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Season 3 Quotes

Here are the season three quotes! If you want to read a certain episodes quotes, just click on the episode name and you will go staight to it!

Anne Dead Man's Party Faith, Hope & Trick
Beauty & the Beasts Homecoming Band Candy
Revelations Lovers Walk The Wish
Amends Gingerbread Helpless
The Zeppo Bad Girls Consequences
Dopplegangland Enemies Earshot
Choices The Prom Graduation Day (part 1)
Graduation Day (part 2)


Xander: Okay, and the, uh, second problem I'm having... 'Come and get it, Big Boy'?
Willow: Well... W-well, the Slayer always says a pun or-or a witty play on words, and I think it throws the vampires off, and, and it makes them *frightened* because I'm wisecracking. Okay, I didn't really have a chance to work on that one, but *you* try it every time.

Xander: I've always been amazed with how Buffy fought, but... in a way, I feel like we took her punning for granted.

Xander: I can't wait to see Cordelia. I can't believe I can't wait to see Cordelia.
Willow: I wonder what our first homework assignment's gonna be... Hey, you're excited over Cordelia, okay? We've all got issues.

Willow: Are they books for me?
Oz: Well, actually, they're kind of for me.
Willow: I don't get it.
Oz: Well, it's sort of a funny story. You remember when I didn't graduate?
Willow: Well, I know you had a lot of incompletes, but that's what summer school was for.
Oz: Yeah. Well, you remember when I didn't go?

Oz: I don't know. I think we're kinda getting a rhythm down.
Xander: We're losing half the vamps.
Oz: Yeah, but... rhythmically.

Lily: We gave blood lots of times 'cause you get a few bucks. And they have cookies!
Buffy: You're a fan of the sugar rush?
Lily: It's nice.

Buffy: This'll probably go faster if we split up.
Lily: (nods in agreement) Can I come with you?
Buffy: Okay, where did I lose you on the whole splitting up thing?

Nurse: What are you doing?
Buffy: Breaking into your office and going through your private files.

Cordelia: Why do I have to be bait? I'm always bait. Why can't Willow be bait?
Xander: He's already seen Willow. And could you complain louder so that all the vampires leave?

Xander: Go away. This is my hiding spot.
Cordelia: Where do I hide?
Xander: You don't hide. You're bait. Go act baity.

Cordelia: What's the plan?
Xander: The vampire attacks you.
Cordelia: And then what?
Xander: The vampire kills you. We watch, we rejoice.

Buffy: Hey, Ken, wanna see my impression of Gandhi?
Lily: Gandhi?
Buffy: Well, you know, if he was really pissed off.

Dead Man's Party

Joyce: I, um, thought I'd hang a few pieces in here. It cheers up the room.
Buffy: It's angry at the room, Mom. It wants the room to suffer.

Buffy: Didn't anyone ever warn you about playing with pointy sticks? It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.

Xander: So where were you? Did you go to Belgium?
Buffy: Why would I go to Belgium?
Xander: I think the relevant question is why wouldn't you? Bel-gium!

Willow: We were getting good. We dusted nine out of ten.
Oz: Six out of ten.
Willow: Six out of ten.
Xander: Whatever, we were kicking a little undead booty.

Joyce: Do me a favor? Run down and get the company plates.
Buffy: Mom, Willow and everybody aren't company-plate people. They're normal-plate people.
Joyce: We never have guests for dinner. Indulge your mother?

Joyce: Do you wanna say something?
Buffy: Like what? Thanks for stopping by and dying?
Joyce: How about, um... Good-bye, stray cat, who lost its way. We hope you find it.

Giles: Oh, my God, what a stench!
Buffy: You know, I wanted Forest Pine or April Fresh, but Mom wanted Dead Cat.

Oz: It looks dead. It smells dead. Yet it's movin' around. That's interesting.
Cordelia: Nice pet, Giles. Don't you like anything regular? Golf, USA Today, or anything?

Giles: It's not as if I'm going to take it home and offer it a saucer of warm milk.
Oz: Well, I like it. I think you should call it Patches.

Cordelia: I'm the dip.
Xander: Uh, you gotta admire the purity of it.
Cordelia: What? Onion dip. Stirring, *not* cooking. It's what I bring.

Willow: No, let them go, Oz. Talking about it isn't helping. We might as well try some violence... (a zombie crashes through the window)... I was being sarcastic!

Joyce: What do we do if they get in?
Xander: I kind of think we die.

