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Below - on this page are the inscriptions on the stones in the Auld Kirkyard at Tullibody with some pictures. Some of the old stones have no names on them - only dates, initials and carvings (see Symbols and Emblems). There are about 400 stones in all. The plan below shows the general locations of stones. I have included pictures of some stones - Be aware that some stones are just not there any more. - Before looking at this page, look at the Family Names page to find out the gravestone numbers for particular family names.

I've put these general pictures here because people are visiting the graveyard and finding listed stones missing. In the past broken stones and fallen stones have been removed. These pictures will give a better idea of the nunbers of stones actually present. The list was made in 1968. Click on the samll picture to view the larger version.

Links to the above pictures are also provided below beside their associated inscriptions.


1 George Drummond of Elm Bank Menstrie died at Muirpark 7.6.1894 aged 78, wife Janet McGregor at Elm Bank 24.10.1868 aged 42, daughter Janet at Ashbrook Edinburgh 27.11.1926 aged 77 (wife of Lawrance Drysdale captain 2nd company C&KR volunteers died at Manor Steps 1.11.1878 aged 39, daughter Maggie Jane 18.11.1878 4 years 6 months

2 1714 IC MG

3 Robert Macfarlane 10.12.1960 aged 92, wife Jane Hunter Rolland 25.1.1925 age 55

4 illegible

5 1730 IC IM

6 1730 LC IM

7 1730 WC

8. 1741 RM HS IM IM

9 RM

10 1741 IM IM

11 1747 IR MB (emblems of mortality)

12 AA MD

13 1721 IM IM IM MM (emblems of mortality)

14 John Philp 4.12.1891 aged 75, wife Margaret Taylor...1.5.1890 age 76, daughter Elizabeth 17-1.1925 aged 73 (wife of Aitken Couper 28.2.1913 aged 63); John & James Infants

15 and 16 Nicol Robertson late farmer Carse Bonny 10.9.1855 aged 65, Eldest Son 8.7.1858 aged 36; 1750 J D MF (coulter) - view picture

17 Robert Eadie .2.1854 aged 45. First wife Elizabeth Stewart 2.4.1893 aged 69, children Elizabeth 6.12.1873 age 21, Janet 8.11.1929 age 75, Alex 6.4.1881 age 30, second wife Margaret Cropper 11.2.1894 age 44; William Marshall 10.7.1920 age 59

18 William Marshall 10.7.1920,by fellow workers in Sunnyside Foundry

19 Robert Eadie at Paterson;. 2 lairs

20 1818; William Paterson 15.11.1812 aged 39; Lillias Welch 2.12.1855 aged 83

21 William Paterson 21.12.1880, wife Margaret Archibald 17.1.1896 aged 70, son Andrew 25.3.1877, son John 30.6.1887 aged 30, daughter Janet 2.12.1921 aged 75, granddaughter Margaret 11.3.1903, age 28; Rachel Drummond 7.9.1881

22 John Beveridge late of Cambus and Tullibody .6.1856, wife Mary Macdonald 28.12.1893, son Peter Brotherston 1834, daughter Mary .11.1857, son James FEIS PSA late headmaster church of Scotland Normal schools Glasgow 6.12.1919, son - Adam 16.12.1903 buried Fossoway churchyard, son John Moubray at Torphins Aberdeenshire 25.5.1910 buried there; Isobel Keltie buried 1.1.1923 at Sunnyside Fossoway, by other children

23 (broken) -----tson to his wife Margaret Sinclair 13.4.1870 age 72; William Hunter 11.12.1870

24 1726 PD RM

25 1771 WD MH

26 Flat Stone- William Archibald in Tillicoultry 9.10.1823, wife Agnes Whitehead 18.2.1864 age 86

27 W. Archibald; M. Rennie; 1802

28 1788 JW AW EN

29 John Galloway at Menstrie 1791 age 63, wife Margaret Hall 1828 age 84, son John 1843 age 75,(wife Elizabeth Roy 1828 age 50, by son Alex in Forthvale Cambus, son John 1842 age 42, daughter Janet 1847 age 23, Robert 1881 age 70 (see 55)

30 1710 RG EH TG MA (emblems of mortality)

31 (cherub, crown, hammer and ? - emblems of mortality ) RD ID CC IP View picture

32 Cosmo McLean 8.6.1904 age 55, wife Cath Pagan 4.10.1904 age 50, children Cosmo & Jessie infants

33 1773 IS AM

34 IS MA (miller's rind and grindstone?)

35 IS 1771

36 1729 IS EM (coulter, emblems of mortality) View Picture

37. 1797 Hendry Mitchell; Cat ------ M ----lom (emblems of mortality)

38 1625 IA MM JW MM

39 1797 HM CM

40 1747 IM IM (coulter)

41 1747 IM IM (coulter)

42 John Scott taxman of Alloa ferry for 15 years 11.11.1821 aged 41;
Janet Aikman


(from north of gate along west wall to Celtic Cross in North West Corner)

44 W. White & Mary Colqhoun

45 Peter Battison drowned at Cambus 18.11.1887 aged 57 wife Cath M. McGregor 17.3.1916 aged 83, younger daughter Agnes 24.4.1958 aged 80

46 William Kirk 14.2.1862 aged 46, wife Cath Young 10.5.1876 age 47, daughter Mary at London 21.10.1878 aged 19; Sarah Ann Kirk at Sauchie 19.1.1883 aged 22

47 Alex McEwan 21.6.1865 wife Mary Hendry 3.9.1850, son Alex at Sauchie 24.5.1881 aged 82 (first Wife Jean Carmichael 30.5.1828?, second wife Jean Young 29.10.1870)

49 1821 - - J Taylor; Alexander :- liars (pair of compasses?)

50 1780 IK EC

51 William Paterson 26.12.1874 age 59, wife Janet Burns 15.12.1879 aged 65 - (parents of Dr. William Burns Paterson - founder of Alabama State University) View Picture of stone - see also - a general picture

52 Robert Robertson joiner Menstrie 3.6.1897 aged 54 wife Isabella Campbell 22.12.1935 age 85; children David Clarke-. 2.4.1876 aged 18 months, Sam Camp-bell 23.5.1884 age 7,, James 28.8.1888 age 5 (son of David 27.3.1887 aged 80, and Helen Kirk R. 13.9.1875 aged 74)

53 James Oliver 8.10,1882 age 54, wife Mary Whyte 20.8.1894 aged 69.(daughter Janet Russel 4.1.1872 age 20) son James 9.2.1830 age 79 (wife Margaret H. Donaldson 8.2.1931 aged 80)

54 (white marble.) Ann Arnot 28.8.1925 aged 84

55 (tall pink granite celtic cross in north west corner) Alex Galloway of Fortvale 16.3.1882. age 78 - first wife Margaret Cairns 20.4.1870 age 60 children John 11.11.1837 18 months, John 13.11.1845 7 months, second wife Flora Taylor 27.10.1877 age 47

56 Andrew Bryce born Dunblane 1795 died here 1885, wife Janet Adams born Menstrie 1803 died Stirling 1874, son William born Dunblane 1825 died Stir-ling 1907 (wife Jean Morrison born Alloa 1827 died Stirling 1902) - see picture of stone & a general view - as at July 6, 2005

