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Updated January 25th

Had trouble with my web page. You can access the course using the following web address:

Notice it is almost the same address; the only difference is classnotes has been replaced for Anatomy (notice the upper case A)

Exams missed last week must be made up by the next class meeting (either your next  lab or lecture): students #23  #4 Failure to makeup your exams at this time will result in a zero for that test.

I updated your study guide for the next test on chapters 11 and 12 described below to include many of the answers. You still have some items to look up; many say "see notes". These are just too lengthy to add on again and they are in your notes and text, and are very easy to answer. There are more than 100 questions, since many of the objectives have several questions coming from them.

The next scheduled exam will be on Tuesday February 3rd on The Central Nervous System; Histology and Neurophysiology of the Nervous System.  It is a longer exam (more than 100 questions) so you will need two scan trons.  The study guide is now available on this web site. See you on lab