Giles: Cordelia, it's me! It's me!
Cordelia: How do we know it's really you and not zombie Giles?
Giles: Cordelia, do stop being tiresome.
Cordelia: It's him.

Oz: Well, what happens if they get the mask?
Giles: If one of them puts it on, they become the demon incarnate.
Cordelia: Worse than a zombie.
Giles: Yes, worse.

Xander: Generally speaking, when scary things get scared: not good.

Faith, Hope & Trick

Cordelia: When did you become Martha Stewart?
Buffy: First of all, Martha Stewart knows jack about hand-cut prosciutto.
Xander: I don't believe she slays, either.
Oz: Oh, I hear she can, but she doesn't like to.

Willow: Have you ever noticed, though, when he *is* mad, but he's too English to say anything, he makes that weird cluck-cluck sound with his tongue?
Buffy: Hi, Giles!
Willow: Oh, hi! Been there long?

Buffy: Giles, contain yourself. Yes, I'm back in school, but you know how it embarrasses me when you gush so. Let's just skip all that and get straight to work.
Giles: Oh, ahhhh... Well, I, um... Well-w... O-o-of course, it's wonderful to have you back, i-i-it goes without saying. But... You enjoy making me say it, don't you?

Buffy: Okay, Acathla, huh? What are you doing, making him some demon pizza?

Buffy: Oh, no, I have to go take an English makeup exam. They give you credit just for speaking it, right?

Willow: Are you mad at me?
Giles: No, of course not, no. If I were, I would be making a strange clucking sound with my tongue.

Willow: Come on, Buffy. I mean, the guy is charm, a-and normal, which is what you wanted to get back to.
Oz: Plus bonus points for use of the word 'mosey'.

Willow: That's not what making out sounds like, unless I'm doing it wrong.

Faith: God, I could eat a horse. Isn't it crazy how slayin' just always makes you hungry and horny?
Buffy: Well... Sometimes I-I crave a nonfat yogurt afterwards.

Cordelia: I get it... Not the horny thing. Yuck! But the two Slayer thing.

Xander: So was this, um, ahem, also naked?
Faith: Well, the alligator was.
Cordelia: Xander? Find a new theme.

Faith: Oh, it's boring. Way too stuffy for a guy like you.
Buffy: Um, maybe I should introduce you again. Faith, this is *Giles*.
Faith: I see him. If I'd've known they came *that* young and cute, I would've requested a transfer.

Xander: And they say young people don't learn anything in high school nowadays, but, um, I've learned to be afraid.

Cordelia: What is it with you and Slayers? Maybe I should dress up as one and put a stake to your throat.

Cordelia: Does anyone believe that is her actual hair color?

Giles: What you must realize, Buffy, is that you and Faith have very different temperaments.
Buffy: Yeah, and mine's the sane one. The girl's not playing with a full deck, Giles. She has almost no deck. She has a three.

Buffy: Oh, the one that nearly bit me mentioned something about kissing toast. He lived for kissing toast.
Giles: You mean 'Kakistos'?
Buffy: Maybe it was taquitos. Maybe he lived for taquitos.

Buffy: Giles, there are two things that I don't believe in: coincidence and leprechauns.
Giles: Well, Buffy, it's entirely possible that they both arrived here by chance simultaneously.
Buffy: Okay, but I was right about the leprechauns, right?

Buffy: Okay, you get England on the phone. I'm gonna talk to Faith, see if 'khaki trousers' rings...
Giles: Kakistos.
Buffy: Kakistos rings a bell.

Beauty and the Beasts

Willow: I put those towels up for privacy.
Xander: Uh, no worries. I can handle the Oz Full Monty. I mean, not 'handle' handle, like 'hands to flesh' handle.
Willow: Mm, okay. Well, it's not for you. It's for me, 'cause I'm still getting used to half a Monty.
Xander: Oh. Good. Half? You and Oz? Which half?
Willow: Wouldn't *you* like to know?

Buffy: But my most favorite thing so far is that he doesn't seem to be any kind of Hell Beast.
Faith: All men are beasts, Buffy.
Buffy: Okay, I was hoping to not get that cynical till I was at least forty.

Giles: It's good to see you. Um, no need to panic.
Oz: Just a thought: poker: not your game.

Buffy: I'm afraid to ask.
Cordelia: Oz ate someone last night.
Willow: He did not!
Xander: Oz does not eat people. It's more werewolf play. You know, I bat you around a little bit, like a cat toy. I have harmless, wolf fun.

Xander: We're doing crime here. You don't sneak up during crime.