57 (white marble) Robert Harrison 13.2.1890 age 30, wife Mary Jane Aitken 28.3.1917 age 56. children Elizabeth Snadden 4.12.1889 17 months - Robert 23.10.1939 age 58

59 James Dewar 10.12.1892 age 72 - wife Annie Easson, children

60 James Knox in Cambus 5.8.1873, wife Marion Ferguson 17.8.1886., children Robert 6.11.1838; Isabella 10.7.1858, son-in-law George Clark at Glasgow 4.4.1908 age 57 - son James 10.8.1904 (wife Cath Eadie 30.10.187, daughter Jane Dempster infant)

61 (marble facing east side).Alex Wishart 31.7.1904 age 70., wife Cath Fleming 22.6.1907 age 70;(west -side) -Charles Fleming 7.4.1863 age 75, Margaret Duncan 10.12.1856 age 62, daughter Mary Ann 16.2.1884, age 49, daughter Elizabeth 12.8.1892 age 60, grandson John Fleming at Greenock 20.9.1871 age 19

63 (broken) ----ander Dry---- Postmaster New Sauchie, 8.9.1863 wife Agnes Arnot 14.1.1892 age 73

64 (on top) IA ID (east side) IA IH

65. (on top) IA ID (east side) IA IH

66. 1763 PH AM (emblems of mortality, weavers shuttle and stretcher) View Picture

67 (blank)

68 1801 AD KB

69 Andrew Archibald 3.10.1874, w ife Jean Archibald 13.10.1883 age 84

70 Robert Colquhoun 20.3.1799 - 27.1.1880, wife Helen Archibald. 26.4. 1804 - 28.2.1865, son Robert 19.4.1891, son James at Manchester 23.12.1882, son Andrew at Stirling 7.5.1899, daughter Mary at Tullibody 1.4. 1900, son Charles at Burntisland 22.10.1900; Margaret Colquhoun 5.9.1833 - 23..5.1911; John Colquhoun. 27.12.1836 - 11.7.1915

71 1779; W. Lucas; H L; M L - A. Lucas; J L; J P

72 (on top) JE AW (east side) 1747 WE HL (coulter, emblems of mortality)

73 (same as 72)

74 1755 IG IG (emblems of mortality, coulter)

75 1755 IG IG (emblems of mortality)

76 (Flat Stone next to the church) emblems of mortality, coulter, churub - (illegible)

77 1732 IM IS (emblems of mortality)

78 1721 DR IM (hammer, shovel and another tool shaped like a cricket bat) View Picture

79 James Allan at Stirling 15.9.1895 age 87, wife Janet Russell Blaikic died at Stirling 23.10.1917 aged 82, son William at Stirling 4.6.1921 age 50; daughter Florence Wright. at Edinburgh 29.12.1944; age 82

(starting next to church, north wall - row going north)

80 JL JJ JL CH (emblems of mortality)

81 (has iron bands round it) (emblems of mortality) OJ SH

82 (very low, illegible)

83 (low) (west side) Archnd Mitchell & Janet Anderson; l812; east side Archd M. Mason 18.2.1862 age 66

84 (grey granite) ---- Stewart, wife Janet Mitchell 5.11.1853 age 49 sisters Cath M. 2.1.1852 age 49, Margaret M. 19.11.1883 age 86, son James 25.6.1870 age 23

85 William Burns 4.9.1792 age 75, wife Margaret Forman 12.3.1795 age 73, son James 23.12,1824 age 73, daughter Cath 24.11.18-1848 age 88, son Robert 24.7.1849 age 91

86 John Alexander, wife Margaret Richardson (sister Mary 26.8.1883) Catherine Elix Burns 23.7.1882 age 55 & Isabella 16.12.1906 age 82; Jean Richardson 21.12.1889 age 88; Christian 18.3.1892 age 93

87 (white marble) Isabella Lothian 17.4.1918; sister Elizabeth Lothian 28.1.1940

88 1789; Alex Morrison & Elisabeth Grassom 'MOUTERR/IN CAMBUS MILL'(moulterer in Cambus Mill). (West side) 1709

89 1791 IF IM

90 1903; by William Goodall to wife Elizabeth Morrison 20.5.1903 age 58

91 1749 (D) A I B (emblems of mortality)

92 Robert McDonald 1851? wife Mary Allan 2.12.1871 age 88, by son David

93 R Mc EH IM

94 Charles McDonald --- wer Catrine, wife Anne -- son John -- 1869

95 1710 IL EC WL IE (emblems of mortality)

96 John Thomson 8.6.1843,wife Jane McArthur 9.11.1891 age 83, daughter Charlesina 20.10.1841. daughter Jane 8.1.1869 (wife of Robert McGregor, daughter Isabella 8.5.1868) son Alex 3.6.1895 age 57 (wife Elizabeth Snaden 28.4.1878, son Alex 27.6.1870 8 months, son John 31.8.1938 age 73,whose wife Mary Anne McWhinnie 30.4.1952 aged 86) - stone misssing! - see pictures - 2614 - 2615 - 2616 - 2617 - 2618

97 (pink granite) Lawrence Graham 2.7.1932 age 67, wife Christina Mercer 4.10.1927 age 61 - 2613

98 (long) Thomas Marshall & Mary Wilson; 9.6.1832, 2 lairs - see picture of stone - 2619

99(grey granite) Hugh Christie 15.12,1870 age 75; wife Mary McCall 26.10.1883 age 82; son James 25.12.1869, daughter Mary 11.11.1916, daughter Margaret 29.4.192l(wife of Robert Reid 24.2.1927 age 79)

100 (broken) …………………………. In her 80th, year

101 (grey granite) James Mitchell farmer Knowefauld Tullibody 12.9.1916 age 71. wife Jane Arnot 8.9.1927 age 82, children Mary Scott 1.7. 1871 13 monts, son James 24.1.1877 three and a half years old

102 William Burns miller 7.8.1873 age 69, wife Catherine Sinclair suddenly at Cambus 27.9.1878. son George 27.6.1872 age 24. by daughter Annie

103 William Dempster 1.6.1872 age55, wife Elizabeth Bowie 14.1.1893 aged 85

104 (east side) D C; (west side) 1 lair

105 Alex Macgregor teacher here died before 1927, daughter Anne 21.9.1927

106 Henry Mungall wife Jane Mathie 16.4.1866 age 66; 2 lairs

107 Adam Beveridge 22.9.1898 age 68, wife Jean Kerr Galloway 17.7.1908 age 78. children Margaret 21.7.1863 3 years 3 months, son James 2.8.1863 5 years 6 months

108 (near yew. tall pink granite with urn) John McDonald cooper Alloa 8.11.1894 age 75 wife Margaret Jeffrey 27.4.1871 age 45, children Infants son Robert 2.3.1923 age 62, daughter Sarah Dixon 12.2.1940, Margaret 2.7.1941

109 1757 IB HB HR RB IC (coulter, emblems of mortality)

