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BBS Wants Tobacco Shops to be Licensed

As a part of our World No Tobacco Day initiative, we had sent memorandums to all the states to license all the tobacco vendors. This we feel is the only way to effectively regulate  the chaotic growth of tobacco. The following letter was again sent to all the state heads. The copy of the actual letters, as sent, are available online. You are requested to aggressively advocate the idea in your own state. This BBS proposal, as and when followed, is going to make a big difference in the fight against tobacco.




Respected Sir,

We would like to draw your attention to the law enacted by the Parliament, referred to as Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003. We also draw your attention to the “Framework Convention on Tobacco Control” which India has signed and ratified.

Under the said act, all the states of the union are bound to prohibit any form of tobacco advertisement, prohibit the sale of tobacco in and around educational institutions and to minors, and control smoking of tobacco products at public places.

The law came into force from May 1, 2004 but quite unfortunately since more than a year nothing much has happened to address the issues and the act remains a few written words in book-form over the shelf.

The size of the problem demoralizes a lot of people to even put their hand on the problem while others have a diluted commitment because they themselves are using tobacco products; though personal preferences should never ride over one’s duty. Some people are busy in making petty gains out of the death of millions. When there is a strong law to tackle an identified and established killer like tobacco, we feel nothing should stop us from taking the killer head on.

We propose an important strategy in the control of tobacco menace and for effective implementation of the “Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003.”

Since presently anyone can start selling tobacco almost anywhere, many at illegally established shops and on road sides too. This results in tobacco products being sold by and to minors; POP advertisement boards exceeding the prescribed size and number; tobacco being sold in loose form and in an unregulated mode at such shops where it should not. This result in another big problem of controlling the growth and forcing the vendors to observe the regulations and thereby further the spirit of the law made in this regard. We propose that tobacco be sold only through licensed vendors as is done in the case of liquor.

Anyone who wishes to trade in tobacco should apply for license to appropriate and prescribed authorities. A small license fee varying between Rs. 2000 to 20000 per month can be fixed for giving the licence. Ordinarily license should be given to everyone who follows the norms, is having a legal establishment and declares to follow the guidelines and the prescribed norms besides the law.

Assuming that presently tobacco is sold only through one lakh establishments and just 50% of them apply for licence. If on an average we charge only Rs. 2000 per month per vendor still we shall be able to create additional revenue of 120 crores every year. This money can then again be used for IEC purpose without putting additional burden on the state.

Other than this, it will enable us to control the tobacco menace and regulate it more effectively and will certainly result in better enforcement of laws made in this regard.

Please consider this proposal in the interest of the public at large. We estimate that such a move will result in saving about 3.2 million youngsters from falling into tobacco trap in India over the next 20 years.

Thanking you

Yours cordially

Hemant Goswami
For Burning Brain Society

Burning Brain Society
Glass Office 3, Business Arcade, Shivalikview, Sector 17-E, Chandigarh 160 017 INDIA
Telephone: +91-172-5165555, 5185600

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