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Terrans are descended from exhiled humans. In their struggle for survival they've desecrated and pillaged the mostly barren worlds on the Galactic Rim. With no homeworld to which they can return, their unscrupulous methods have required that they become a nomadic society, constantly scavenging for resources and new technologies. Their mobility and adaptiveness may be their greatest assets. Terrans are able to repair mechanical based units (SCV, Goliath, Siege Tank, Vulture and all air units) when damaged. Units with energy points will restore their energy levels over time. Yellow letters denote Production Hot Keys and red denotes Brood War Upgrades and Units.

Ground Units

Requires: Command Center   Produced at: Command Center
Space Construction Vehicles (SCV) are used to harvest minerals and Vespene Gas. They also construct your buildings and repair your buildings and vehicles when damaged.
Upgrades: Infantry Armor
Researched at: Engineering Bay

Cost: 50 1
Hit Points: 60
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 5
Air Attack: N/A (Upg +3)
Range: 1
Sight: 7
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 1
Requires: Barracks   Produced at: Barracks
Marines are your first line of defense and have both air and ground attack capabilities. Stim Packing Marines provide faster movement and attack, but drains 10 hitpoints. Marines can attack from inside Bunkers for added protection.
Upgrades/Special Abilities: Infantry Armor, Infantry Weapons, U-238 Shells (increased attack range) and Stim Pack
Researched at: Engineering Bay and Academy

Cost: 50 1
Hit Points: 50
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 6 (Upg +3)
Air Attack: 6 (Upg +3)
Range: 4 (Upg +1)
Sight: 7
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 1
Requires: Academy   Produced at: Barracks
Firebats have strong ground attack capabilities. They can attack from inside bunkers for added protection and are a nice compliment with Marines. StimPack them for increased attack rate and faster movement (drains 10 hp).
Upgrades/Special Abilities: Infantry Armor, Infantry Weapons, and Stim Pack
Researched at: Engineering Bay and Academy

Cost: 50 25 1
Hit Points: 50
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 16cs (Upg +6)
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 2
Sight: 7
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 1
Requires: Academy   Produced at: Barracks
Medics have the ability to heal any organic ground troops, allies included. They can also blind enemies and remove harmful effects (ie: Plague, Lockdown etc.).
Upgrades/Special Abilities: Infantry Armor, Caduceus Reactor (+50 energy) Heal, Restoration and Optic Flare.
Researched at: Engineering Bay and Academy

Cost: 50 25 1
Hit Points: 60
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 9
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 1
Requires: Academy, Science Facility w/Covert Ops.
Produced at: Barracks
Ghost are covert ops specialists, have both ground and air attack and the ability to Cloak and call down Nuclear Strikes. They cannot use their special attacks while inside Bunkers.
Upgrades/Special Abilities: Infantry Armor, Infantry Weapons, Ocular Implants (increase sight range), Moebius Reactor (+ 50 energy), Nuclear Strike, Lockdown and Personal Cloaking.
Researched at: Engineering Bay and Covert Ops Add-On

Cost: 25 75 1
Hit Points: 45
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 10c (Upg +3)
Air Attack: 10c (Upg +3)
Range: 6
Sight: 9 (Upg +2)
Size: Small
Transport Slots: 1
Requires: Factory   Produced at: Factory
Vultures quick, have ground attack capabilities and make excellent scouts. They can be upgraded to deploy 3 Spider Mines. Spider mines are effective placed at entry points and bottlenecks to thin out approaching enemy ground troops.
Upgrades/Special Ailities: Vehicle Plating, Vehicle Weapons, Ion Thrusters, and Spider Mines
Researched at: Armory and Machine Shop

Cost: 75 2
Hit Points: 80
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 20c (upg +6)
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 5
Sight: 8
Size: Medium
Transport Slots: 2
Siege Tank
Requires: Factory w/ Machine Shop   Produced at: Factory
Siege Tanks have devestating ground attack capabilities, but will not reach full damage potential unless they are in Siege mode. (Tank mode=30e vs Siege mode=70es). Siege Tanks can only move and be loaded into Dropships while in normal tank mode.
Upgrades/Special Abilities: Vehicle Plating, Vehicle Weapons and Siege Tech
Researched at: Armory and Machine Shop

Cost: 150 100 2
Hit Points: 150
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 30e (Upg +9)
Siege Attack: 70es (Upg +15)
Air Attack: N/A
Range: 7/12
Sight: 10
Size: Large
Transport Slots: 4
Requires: Factory and Armory    Produced at: Factory
Goliaths have both air and ground attack and work well backing up Siege Tanks or defending high ground. Their mobility is their greatest strength, allowing quick response to enemy threats.
Upgrades/Special Abilities: Vehicle Plating,Vehicle Weapons and Charon Boosters
Researched at: Armory and  Machine Shop

Cost: 100 50 2
Hit Points: 125
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 12 (Upg +3)
Air Attack: 20e (Upg +12)
Range: 5 (Air Upg +3)
Sight: 8
Size: Large
Transport Slots: 2

Air Units

Requires: Starport   Produced at: Starport
Wraiths are versatile, fast and have both air and ground attack capabilities. By researching the Cloak ability, Wraiths become adept stealth predators.
Upgrades: Ship Plating, Ship Weapons, Apollo Reactor(+50 energy) and Cloaking Field
Researched at: Armory and Control Tower

Cost: 150 100 2
Hit Points: 120
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 0 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 8 (Upg +3)
Air Attack: 20e (Upg +6)
Range: 5
Sight: 7
Size: Large
Requires: Starport and Armory   Produced at: Starport
Valkyries have no ground attack and are designed to support your air and ground units. Missiles are fired in volleys of eight and capable of great destruction. Use hit and run tactics and combine with ground troops.
Upgrades: Ship Plating and Ship Weapons
Researched at: Armory

Cost: 250 125 3
Hit Points: 200
Armor: 2 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: 5es Per Missile (Upg +3)
Range: 6
Sight: 8
Size: Large
Requires: Starport w/Control Tower   Produced at: Starport
Dropships have no attack capabilities but are essential for transporting your ground troops quickly. Each Dropship has eight transport slots.
Upgrades: Ship Plating
Researched at: Armory

Cost: 100 100 2
Hit Points: 150
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A
Air Attack: N/A (Upg +3)
Range: N/A
Sight: 8
Size: Large
Science Vessel
Requires: Starport w/Control Tower and Science Facility  
Produced at: Starport
Though Science Vessels have no physical attack, their strength lies in their abilities to detect cloaked units, manipulate shielding and cause damaging effects to enemy units.
Upgrades: Ship Plating, Titan Reactor, Defensive Matrix, EMP Shockwave and Irradiate.
Researched at: Armory and Science Facility

Cost: 100 225 2
Hit Points: 200
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 1 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: N/A5
Air Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Sight: 10
Size: Large
Requires: Starport w/Control Tower and Science Facility w/Physics Lab   Produced at: Starport
Battlecruiser are massive, heavily armored ships that can deal alot of damage, but they're expensive, take a long time to build and move incredibly slow. Research the upgrades and keep ships repaired. They're most effective used in groups of 6 or mixed with other units.
Upgrades: Ship Weapons, Ship Plating, Colossus Reactor and Yamato Gun
Researched at: Armory and Physics Lab

Cost: 400 300 8
Hit Points: 500
Energy: 200 (Upg +50)
Armor: 3 (Upg +3)
Ground Attack: 25 (Upg +9)
Air Attack: 25 (Upg +9)
Range: 6/10 Yamato
Sight: 11
Size: Large


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