110 George Napier at Cambus 23.6.1895 age 73, wife Catherine Wallace, 20.5.1897 age 72; Isabella Harrow 27.1.1923 6 months; John Harrow, widow Catherine Wallace Napier 22.9.1932; James henry Napier 27.6.1946 age 80 wife Isabella Brown

111 Alex Scott 18.6.1884 age 83, wife Grace McNeil 23.11.1882 age 74, son Alex 1.6.1925 age76 (wife Mary McBeath at Cambusnethan 29.3. 1938 age 85; (west-side) 1736 TMc T D (emblems of mortality)

112 1865 William McIntosh & Isabella McLay

113 (emblems of mortality) IN MH 1719

114 Henry Nimmo farmer Blackgrange .2.1822,wife Margaret Forrester
3.9.1831, children John, Helen, James .12.1837, Thomas 21.9.1861, Ann 3.1867

115 1719 IN MH (emblems of mortality - coulter, crossed spade & shovel)

116 James Aitken 8.6.1869 age 74, William 1.3.1835 age 4, James. 5.11.1838 age 9, Elizabeth 28.8.1867 age 25

117 Alex Ferguson, wife Christina Ferguson 25.1.1910 age 73,son Duncan at
Bankhead 16.1.1868 2 years 10 months

118 Robert Fraser, wife Johanne Maclennan at Cambus 27.6.1921 (pink granite)- view picture

119 Willaim Nicol & Marion Marshall - view picture - see general view - see another general view

120 T S J S J S M D 1808 3 lairs

121 John Brown; wife Margaret Lawson & their offspring 1769- 1934

122 (on top) 1769; (east side) IB ML. (west side) "this stone keeps 3 graves" View Picture

123 James Cram builder at Rothesay 19.6.1864 age 53, wife Jane Paterson at Cambus 20.6.1885 age 72, son William 7.8.1867 age 27, daughter Jane 8.8.1877 age 39; 1865 - this stone fallen down - lying flat on the ground - August 2002

124 (against church wall, blank) next to north wall of church gong north 124 - 100

(starting next to church, north wall - row going north)

125 Browne Monteath; (coulter?)

126 182(1) J. Nicol

127 Massive sarcophagus "The Maiden Stone" - see picture

128 Michael Glancey 4.9.1933 age 74 wife Allison Heeps, children John infant, Michael 28.10.1911 age 24, John of wounds in France 31.8.1915 age 24, Shirley 1924 1942

129 1702 IM IB (long)

130 1793 IG MG

131 1819; George Scott & Margaret Archibald

132 1765 RD IA

133 1728 R G E D

134 David Alexander 12.2.1903 age 44, wife Janet Morrison at Glasgow 25.4.1930 age 69, son Patrick David died of wounds 22.3.1918 age 21 buried at Grevillers British cemetery, Bapaume, son John Morrison 23.3.1959 age 68, daughter Eugenua Cairns Drummond 17.3.1955 age 73 (grey granite) - see picture

135 1725 IW MD (Emblems of mortality, weavers shuttle and stretcher) - see picture

136 Robert Knox, brewer Cambus 11.8.1871 age 66, wife Cath Archibald 30,11.1846 age 33, children Andrew, Catherine & Janet infant; Robert Knox brewer Cambus, wife Janet Hamilton 10.9.1891 age 64, son James 15.3.1854; 1.7.1857; David Fotheringham Knox. at Johore Bahru Straits Settlements 20.7.1892 age 32 (grey granite)

137 Robert Knox brewer Cambus .7.1846 age 85, wife Isabella Fotheringham 8.1828, sons William, John & James, William Dawson Knox. at Edinburgh 28.10. 1905 buried here, James at Singapore 23.10.1895 age 31, daughter Janet at Dollar 15.5.1940 aged 90 - stones fallen down - 10th March 2007

138 1772 A D I F; John Dobson at Dovecot 14.12.1885 age 19 - see picture

139 1772 Archibald Drysdale of North Balbridge 2.2.1772 age 73 (square & compasses, axe)

140 Andrew Hardie; wife Margaret Aikman 7.6.1904 age 81, son Andrew 29.5.1884 age 29, daughter
Margaret (Mimmie) 23.3.1929 age 72 -see picture - also see a general picture

141 1736 IG I B

141 Peter Dawson 18.4.1914 age 51, wife Janet Knox Paterson 20.12.1905 age 36; (west side) Robert Duncan 10.2.1868 age 68, wife Margaret Thomson 23.10.1856 age 50, children Cathrine 4 months, Andrew 6 months, Helen 8 days, George age 9, Willaim age 7, son Robert at Kooringa Adelaide South Australia 1.8.1883 age 42

143 1829; Robert Scotland & Barbara Scotland

144 1801 R M E A

145 (pink granite) William Ewing 12.1.1919 age 71; wife Jane Whitehead 7.9. 1930 age 72, son Willam reported missing in France age 18 - general picture

146 (urn on top) Francis Ewing flesher 3.3.1871 age 80, wife Jane Hutton 28.3.1879 age 88, son Francis 8.8.1845 age 23, grandson Francis 3.4.1862 age 19; son William 5.9.1868 age 51, Daughter Margaret 11.10.1901 age 81, daughter Mary 11.1.1907 age 71, daughter Ann 11.2.1907 age 81 - picture of 145 & 146

147 E. McIntosh 4.2.1873, also William 16.2.1865

148 (white marble) Edward Moir 16.4.1906, wife Mary Gentleman 29.11. 1893, children Betsy 9.10.1871., John 4.10.1882, Mary 29.3.1910, Isabella 18.9.1926 age 72 (wife of John Cameron
26.2.1922 age 66) youngest daughter Jean 17.12.1936

149 (pink granite against north wall) Gabriel W Wright 27.12.1823 - 13.4.1900; wife Jessie Barry 18.11.1826 - 25-6.1897, children Elizabeth 30.5.1859 accidentally drowned in river Devon 16.5. 1861, Isabel Barry 20.6.1851 - 6.2.1863; Jamws Burns 5.9.1854 - 4.3.1863, Annie Dick 14.9.1863 - 9.1.1869, Gabriel 8.5.1869 - 8.10.1870, John 23.5.1857 - 6.12.1871, George Barry 15.1.1849 died at Monte Video South America 21.8.1880, Jessie Barry 28.3.1921 age 59

150 (against north wall of kirkyard) Alex Nicol 14.6.1883 age 71, wife Mary Mitchell 3.1.1877 age 52

151 John Scobbie at Cambus 21.3.1899 age 50, wife Ann Reid 6.11.1913 age 65 - two children infants

152 William Short 21.6.1880 age 35, wife Susan Jessie Campbell 3.11.1903 age 57, children William 4.3.1895., Agnes 18.4.1904

153 Robert Templeman 25.7.1913? age 72? - wife Elizabeth Love 31.1.1875, son David 15.12.1863.(wife Helen Fleming 13.4.1888)

154 (on top) JK HB (west side) 1721 WK M MR

155 (west side - obelisk) Rev. George Hislop for 21 years chaplain Calton prison Edinburgh 16.6.1855, by David Hislop; 1858; (North Side) William Hislop 17.71834; Barbara Imbrie 25.12.1825; Isabella Main 15.11.1855; Alex Hislop 10.1.1859 - see picture

