flocked to hear him, and there arose what came to be the Lutheran church.

Then other theologians such as John Calvin challenged Roman Catholic teaching, and Calvinistic churches known as Reformed churches emerged. These churches, arising out of a "protest" to reform Roman Catholicism, were called Protestant churches. That period of history, approximately from 1500 to 1650, is called the Protestant Reformation.

According to the Bible, what must a person do to become a saint?
The traditional view of sainthood gives special recognition to people who have lived godly, holy lives. This is not the biblical view. According to the Bible, when someone meets Jesus Christ as Savior and is born again, that person becomes a saint not by virtue of a holy life but because of a relationship to Jesus Christ.

When the apostle Paul wrote to one of the other New Testament cities, he addressed his letter to the "saints" of GOD in that city. He was talking to every church member. Anyone who has been made holy in Jesus is a saint. Unless we belong to Jesus, our accomplishments do not mean anything in GOD's sight.

Obviously, if GOD is fair, and He is, He will not ignore the labors of Christians in this life. There will be rewards in heaven. Having done everything we can do, we still must realize that we are only doing what we should and that our righteousness - our sainthood - comes from Jesus, not from our works.

Does being a church member ensure that I will go to heaven?
Many people believe that joining a church, being baptized n a church, or going through some ritual in a church guarantees them heaven. That is not true. The Bible says that unless you are born again, you cannot enter the Kingdom of GOD. It takes more than being a church member to get into heaven. If you are born again, you are part of the body of Christ and you are a member of the universal church. Merely putting your name on a church roll does not bring you salvation.

Do I have to go to church to be saved?
No. However, Christianity is not a solitary religion. We are a communal people, and the Bible tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together.

We need fellowship, we need encouragement from one another, and we need to have our views and concepts balanced and checked by other Christians. Jesus said that it takes two or more gathered together for Him to be in their midst. That means a family can have the LORD in their midst. But even there, one person acts as a counterbalance on another. You do not have some person who goes off and sits on a high mountain all by himself and comes up with a new religion.

You do not have to be in the church to be saved, but to continue effectively in the things of GOD, you must be in some type of fellowship with other Christian people, and churches meet that need.

How do I recognize a cult?
Practically every cult has certain characteristics that can tell the careful observer that something is wrong.

For instance, what does a group think about Jesus? Jesus Christ is GOD, LORD of all, the only source of salvation. Invariably, a cult will put something else on an equal footing with Christ. It will have a ritual that is equal to Christ, or it will have a doctrine equal to Christ, or it will have a leader who is equal to Christ. In other words, even if it acknowledges Christ as Savior, it will say that you need something else before you can get into heaven. Cults teach that salvation comes through Christ, plus their little unique way. Some cults do not acknowledge Christ at all. They may make Him coequal with their religious teachers or with certain great men of history. The quickest way to recognize a cult is by its treatment of Jesus.

Second, cults frequently attempt to instill fear into their followers. The followers are taught constantly that salvation comes only through the cult. "If you leave us, you will lose your salvation." they say.

The third area has to do with the exaltation of the leader of the cult. Cults often center around a man or woman who is trying to gain power, money, or influence from manipulating people. This appears to be the case in the Unification church with Sun Myung Moon. In the Children of GOD, Moses David Berg is an autocratic leader. In the People's Temple, Jim Jones drew attention to himself and asked his followers to die with him. A true leader who serves Jesus Christ has one goal, and that is to exalt and manifest Jesus. When someone says he has unique insight into GOD or is the special one that GOD has anointed to reach the world, you are dealing with cultic behavior.

A final mark of a cult is the unwillingness of the leaders to let the people grow up. A true shepherd will do everything he can to bring Christian people to maturity as quickly as he can. He will not seek to avoid necessary teaching, nor will he try to keep people from maturity. Many cults perpetuate spiritual dependence so that their followers lose the ability to make independent, rational decisions. Often techniques of brainwashing are used to create robotlike behavior.

Although there are other marks of cultic behavior, these seem to be the ones that stand out.

What is the greatest problem facing the church today?
From my point of view, the greatest problem facing the church is lack of unity. When Jesus Christ was getting ready to leave this earth, He prayed for His disciples and asked especially that they would be united. He said that whenever His followers acted in unity, the world would know that the Father had sent Him. However, it is extremely difficult in this world to achieve the kind of unity, love, and concern for one another that Jesus Christ shared with His disciples.

I am not advocating unity at the expense of purity or at the expense of doctrinal truth. We cannot throw out the Bible in order to have unity. We cannot embrace any strange doctrine just to have superficial unity. But we must have unity where those who truly love Jesus Christ will love each other and try to work together. Even though they may differ over techniques and other superficial things, Christians must work together and emphasize areas of agreement. When this happens, the church will become a supernaturally powerful force. According to the book of Genesis, upon the occasion of the building of the tower of Babel, GOD saw that the people had one language and were of one accord. Because of this, He said that nothing they wanted to do would have been impossible for them. If the church could achieve unity, it could change the political and social structure of society with no trouble at all. The world would be a beautiful place to live in if the church would get together. Regrettably, we do not. We have a divisive party spirit...we have jealousy...we fight...we are suspicious of one another. I am not talking about those who do not really believe in GOD. I am talking about the ones who are believers, who have been born again. If people will truly follow after the Spirit of GOD, they can operate in unity, because the Spirit of GOD will give them unity.

Unity begins to break down when man's selfishness enters the picture. For unity we have to have mutual respect and a mutual willingness to give and to surrender, not to the other person so much, but to Jesus. We can truly have unity when we all want GOD's will to be done.