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h o m e a b o u t b a c k g r o u n d s b a r s b u t t o n s l i n k s e - m a i l

«  w e l c o m e   t o   s i m p l e   m a n ' s   g r a p h i c s !  »

This whole site is pretty new. I started approximately in the middle
of May of 1999.
Last updated on Saturday, July 10, 1999.
View the index in Flash version. (not updated)
Please use Netscape 4.x on my site. If you use IE 4 the tables will
not have so nice color. I also recommend 800x600 for best performance.

I haven't paid $1 for anything, making this web site, I've just been
using free stuff. The design was taken from Elated which has a very
good web site with a lot of free stuff and tutorials. The orange balls
spinning around your mouse on my first page was copied from
OZONE. I could have made my own balls but I think that the orange
color fits very well with the color of my page.

About the graphics. I made all backgrounds, buttons and bars with
Adobe Imagestyler tryout version (you can try the full version for 30
days then you gotta pay for it). I would like to have Adobe Photoshop
but it's to expensive for me. If you would like to see what you can
do with Adobe Photshop, go to my links and click on almost any link.

If you have any question, any at all, don't be afraid to send it to me.

My e-mail is:

Alternatively you can reach me by my ICQ number: 14151555.

All pages are copyright © 1999 Jonas Karlsson

Visit my music site at