156 T. Hodge & I. ----H-nan ( Buchanan?); 1858

157 (grey granite) Alex Ferguson 28.7.1902 age 68, first wife Elizabeth Fraser 24..5.1870 age 34 two infants, Elizabeth 21.3.1879 2years 6 months; duaghter Margaret 29.5.1932; second wife Mary Hunter 2.12.1921 age 78 - see picture

158 John Paterson 13.4.1850 age 56, wife Elizabeth Donaldson 27.1.1865 age 65, daughter Elizabeth 2-1.9.1851 age 15; David Boswell 8.12.1912 age 83, wife Margaret Paterson. 9.11.1886 age 57, daughter Elizabeth Paterson Boswell 16.9.1892 age16 buried at Auchterardrer; Margaret Boswell 16.11.1948 age 78 - see picture

159 William Aikman baker 20.8.1877 age 91, wife Margaret Downie 4.12.1871 age74, son Thomas student of divinity 9.11.1840 age 21, Janet 21.4.1837. age14., Mary 6.1.1841 age 17, Georgina 13.11.1856 age 26; two children infants; Elizabeth Aikman. 9.7.1891 age 54 - see picture of stone

160 1734 J L M W- (coulter & harrows) see picture of stone

161 WL HW AF 1777 - see picture of stone

162 1734 J L MW (star, coulter, rest buried;. almost a replica of 160) - see picture

163 (white marble plaque) James Duncan 10.1.1882. nephew John M'Nellan 6.4.1882; Ann McNellan 11.2.1914, Margaret 19.2.1919 age 89

164 (broken.. upside down, partly bd) IMc KB 1735

165 (white marble plaque) John McNellan, wife Lizzie Scott; George McNellan., wife Margaret Duncan, daughter Lizzie

166 (grey granite) Alex Whitehead joiner 7.6.1819 - 14.1.1907, wife Jane Ewing 6.6.1829 -
13.1.1914, children Alex 23.1.184 age 1, Ann Henderson 24.1.1864 age 2years 6 months, Anne
Henderson Whitehead. 2.3.1932 age 66

167(white marble plaque) Donald Buchanan merchant Kincardine 4.8. 1850 age 34, wife Helen Aikman 12.1.1904 age 86, children William.Aikman Buchanan 4.2.1867 age 17, Donald 13.5.1869 age 22, Maggie Downie Buchanan. 1.11.1871 age 22

168 1710 1792 R M I L

169 1709 D M IM (emblems of mortality)

170 Robert Reid 10.6.1878 age 75, wife Mary Campbell 6.6.1879 age 63, son John 9.1.1905 age 49

171 (I) G I'T

172 (west side) T M E H; (east side) 1704 T D I F MM

173 (long) 1823; ---HUBISTOPHER IRN road contractor Menstrie --------- ine Kerr, his spouse ---- four of their children who lies in.this ground also of themselves C C died 4th July 1834 aged 54 years. G-K died 13th Dec.1840 aged 56 years and of John their fourth son died 28th October 1847 aged 28 years

174 (on top) 2 lairs

175 James Donaldson, Elizabeth McGregor; 1 lair; 1834; Margaret.Eadie

176 F H CP 1812

177 John Nicol - (to be checked)

(starting next to church, north wall - row going north) 177 - 150

(starting next to church, north wall - row going north)

178 (pink sandstone against north wall of church)1715 GH IA (figure in 18th century costume, biblical text)'This stone erected in 1715 by George Haig, Newbigging, eldest son of John Haig, Orchard and grandson of Robert Haig, St.Ninian's, the second son of James Haig of Bemersyde, was restored in 1887 by two of his lineal descendants, namely Hugh Veitch Haig of Ramornie, Fife, and Charles Edwin Haig younger of Pen-Ithon, Radnorshire.

179 J H J J 1816

180 1788 W D M D

181 1788 W D M D

182 (on top, small) W D L D

183 1769 W D L D

184 1699 J S E D; (on top) A A J A

185 1767 RA I D (,emblems of mortality)

186 (grey granite) Thomas Allan 13.2.1885.age 43,wife Janet Lindsay 2.1.1915 age 76, son David Lindsay 25.11.1906 age 25, James 2.4.1908 age 33, daughter Mary Peters 2.8.1911 age 37, daughter Elizabeth 15.9.1921 age 44 (wife of Hugh Harley)

187 J D. M R R D 1813

188 (an iron erection) (east -side) my fathers Peter, James, and John
were buried here in the years 1748, 1781 and 1829 aged 68, 69 and 88 and my mothers Ch Melville, Jean Rae, Mary Rennie in 1746, 1783,1817 aged 65, 72 and 76 years; (west side) erected by James Donaldson of Devon ironworks in memory of and to mark the spot where repose the ashes of his progenitors brothers sisters and daughters Mary and Ann

189 George Scott 11.8.1863 age 62, wife Catherine Mustart 18.11.1872 age 60

190 1763 D D IC shoemaker in Menstrie

191 Robert Dickie 28.6.1845 age 62, wife Margaret Bain 30.8.1864 age 82, son Henry 10.8.1814 age 4 months, Robert 27.4.1826 age 18 ,David 24.10.1846 age 24, John 27.5.1848 age39,Henry F. 15.71.1878 age 55 (wife Margaret Snadon 60); Margaret Dickie 18.4.1878,age 68:

192 (broken)(Ann) McLachlan at Menstrie 12.1.1885 age 40, wife of David Dickie

193 William Stewart at Airthrey 2.1.1908 aged 81, wife Mary Eadie at Menstrie 2.2.1896. children Elizabeth .1.1857 8 weeks, Robert .5.1857 age 4, William .3.1863 18 months, John at Milnathort 21.5.1915 age 57, George David 28.9.1937 age 67, Marion 14.5.1939 age 84

194 John Eadie, wife Marion Gillies, son James 8.5.1843

195 James Croy 18.11.1913 age 67,first wife Elizabeth Burns 24.6.1879 age 30, son Robert 27.4.1896 age 19, Second wife Elizabeth Archibald 8.3.1905 age 52

196 1780 H M I L

197 1769 1 K E F

198 1764 P P I M I K E P (emblems of mortality) I T I P

199 1764 M F IMc (emblems of mortality) - picture of 198 & 199

200 Walter Vicars mason at Menstrie 15.7.1838; Janet Stevenson - 200 & 201 missing - picture

201 John Vicars 20.5.1853 age 58, wife Helen Archibald 27.10.1852 age 63. daughter Janet 1.4.1900 age 77; James Vicars, daughter Helen Archibald 26.2.1875 infant Alex Scott 11.6.1882 age 68, wife Margaret Vicars 25.4.1876 age 57, daughter Helen 26.5.1876 age 33

202 David McLay in Devon Works 17.1.1844 age 87, wife Agnes Thomson 2.11.1851 age 61, son David at Howton Devon 20.6.1862 (son James manager at Lord Rosslynn's Colliery Dysart for 25 years 12.8.1887 age 67 - see picture