Buffy: What if... I told you that... I had a dream about Angel... and, um... it brought up some questions?
Giles: I'd say it was to be expected. Must have been some dream. I didn't think you knew what a card index was for.

Scott: Hey. Uh... I can't, I can't back you on that lunch. Nutritional demerits.
Buffy: Oh. My stomach doesn't want hard food today. But there's fruit in it.
Scott: Those are marshmallows.
Buffy: Oh.

Oz: Debbie... Well, victim number one, Jeff. He was in jazz band with us. They used to horse around.
Faith: They were screwing?
Oz: I don't think so, but he hid her music comp book once.

Oz: And I'll... go lock myself in the cage.

Oz: Time's up. Rules change.

Buffy: That's better than the estrogen theory. I heard he took all of his mother's birth control pills.
Cordelia: He didn't? Pete was a monster? Where have I been?
Xander: In your special place, Cor, which is why I adore you.

Cordelia: Great. Now I'm gonna be stuck with serious thoughts all day.


Xander: You wanna talk fun? Public bus. You meet the funnest people... Back me up here, Oz.
Oz: Well, if it's a dollar issue, we could all take my van.
Cordelia: Van? The Homecoming Queen doesn't go to the dance in a van. Use your head.

Xander: Buffy and Faith are in the library getting all *sweaty*.
Cordelia: They're training.
Xander: I stand by my phrase.

Cordelia: Buffy, you look so cute in that outfit.
Buffy: I'm not voting for you.
Cordelia: Then make it snappy.

Willow: Remember the eighth-grade cotillion? You had that clip-on?
Xander: Hey, I was pretty stylin' with a clip-on.
Willow: And now here we are, and it's... Homecoming.
Xander: Yeah, we should face it, Will. You and I are gonna be in neighboring rest homes while I come over so you can adjust my, um... My, uh... Well, I can't think of anything that's not really gross.

Buffy: I've done this before. The only difference being this time, I'm not actually popular. Although, I'm not exactly unpopular. A lot of people came to my welcome home party.
Willow: But they were killed by zombies.
Buffy: Good point.

Buffy: Willow, it's okay that you're helping Cordelia. We're best friends. I'm not gonna hold it against you.
Willow: No, I'm not a friend. I'm a rabid dog who should be shot!

Buffy: You really love Xander?
Cordelia: Well, he kinda grows on you, like... a Chia Pet.

Cordelia: Why is it every time I go somewhere with you, it always ends in violence and terror?
Buffy: Welcome to my life.
Cordelia: I don't wanna be in your life. I wanna be in my life.

Oz: I'm gonna go with mud wrestling.
Xander: Oh, God! What did you two do to each other?
Buffy: Long story.
Cordelia: Got hunted.
Buffy: Apparently not that long.

Cordelia: After all that we've been through tonight, this whole who-gets-to-be-queen capade seems pretty...
Buffy: Damn important.
Cordelia: Oh, yeah.

Band Candy

Buffy: 'B'. I'm going with 'B'. We haven't had 'B' in forever.
Giles: (exasperated) This is the SATs, Buffy, not connect-the-dots.

Buffy: I just know that us and the undead are the only people in Sunnydale working this late.

Buffy: And then I was being chased by an improperly filled-in answer bubble screaming, 'none of the above!'
Willow: Wow. I hope that wasn't one of your prophecy dreams. (gets a look from Buffy) Probably not.

Cordelia: Oh, God. Are we killing something again?

Cordelia: What? I can't have layers?

Xander: Principal Snyder, thank you! You weren't visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, by any chance?

Xander: Yeah. Those tall, fuzzy hats ain't cheap, huh?
Oz: But they go with everything.

Buffy: That was a year ago. And I don't test well... she said, two days before the SATs.

Buffy: Okay, you're just doing this to take funny pictures of me.

Angel: It's late. How'd you get away?
Buffy: Aw, it was easy. Started a fire in the prison laundry room. Rode out in the garbage truck.

Joyce: Were you at the Bronze? What was happening there that was so important?
Buffy: Bronze things. Things of Bronze.

Giles: Uh, alright, come on. Let's, let's not, uh, freak out.

Cordelia: Where is Giles already? I'm bored, and he's not here to give me credit for it.

Snyder: Everybody expects me to do everything around here because I'm the principal. It's not fair.

Willow: Do you know that you have the parking brake on?
Buffy: Uh-huh.

Snyder: (to Oz) You've got great hair.

Buffy: No vampire has ever been *that* scary.

Snyder: Whoa, Summers! You drive like a spaz!

