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Archives for the 2006 Cross stitch year

Becky's Place

Becky's Blog

December 29, 2006 - Well, the flu turned into a lung infection. I had one two years ago that took me over a month to overcome. I am feeling some better, but not up to doing much. I always take all my Christmas decorations down the day after Christmas and get my house back to everyday status, but I have not felt like doing that yet.
Our friend's funeral was on Tuesday :(
Rest in Peace.

AS I have not been able to do much of anything else...I did do some stitching and have one more finish for the year Winter Wonderland.
I am not setting any type of stitching goals for 2007... I have learned so much about life this year, and how much stress people, including myself are under at times and how fast things change-I don't want to be "rushed" anymore... I just want to soak it all in so I plan to just stitch whatever calls to me and enjoy it.
Here are my finishes for the year. I had a total of 70. These were all stitched in 2006.

Winter Wonderland
Santa Ornament #3
Christmas Snow
Little Blue House
Redwork Pinkeep
Acorns and Hearts
Pumpkin Sampler Scissor Pocket
Redwork Pillow
Autumn Piece
Quaker Sewing Case
Harvest Sampler
Pumpkin Tape Measure Cover
Let Us Give Thanks
Pink Quaker for Aniza
Winter Quaker Exchange-Cannot Share info yet
Autumn Quaker Exchange
Fall House Exchange
Tape Measure
The Villa Snapper
Sleigh Ride Snapper
Pink Themed Quaker
Heart Motif Tape Measure
ABC Heart
Trick or Treat
Primitive Halloween Bag
Friends Forever
Pine Tree Hill
Keeping the Bees
Autumn Row
Quaker Garden
Fall House
Quaker Heart Freebie
A Needlework Garden and Needlebook
You and Me
The Lord is my Shepherd
Big Bee
May Motif from a Prairie Year
A Song for the Gardener
Summer is in the Air
Beehive Purse
Love Letters
Les Cynes A La Fleur
Quaker for Nancy
Quaker Sewing Case #3
Quaker Swan Case #3
Needlework Garden Snip Basket
Saturday's Sampler
Spring Fever
April Motif from A Prairie Year
Quaker Needlebook (Exchange)
Wabbit's Garden
Spring Friends
Heart and Home
Miss Fancy Apron
QQX9 for Tanya-Quaker Square
Partridge And Pears
March Motif from a Prairie Year
Star Of Wonder
Quaker Swan Case
February Motif from A Prairie Year
Heart Fob
Quaker Sewing Case
Winter Cardinal
Lighting The Way Santa
Skating Snowman for Rosa's RR
January Motif from A Prairie Year

I also finished 4 larger WIP's that were carry overs from previous years.
Celtic autumn (carry-over)
And the Animals Came(Carry-over)
Angel of Winter(Carry-over from 2004)
Bird Bath (Carry-over from 2004)

December 23, 2006 - I have been battling the flu for a week now...I still feel crappy (that's an understatement)but I did pull out an ornie that I had stitched in 2000 (before I stitched on linens and evenweaves, exclusively)and finished it off for my mom. I didn't put a name or date on it the year I stitched it, so I added those details just before doing the finishing. Even though it is stitched on aida, I think the finishing turned out adorable! Jingle Pals Mitten.

December 13, 2006 - Santa Ornament #3!

December 12, 2006 - Christmas Snow Finish!

December 10, 2006 - Joy Freebie

December 8, 2006 -Winter Blast Exchange for Julianne!
Also included Little Blue House Scissor Pocket

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November 26, 2006 -Redwork Pinkeep!

November 23, 2006 -I heard that my B-day gift for CathyB was received yesterday!
More of her B-day gift
and an Autumn Piece for another friend

Redwork Pillow
Pumpkin Sampler Scissor Pocket
Hearts and Acorn Ornament

November 7, 2006 -Signs of Autumn Exchange!
Also for the exchange Pumpkin Tape Measure!
Thanksgiving Exchange!

November 6, 2006 -Pink Quaker for Aniza Exchange!

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October 31, 2006 - Lot's of Framed pieces to share
Celtic Autumn
Angel of Winter
July's Amethyst Fairy
Quaker Garden

October 29, 2006 -Autumn Quaker exchange!
for Cari.

October 25, 2006 -Fall House Exchange
for CathyB.
More here

October 17, 2006 -Walking in a Winter Snapperland Finish!

October 16, 2006 -Sleigh RideSnapper

October 11, 2006 -Pink Themed Quaker

October 10, 2006 -ABC Heart
-And Heart Motif
Tape Measure!

October 10, 2006 -I have been stitching away and have finished (if you look at my 2006 finishes, you can count them)..I think about 11 pieces that I cannot share they are gifts and/or exchanges. I have been enjoying stitching them and doing all the finishing on them. I am getting to enjoy them for a bit until they are mailed off to my friends :). Check back for updates, as I will share as they are received (some will not be received until Xmas though)

October 1, 2006 -Trick or Treat
Treat Bag!

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September 30, 2006 -Primitive Halloween Bag for Halloween Exchange
on SBEBB for CathyB!

September 29, 2006 -Friends Forever Pinkeep!

September 25, 2006 -Autumn Row Pillow Finishing!

September 24, 2006 -Ornament Finish!

September 18, 2006 -Biscornu Finish!

September 6, 2006 -Some Autumn Finishing!

September 5, 2006 -Keeping The Bees Finish!
and a piece I stitched last month-that I haven't shared- Autumn Row.

September 4, 2006 -HOHRH update!
and a better pic of Quaker Garden!

September 3, 2006 -Quaker Garden Finish!