203 Robert Dickie 29.5.1915 age 78, wife Janet Paterson 13.10.1920 age 84,
children Henry 26.11.1883 age 19, daughter Janet 27.5.1946 age 69, Hugh Paterson 3.2.1892 age 18, Jane Scott 9.6.1898 age 35, child infant - see picture

204 John Doig 29.1.1887 age 36, Wife Mary Ann Williamson, children David
11.12.1875 18 months, Jane Simpson 21.11.1879 age 3 - (nearest North Wall of kirkyard in its row) - see picture

Starting at North wall of kirkyard -

205 (next north wall) Alex Cockburn inland revenue officer at Cambus 25.2.1883 age 58, wife Catherine Dick at Cambus 8.8.1904 (sister Isabella at Cambus 20.4.1897 age 74

206 (next north wall) William McSwan in Damsburn Menstrie 3.6.1916 age 68, wife Christina McDonald 16.3.1919 age 73, children Catherine 20.1.1881, Mary Ann 23.3.1949

207 (next north wall) Robert Lindsay, l0.12.1905, wife Agnes White Lindsay, 14,5,1924, son George 1873, son George 1880, son Alex 1881

208 (in front of 207) James Lindsay, wife Margaret R. Gowans 14.10.1963

209 James W. McNeil 17.2.1898 age 59, wife May Ritchie 27.2.1879 age 43, children Robert 28.5.1878 age 9, William 26.21879 age 4 months, daughter Marjory McNeil Lindsay 112.10.1934 age 66 (wife of John Lindsay 26.6.1942 age 74)

210 (small loose marble) Thomas Jerrat, by fellow workers C & W dept. LMS railway, Motherwell

211 John Gow 9.3.1935 aged 84, wife Janet Bennett 1.11.1931 age 76, children William 10.7.1908, Catherine 9.11.1906

212 Andrew Ferguson 1.3.1863, son; John 20.2..1863, son Peter 25.1.1877

213 J. Scotland at Bridge End 13.8.1913 age 77, wife Jane Dempster 14.3.1916 age 85, son Francis drowned 10.8.1876, 1 year and seven months

214 (grey granite) William Dawson 4.9.1903 age 76, wife Catherine Haggart 31.5.1911 age 85, children Peter & Sophia infant, Margaret 13.8.1909 age 17; Margaret Dawson 26.12.1901 age 78 - see picture

215 (of iron) William Dawson 18.12.1830 age 71, wife Marion Whitehead,11.1.1831 age 69?, by son Andrew in Alloa

216 (long) G. Drysdale & A. Drysdale; 1858 - see picture

217 W G

218 W G E M 1825

219 1730 J G A G J G (emblems of mortality, shoemaker's knife and crown)

220 A G HT

221 1818 J. Archibald

222 17--- A G H T

223 (on top) 1699; (east side) WI IH


225 John Hutton.died at Cambus 3 11.1894 age 66, wife Janet Macfarlane 1.11.1918 age 84, son William at Ditch farm 29.6.1870 l year 10 months., second son John 7 Seaforth Highlanders killed in action at Arras 9.4.1917 age 29 (pink granite)

226 James Galloway 18.6.1791 - 27.8.1875, wife Janet Tod 30.6.1808 - 29.12.1801, gss (grandson?) James
Galloway Watson died at Kimberley South Africa 11.11.1883; George S. Watson died at Edinburgh 23.4.1895

227 John W. Watson 9.7.1902 age 66, wife Isabella Galloway 14.2.1919 age 84; Jeanie Watson Elmslie (rest hidden)

228 Alex Brown. 12.9.1910 age 60, wife Sarah Barker 17.3.1897 age 37

229 William Archibald 28.1.1922 age 73, wife. Jane Carmichael 14.6.1896 age 44 son John 7.12.1900 age 17

starting at North East corner of the Auld Kirk row going north 229 - 205

230 (in north wall of church., emblems of mortality, much eroded)

231 (against east wall of church) Robert Jamieson 18.1.1939 age 85, wife Elizabeth Thom on 23.8.1925 age 73, daughter Margaret Cameron 10.9.1934 age 54

232 James Philp 15.3.1927 age 84, wife Elizabeth Stewart 22.7.1892 age48; Margaret Taylor 24.4.1911 age 39

233 (Flat Stone in front of 234) Alex Paterson 30.8.1823 age 74, .Janet Mitchell 1.12.1827 age 79

234 (long) 1830; Alex Paterson & Isabella Robertson

235 1773 A P H T

236 Alex Morrison senior 6.4.1885 age 82, wife Agnes Hunter 10.1.1881 age 76, daughter Agnes 14.4.1844 age 7, daughter Helen 11.11.1862 age 22, son? James.Morrison 16.2.1875 age 32, son Alex junior 19.9.1883 age 40

237 (Flat Stone grey of 238) Robert Moubray 30.11.1821 - 18.12.1888, wife Catherine Beveridge Wilson 23.10.1835 - 6.9.1904

238 (in enclosure) (right hand panel) John M. Moubray 25.7.1825 age 13;. John Moubray 28.5,1837 age 62, wife Janet Mitchell 25.5.1853 age65, children Margaret 11.12 1846 age 36, Isabella 20.3.1879 age 64; James 18.4.1846 age 29, Janet 10.4.1845 age 26,. Robert 18.12.1880 age 59; (left hand panel) John Mitchell 27.11.1813 age 54, wife Margaret Marshall 29.11.1833 age 63; John Mltchell 17.10.1856 age 31; Thomas 28.2.1846 aged 19, Helen 25.12.1853 age 22

239 John Galloway 27.4.1867 age 65, wife Margaret Donaldson 10. 1.1876 age 71, children; Christina 5.12.1842 age 2, Henry on passage home from Buenos Ayres 2.2.1870, James drowned coast Norway 29.10.1872 age 45, John drowned Dutch coast 26.1.1890 age 46, grandson John Galloway. 1.8.1897 age 19; (on back) their family Helen Galloway. or Dickson 15.1.1902 age 69, Margaret Galloway. 9.3.1909 age 80, Thomas Galloway 6.1.1915 age 78 (wife Jeanie McGilchrist 12.6.1900 age 46, son James 13.9.1928 age 43), Jeanie Donaldson Galloway 7.7.1959 age 76 - See picture of stone

Row starting at near the kirkyard north wall going South

240 John McBeath 16.6.1896 age 65, wife Mary Reid 24.3.1905 age 56 ; daughter? Helen 3.1.1900 age 18, mother Agnes Marjoribanks 2 8.4.1892 age 84; (on back) John McBeath 12.12.1840, & Charles McBeath 6.6.1851 ;(on top) 1858

241 1830 T. Fergues I. Dempster

242 W L IC 1805 2 lairs

243 John Robertson , Jean Scotland, 2 lairs,


245 HC ER

246 1692 IP MH

247 1692 IP MH

248 1827; John Archibald; Margaret Bachop; Coalkers; (on back) plough

249 H M A C (on top) (sunk-headstone)

250 (same as 249)

251 1764 A B K I (emblems of mortality, square & compasses)

252 1729, IC AMR (miller's rind, & two concentric circles with vertical bar and horizontal bar, as in 258 also axe? & square?) (emblems of mortality)

253 (on top) I D B D (old stone)

254 1697 ID B D

255 1689 A R A G (hour glass)

256 1746 A R A G G K C M (emblems of mortality)

257 William Anderson & Margaret Learmonth; 2 lairs 1841 -

Row runs south to north 257 - 240

Row with stone 258 nearest north wall of kirkyard

258 1729 AC MC; (emblems of mortality, millert's rind and two concentric circles, etc. as in 252); (on back) G B K C

259 Andrew Hunter 21.8.1864, wife Mary Brown 8.10.1877, son David 8.9.1848, daughter Annie 28.5.1882, daughter Elizabeth 16.4.1836

260 George Gibson, wife Ann Scott, son James, daughter Margaret (wife of Robert Morrison below); James Morrison, wife Jean .Laing, son Robert above (wife Margaret Gibson. above) daughter Jean; Annie Jamieson 3.5.1922 age 70; Margaret Jamieson 14.1.1928 age 85; (tablet joined to last) Robert Jamieson 26.3.1903 age 84, wife Margaret Morrison 26.2.1905 age 88, son James 18.1. 1847 2 years 6 months, daughter? Christina 23.8.1907 age 51, son Robert 15.1.1922 age 78; ( on back) GG AS 1804

261 1720 J A. J A (emblems of mortality); (on back) 1809 JA M A R A A S

262 1726 J A E M (emblems of mortality)

263 Daniel McLeran & Jean Galloway; 2 lairs

264 1726 IR EN (emblems of mortality, horse shoe, blacksmith's pincers, implement looking like spade blade, handle having two right angle turns in opposite directions and knob at end of handle)

265 Robert Archibald 27.10.1849, wife Helen McGregor 17.6.1822; John Archibald 6.1.1839

266 6436 private J. Murray Argyle & Sutherland highlanders 2.11. 3.1920 age 42

267 (trowel and crown) 1739 J P M M ; to son Archibald died at Dovecote 1.4.1899

268 James Kirk 5.10.1885 age 81, wife Elizabeth Kirk 2.11.1894 age 79, daughter Jane Allan Kirk. 5.12.1912 age 59, son Robert 13.8.1942 age 84 (wife Ada Burnett 28.9.1932 age 67)

Row south to north - to north wall of kirkyard

269 Alex Black 15.3.1910 age 65, wife Agnes Stein 12.1.1949 age 85, son Alex 15.11.1942 age 58

270 1789 WB IMc

271 Andrew Black; Margaret McNellan; 3 lairs; 1819

272 1690 IK M Mc

273 3 lairs; 1826; John Drysdale; Janet Archibald

274 1781 I D M D J D J A

275 (illegible)

276 1735 I M M K (emblems of mortality, scissors & tailor's goose)

277 (on top) I M K D

278 (long slab on end) (on top) 17 J C ES J C E P 36; ( emblems of mortality. plough) 1729 E S E(P or R); (on back) intended for John Colley, wife and & children (emblems of mortality, plough & harrows?) View Picture

279 1758 F M M R P M K M (emblems of mortality)

280 1818; James Bald & Janet Cumming

281 1818 I B I C; 3 lairs

282 John Kirk merchant Alloa 11.7.1784 - 6.2.1851, wife Isabel McMurrich 12.6.1799 - 24.7.182?, daughter Elizabeth 1.1.1826 - 5.5.1859, son Peter McMurrich 5.2.1835 - 17.9.1881, son James 3.9.1821 - 20.11.1888 buried Sunnyside Alloa, daughter Agnes 18.12.1823 - 21.3.1909, daughter Helen 15.7.1832 - 25.2.1931

283 1750 D M C F P M

284 1734 (crown & shoemaker's knife?, emblems of.mortality) G M M D

285 John McFarlane 15.10.1875 age 76, wife Janet Laing 13.1.1875; Helen Mcfarlane. 11.2.1845 l year 7
months; George McFarlane. 3.12.1867 age 22; Matthew McFarlane. at Mireton Ixopo Port Natal 18.6.1873 age 35,: the others died at Muirside

286 3 lairs 1840, Thomas Fotheringham 12.1.1867 age 88, wife Isabella Michie 13.11.1866, son Peter 10.5.1861

287 Thomas Nicol, wife Janet McDougal, by son James 7.11.1865 (wife Chr Houslar 15.12.1842 age 22)

288 H A I D 1786

289 John Young 19.9.1897 age 72, wife Margaret Dingwall 23.3.1895 age 59, daughter Margaret 8.6.1869 2 years 2 months, granddaughter Margaret D. Fraser 15.5.1907 l year 2 months

290 William Gram (or Cram); Betty Burn.. (on top) 1826 2 lairs - (nearest to kirkyard north wall in this row)

Stones against east wall of kirkyard - starts at North East corner -

291 Rev Andrew Thom MA Minister Tullibody, wife Joannia 28.6.1876 age 27 - top (North East) - corner of kirkyard - general picture

292 Alex Hunter 2.1.1879, wife Margaret Affleck at Cambus 10.9.1856, children James 23.3.1853, William 31.5.1873, James 14.6.1878, Mary 28.4.1880?

293 John Chalmers cooper 21.3.1902 age 86, wife Margaret Scott 25.3.1902 age 66, children Alex 9.6.1895 age 22, James 5.7.1902 age 46 (wife Jessie McAlpine 5.6.1936) John 22.3.1903 age 42 - (lying flat - see general picture)

294 Peter Murray 16.8.1887 age 38, wife Jessie Drummond 10.4.1908 age 69, daughter Betsy 6.9.1869 6 months

295 Alex Drummond 10.6.1890 age 76, wife Sophia Probert 3.1.1880 age 71, daughter Isabella 5.9.1879 age 16, son William at Hay Carr Lancashire 19.4. 1889 age 34, daughter Christina 14.8.1924 age 65; Mary Drummond 19.12.1930, age 70

296 by Jean G. Wilkinson to mother Mary Hamilton at Kirkcaldy 23.10.1924 age 84, & aunt Margaret Hamilton 3.1.1925 age 91

297 by George Perry to Margaret Wilson, 10.4.1853 age 14 (daughter of Henry Wilson. baker Kincardine)

298 Margaret Taylor 13.10.1838 - 30.7.1902; Thomas Archibald 2.5.1914 age 85, wife Isabella Taylor 24..5.1868 age 25

299 Andrew Millar killed at Cambus 6.3.1873 age 26 or 28, by wife Helen McDiarmid

300 father Peter Fotheringham 10.5.1861 age 49, mother Isabella Mitchell 1.10.1883 age 64

301 1764 RK MM(emblems of mortality, plough) View Picture

302 1750 R K M M (emblems of mortality) View Picture - also picture of 301&302

303 William Monteath 6.11.1888 age 57, wife Agnes Saunders 16.10.1913 age 82; Alex Monteath 9.2.1932 age 57, wife Agnes Carmichael McDowell 12.12.1918 age 43

304 John Drysdale 18.1.1853 age 75, wife Janet Archibald 26.3.1860 age 86, children Mary 8.1.1817, Alex 26.4.1826, William 27.10.1888, James 21.9. 1889, John 29.12.1891, Jean 3.3.1893 (wife of William Ure 25.11.1841) Janet 18.4.1897 age 75