September 2, 2006 -Fall House Snip Basket

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August 9, 2006 -Quaker Heart Freebie

August 7, 2006 -A Needlework Garden and Needlebook

August 5, 2006-Seedbag finishing.

August 3. 2006-Lot's of
finishing. I finished off all the pieces
from the ED Design to the top of the page this week.

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July 28, 2006-B-day gift for Carol Pinkeep
and June from
See my
Blog Entry for today for a couple of other finishes :)

July 25, 2006-Quaker Garden progress

July 19, 2006-The Lord is my Shepherd

July 18, 2006-Summer
for Myrna.

July 12, 2006- I was able to stitch this very quick
during a couple breaks I had today.
They may be small
(portable, which is the only thing that works for me at this time),
but it has felt WONDERFUL to actually find time
to stitch a couple of pieces.

July 11, 2006- I am 3 months behind
on the Prairie Year SAL
due to having NO stitching time in the past few months.
I was able to stitch
May Motif
over the past two days.

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June 30, 2006- It has been a long time since I shared anything.
I did not get to stitch for almost a month
-but in the last couple of days I have managed to stitch
and finish this cute little design.
A Song for the Gardener
I also have WIP progress to share from May.
Sunflower Romance
I have the next 5 days free to myself
and I hope to spend them stitching and spending time with my hubby.
I am very hopeful that my weeks will thin out soon
so I can get back to my stitching friends...I miss you all

June 1, 2006- And The Animals Came

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May 26, 2006- Angel of Winter Finished

May 23, 2006- Angel of Winter
I have all the stitching done
with the exception of adding the silver braid throughout the gown
and the beads.

May 17, 2006- Bird Bath

May 10, 2006- Beehive Purse
stitching Finished

May 9, 2006- Love Letters

May 8, 2006- Beehive Purse

May 6, 2006- Les Cynes A La Fleur
and Quaker for Nancy
Ornament and
Quaker Sewing Case

May 3, 2006- Love Letters

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April 27, 2006- Houses of Hawk Run Hollow update

April 26, 2006- Quaker Sewing Case #3

April 23, 2006- Quaker Swan Case

April 22, 2006-
Needlework Garden Snip Basket
motif I need to purchase a couple of the finishing items for this-this is my second time stitching it-the first one was a gift for a friend for Christmas-I need to replace the items needed for finishing it as a Snip Basket.

April 19, 2006- Bird Bath

April 16, 2006-
Saturday's Sampler

April 14, 2006-
Spring Fever

April 13, 2006-
April Motif

April 11, 2006-
Quaker Needlebook (Exchange)

April 7, 2006- HOHRH
Wabbit and
Wabbit's Garden Finishes.

April 5, 2006- Spring Friends
and see my
blog entry today for some finishing.

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March 28, 2006- A Time For Everything

March 26, 2006- Angel of Winter

March 25, 2006- 2 more exchanges reach their destinations.
Easter Exchange
House Themed Exchange
for Joanne.

March 24, 2006- QQX9
for Tanya

March 23, 2006- Bird Bath
All the stitching is complete-down to back stitching.

March 21, 2006- Bird Bath
Update and A Time For Everything

March 18,2006-And The Animals Came

March 17,2006-Houses of Hawk Run Hollow

March 16,2006-Celtic Autumn
HAPPY DANCE!!!! WOOHOO!! She is finished :)

March 15,2006-Celtic Autumn
Update All she needs is the beads! Stitching complete!

March 11, 2006- Bird Bath

March 10, 2006- Partridge And Pears

March 7, 2006- A Time For Everything

March 5, 2006- And the Animals Came

March 3, 2006-
March motif for Prairie Year SAL

March 2, 2006- A Time for Everything update
Celtic Autumn
and The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow

March 1, 2006-
Laurie's St, Patty's Day Exchange

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February 28, 2006-All my stitching lately has been exchange related and I can't share until the exchanges are received. I am working on my Tuesday SAL now though and will share an update pic soon.

February 22, 2006-
Celtic Autumn Update
Updateon a Time For Everything

February 20, 2006- The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
First House Completed

February 17, 2006-
The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow progress

February 16, 2006-
Celtic Autumn Update
Updateon a Time For Everything

February 9, 2006-
Celtic Autumn Update
Star of Wonderornament

February 8, 2006-
V-day gift ForKarenV

February 7, 2006-
February A Prairie Year

February 6, 2006-
B-day gift from KarenV
and a
fobfor Isabelle

February 3, 2006- Quaker Sewing Case B-day gift for

February 1, 2006- Celtic Autumn

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January 31, 2006- Shelleen's V-day
Exchange and A Time For Everything

January 28, 2006- Winter Cardinal

January 27, 2006- Angel of Winter

January 24, 2006- V-day Exchange from

January 20, 2006- Garden

January 18, 2006- Celtic Autumn

January 17, 2006- A Time For Everything

January 16, 2006- Celtic Autumn

January 15, 2006- Angel of Winter

January 12, 2006- Bird Bath

January 11, 2006- Celtic Autumn

January 10, 2006- A Time For Everything

January 9, 2006- Lighting The Way Santa

January 7, 2006- My Lottery
Entry for the second SBEBB lottery

January 6, 2006- Rosa's Snowman
I mailed it back to Rosa today as well.
and Angel of Winter

January 5, 2006- Bird Bath
I am stitching on Rosa's Snowman RR today as well.

January 4, 2006- Celtic Autumn

January 3, 2006- A Time For Everything SAL

January 2, 2006- And the Animals Came

January 1, 2006- January Motif from A Prairie Year

Fuzzy Fonts Attack