305 (on east wall) (grey granite) John Kirk bank agent Tillicoultry 21.3.1882 age 67

306 1789 W B I Mc

307 1772 IW E G

308 see 332 original Magnus Retzius Simpson

309 see 333 original J. Glass

310 George Brown officer of inland revenue Bath Somerset 23.6.1867 age 24..

311 D A M L

312 1743 W C M A

313 (on top) I R I H (on front) I K MA M K (emblems of mortality) 1725

314 1769 I K

315 W P I P 17 I P H N AP C F

316 W P I P I P I P H N AP C F

317 J H I G 1 lair

318 1791 I G I N

319 1729 (emblems of mortality, plough) T W A D T W B P

320 to Margaret Schaw by William Hunter & Jean Stewart ; 4 lairs

321 RM IP WR MM; (on back) 1612 JM CH

322 1612 DM IP (weavers shuttle)

323 (illegible)

324 (Flat Stone). 1684 I P I A 1750 II E H (emblems of mortality); John Paterson? Marin? burying place of .... son his wife died Oct.....

325 1688 W I I B

326 William Jamieson 13.2.1890 age 78, wife Marion Smith 4.5.1894 age 63, children Marion 26.12.1877 age 21, Thomas 1.4.1891 age 49

327 1688 W I I B

328 (Grey Granite) John Hutton 3.7.1935 age 74, wife Betsy Murray 2.7.1924 age 66. ss Matthew 12.1.1928 age 31, Robert at Perth, Western Australia 19.9.1928 buried at Karra Katta, John at Alloa 24.11.1945 age 54, Agnes 12.5.1946 age 61 - see picture of stone

329 1707 (emblems of mortality) IA I M 1809 JA M A RA AS

330 (as for 329)

331 1724 D (reversed) A. M L (emblems of mortality)(on back)(plough)

332 (on wall at east) Magnus Retzius Simpson, (youngest son of James Y. Simpson baronet MD)11.11.1884 aged 32 (see 308)

In south east corner of kirkyard - need to be investigated
333 John Glass 23.6.1894 age 71, wife Janet Campbell 6.2.1859 age 43 (see 309)

334 (grey granite) David Hunter 2.10.1836 age 85, wife Mary Kirk 26.11. 188- age 69, children Mary 25.3.1843 aged 2., James 15.4.1899 age 53, Thomas 4.12.1915 age 60

335 - Robert Archibald 29.7.1826 age 54, wife Janet Marshal 11.1.1849 age 79 - see stone

336 WA M H W A M M 1763 (emblems of mortality)

337 1848 John Archibald & Janet Marshall (cherub)

338 (on top) J A J M; (side) 1721 IA IR AA IM ( emblems of mortality)

339 1676 H P H D I B (on back, skull)

340 James Paterson 19.5.1884 age 68, wife Margaret Duncan 5.7.1900 age 67; Mary Ann Thomson 15 5.1889 age 11 daughter of James Paterson MA & Chr Thomson 15 11.1942 (children Margaret Thomson 12.9.1874 age 11, John 27.8.1876 5 months, Robert Duncan 24.3.1900 age 32)

341 1811 Henry Kidd; Margaret Walker; T K & AB; 2 lairs

342 1699 T K I D - view picture

343 Mary Scott 1796 1884

344 1852; James Duncan & Ann Knox; 2 lairs; Peter Duncan & Jane Downie

345 John Dawson, farmer Blairlogie died at Perth 26.5.1883 age 83, wife Elizabeth McNab at Perth 27.1.1869 age 56, son William in Blairlogie Mains 4.7.1842 age 5, son James merchant Alloa 8.9.1884 age 49 grandson John at Myreton 25.5.1870 age 5, first son John at Perth 2.5.1892 age 58, son William at Ojibwa Canada 14.7.1883? age 58; daughter Elizabeth at Scone 18.11.1919 age 78; youngest son Thomas at Scone 26.10.1938 age 83

346 John Dawson; 4 lairs; J C J G 1815

347 (Flat Stone) (latin inscription)

348 1690 I K M Mc

349 capt Ralph Gore RN, wife Frances 11.3.1841 age 51 at Alloa

350 - 1793 WEIC - see picture of stone

351 1858 2 lairs; William Blackwood at Tullibody 9.2.1823, wife Ann Morris .6.1842 age 75; Robert Blackwood Feb1850 age 61 at Peterburgh, Aberdeen

352 2 lairs; John Mitchell & Janet Marshall

353 William Mitchell 21.11.1857 age 24, grandchildren Margaret D. M.. 15.12.1888 age 2., son William
8.6.1928 age 72 (wife Betsy Houston 8.6.1930 age 71)

354 Andrew Dempster 29.1.1886 age 84, wife Ge. Buc 30.11.1858 age 59

355 William Bonnet at Cambus 5.3.1866 age 70., wife Janet McDonald 6.6.1880 age 78, daughter Janet Armour 22.2.1880 age 25, daughter Margaret 3.11.1892 age 59, grandchild Helen Paul .8.1860 age 1, grandchild Archibald Bonnet. 8.5.1884 age 9

356 James Dawson farmer Knowefaulds 31.10.1862 age 74, wife Margaret Archibald 17.4.1868 age 67

357 Janet Adie of Blackgrange died at Stirling 28.1.1865 age 77

358 Henry Cooper 11.11.1901 age 66, wife Isabella Shearer 9.5.1911 age 75

359 (marble slab, fallen) Thomas Drysdale 6.9.1900 age 82, wife Margaret Fleming 5.7.1909 age 82,; Helen
Duncan 12.1.1871.

360 1763 I S I M: (On back) 1698 IC H W (emblems of mortnlity)See Picture

361 Mungo Syme 24.5.1897 wife Margaret Anderson 1.12.1898, children James 17.11.1905, Alex 16.1.1909, Elizabeth 18.10.1927, Agnes 11.12.1933, John 5.11.1934, Maggie infant

362 (Flat Stone) John Simpson; Elizabeth Marshall; .2 1airs; 1830 (emblems of mortality. arrow, sword)

363 1712 1772 I M I S (emblems of mortality) (on back) I M M M

364 1714 T M HW J M : (on back) W A I T

365 1818 J A. MA 4 lairs

366 1713 I L MK (on back) 1768

367 John Sinclair at Cambus l4..6.1899 age 48, daughter Annie 5.5.1888 age 10, by son Robert (wife Jessie
Brown 1.10.1922 age 70); Janet Sinclair 5.9.1916

368 William Duncan 22.4.1874 age 86, wife Ann Hood Duncan 18.6.1848 age 49, ss George, William & Thomas, daughter Helen Duncan. Steedman,5.5.1914 age 75, William Steedman 26.11.1908 age 72

369 (Church wall) 1789: Andrew Wingate tenant Dowcote 23.10.1782 age 51, wife Janet Graham


371 (on church wall) William Wingate farmer Dovecote afterwards Long-carse 13.5.1873 age 92,. wife Ann Thomson 13.7.1854 age 70, children Catherine 18.8.1821, Catherine 17.2.1827, Robert 12.6.1827, Margaret .20.3.1835, Alex 16.5.1852, William 26.4.1874, Ann 24.5.1879, Jeanie 20.8.1887 age 61, James 10.9.1824 - 5.1.1893

372 1811 J E M B 2 lairs

373 1850 John Duncan 2 lairs

374 R I I I: (on back) D I I R I M.

375 Alex Archibald 5.9.1798 - 19.4.1878, wife Mary Archibald. 28.4.1799 - 5.6. 1873, daughter Margaret born 2.2.1835 at St Louis Illinois USA died 12.8. 1870 buried there; son Robert 11.11.1843 - .5.8.1873, daughter Janet,12.80.1835 - 11.12.1898 buried at Cathcart, by children John.& Mary

376 1784 John Guild & May Robertson 'eternity how long"

377 ---- Robertson tenant in Alloa parish; John Guild buried here --- 90 aged 19. also KG NG 'eternity how long"

378 1784 John Guild & May Robertson,. "life how short eternity how long".

379 (against south wall by gate) 1784. John Guild & May Robert-son "life.."

380 nil

381 1843 2 lairs J. Drummond C. Mill

382 Andrew Duncan farmer Bandeath 7.12.1856 age 74; William Duncan. at Merryhill 4.10.1854 age 62; James Spence in Merryhill widow Elizabeth Duncan. 25.10.1860 age 74 - general picture

383 J. .Aribald (for Archibald?) & M. Gilbert---.

384 1809 W D M A

385 (against church porch, illegible)

386 - 1851 James Marshall - see picture - it's beside the Auld Kirk door, against side of porch - see general picture

387 (against church, loose) 1716 I D I G

388 1838 3. Lairs David Philp Janet, Mackie.

389 1809 J D J P 3 lairs

390 (Flat Stone and headstone, illegible, had emblems of mortality?-)

391 (grey granite) David Fraser at Cambus 7.8.1888 age 50; wife Janet Stevenson at Tullibody 7.1.1903 age 64 - see picture of stone

392 J B C J 2 lairs 1812

393 A 16 I S M M I S (fish - emblems of mortality) View picture

393 1761 IC AH (emblems of mortality)(on back) T F + I C

394 1747 I M K M - see picture of stones 394 & 395

395 James Mitchell born 10.6.1758 died ……. , wife Mary Mitchell born 4.5.1757 died …….., son John 15.3.1799 - 28.3.1875 (wife Ann McLaren age 95, children John at Falkirk 20.2.1900 aged 70, Isabella infant, James McLaren in London 17.3.1910 age 77, Mary 29.7.1912 age 80

396 Alex Bean to wife Jane Mitchell 26.71869 age 72

397 (Table Stone behind 409) 1697? H

398 (next church)(grey granite) William Archibald in Shillinghill Alloa 23.5.1875 wife Helen Knox 11.7.1846 by three sons

399 I M I B; (other side) 1627 I K C or G B (emblems of mortality)

400 167- A M J D; (on back) I M I B

401 I M I K (emblems of mortality); (on back) I M I B

402 1726 I R M K A R E I (emblems of.mortality)

403 1698 W R I M (on back) memento mori

404 1605 W R I M

405 James McGruther 7.2.1813 - 27.12.1878., wife Jane Sharp 20.8.1862 age 48, daughter Ann 2.7.1922 age 79, daughter Jane 11.12.1927 age 78

406 (on south wall) James Scott. pastor of baptist church Alloa; 17.1.1809 - 9.5.1879, wife Margaret Kerr, 9.7.1896 age 91

407 - 1763 (emblems of mortality) - (on back) JBMG - see picture

408 1769 D Y I D

409 1724 G R MM I M I R E M (horse shoe, smith's pincers,, hammer and tool like that shown in 264)

410 IR MB I R EM; (on top) 167(6 or 8)

411 1678 I M I R I? M I M T M; (other side) MJames Meason M M

412 R M K M

413 James Menson M M. (on back) IOM

414 J. Mitchell J. Archibald 1 lair (other side) 1686 I M IC (emblems of mortality)

415 James Grieve at Leven Fife 23.10.1897 age72, wife Mary Hosie 2.10.1889 age 68

416 1743 (emblems of mortality) PM I M PM H C DM IV

417 James Duncan at Cambus Cottage 18.7.1865 age 85, wife Gatharine Fogo 18.3.1863 age 79

418 (on white marble pediment next 417) (dates very indistinct) William Duncan .3.1806 age66?,wife Elizabeth Duncanson .7.1825 age 86, children Elizabeth 17.1.1758 age 10?, William 3.6.1857 age 66, Janet 12.12.1870 age 56, Catharine 13.12.1870 age 61, Marion 16.6.1871 age 79, by son James merchant Leith

419 2 lairs James Johnston - Janet Ewing

420 (grey granite) John Heaton Rhodes 9.4.1916 age 70, wife Margaret Downie 11.10.1912 age 60

421 John Downie in Bridgend 24.8.1901 age 86, wife Agnes Drummond 9.12.1874 age 56

422 1759 (emblems of mortality) I D M D

423 (west wall, grey granite) William Aikman Hardie at Muirend 9.4.1951 age 89, wife Agnes Love Fleming Dunn 15.7.1965 age 84

What follows used to be inside the ruined Auld Kirk - the inscriptions and stones described here as they were in the early 1960s - today all of them have gone

424 James Duncan served 20 years in British navy and bequeathed £200 to the poor 1756 - 1823

425 (much eroded) left also £50

426 George Abercrombie of Tullibody (latin epitaph) 26.6.1699 age 74 )

427 General Sir Ralph Abercromby KB mortally wounded in battle against French near Alexandria 21.3.1801 died 28.3.1801 on board a ship in Bay of Aboukir buried Malta age 66, son of George esqire of Tullibody & Mary Dundas (daughter of late Ralph Dundas of Manor), wife Mary Ann 4.4.1747 - 11.2.1821 (daughter of John Menzies esquire of Forn Tower)

428 Flat Stone in front of 427 with long epitaph

429 & 430 George baron Abercromby lord lieutenant of county of Stirling & many years MP
Clackmannan county 14.10.1770 - 5.2.1843 son of General Sir Ralph Abercromby, & Mary Anne Menzies, wife Montague baroness Abercromby 30. 4.1772 - 10.3.1837 (epitaph)

431 George Ralph third baron Abercromby lieutenant colonel in army & lord lieutenant of Clackmannan county born 30.5.1800 blind for several years died 25.6.1852

432 Louisa Penuel Forbes born 1810 married 1832 died 20.4.1882, wife of preceding (431)

433 John Mitchell of Cambus 1759 - 1813 left £200 for poor of Tullibody

434. (bronze) James Kennedy Ramsey Tullis 16.1.1949 18 months

435 (bronze) James Kennedy Tullis 17.3.1882 - 17.8.1945, wife Janet Catherine Thomson 17.10.1964 age 81




Tullibody Auld Kirk Stories about the Auld Kirk Family Names on Gravestones Inscriptions on Gravestones Symbols and Emblems on Gravestones