Buffy: Soup's on, but no one's grabbing a spoon.
Oz: Something's happening... someplace that's else.

Willow: God, using candy for evil!

Buffy: Giles, think about this. You wanna fight me, or you wanna let me talk to my mother?

Buffy: Look. A box full of farm-fresh chicken.

Buffy: They never just leave. Always gotta say something.

Cordelia: Busy like a bee, actually. Bee-like!


Willow: A boyfriend? Why wouldn't she tell us?
Cordelia: Excuse me? When your last steady killed half the class, and then your rebound guy sends you a dump-o-gram? It makes a girl shy.
Xander: But we're the best of Buffy's bestest buds. She'd tell us.
Buffy: Tell you what?
Willow: About your new boyfriend, who we made up. Unless we didn't?

Buffy: Interesting lady. Can we kill her?
Giles: I think the council might frown upon that.

Giles: Just find out all you can about the demon, its-its-its strengths, its-its weaknesses, its places of origin, and most importantly, what it plans to do with this blasted glove.
Xander: Hey, you're not the Watcher of me.
Giles: Then go home. But if you choose to stay, then work.

Xander: (to himself) Hey, Giles, here's a nifty idea: why don't I alleviate my guilt by goin' out and gettin' myself really, really killed?

Willow: This isn't about attacking Buffy. Remember, 'I' statements only. 'I feel angry.' 'I feel worried.'
Cordelia: Fine. Here's one: I feel worried... about me! Last time around, Angel barely laid a hand on Buffy. He was *way* more interested in killing her friends.

Buffy: Look, you guys, he's the one that found the Glove of Myhnegon. H-he's keeping it safe for us in the mansion.
Xander: Right! Great plan. Leave tons of firepower with the Scary Guy, and leave us to clean up the mess.

Xander: I don't need an excuse. I think lots of dead people actually constitutes a reason.
Buffy: Right. This is all nobility. This has nothing to do with jealousy.
Cordelia: Hello? Miss Not-Over-Yourself-Yet?
Buffy: Don't you start with me.
Willow: Giles, no one's doing the 'I' statements!

Gwendolyn: A word of advice? Vampires rarely knock. Especially in daylight.
Faith: Oh, right.

Cordelia: So there's no more glove thingy?
Xander: No. Little Living Flame, little mesquite, gone for good.
Oz: Sounds like we missed a lot of fun.
Xander: Then we're telling it wrong.

Willow: Well, he saved me from a horrible flamey death. That sort of makes me like him again.

Buffy: What are you guys talking about?
Oz: Oddly enough, your boyfriend. Again.

Buffy: Are we cool?
Xander: Yeah! Just seeing the two of you kissing after everything that happened, I leaned toward the postal. But I trust you.
Cordelia: I don't. Just for the record.

Lovers Walk

Cordelia: I don't know. I just thought we were gonna do something... you know, classy?
Xander: What's classier than bowling?
Cordelia: Apart from everything ever?

Giles: Buffy, this is, this is remarkable.
Buffy: (holding some camping thing) So is this. Where is this retreat thingy, the Yukon?

Buffy: Okay, but you're just going for a few days, right? I mean, you're not gonna settle there and grow crops or anything.
Giles: What? Oh, my gear. No, no, this is, this is basic necessities.
Buffy: Giles, you pack like me.

Buffy: Yeah. She saw these scores, and her head spun around and exploded.
Giles: I-I've been on the Hellmouth too long. That was metaphorical, yes?
Buffy: Yes. She was happy.

Xander: Whoa! It smells like church in here. No, wait... Evil church.

Willow: But you said you wished that these feelings could just go away.
Xander: Yeah, I wish for a *lot* of things! I told you I wished I was a fireman when we were in sixth grade, but you didn't follow through on that!

Cordelia: Was Willow messing with her magic tricks again? Maybe they disappeared. Maybe she turned Xander into something ishy.

Buffy: Yeah, either they were taken, or they ran, or maybe...
Cordelia: You're having too many ors! Pick one!

Spike: You do me now, you'll never find the little witch.
Joyce: Willow's a witch?
Buffy: And Xander?
Spike: Him, too.
Joyce: What, Xander's a witch?

Cordelia: What if they were kidnapped by Colombian drug lords? They could be cutting off Xander's ear right now! Or other parts.

Oz: It's Willow. She's nearby.
Cordelia: What? You can smell her? She doesn't even wear perfume.
Oz: She's afraid.
Cordelia: Oh, my God. Is this some sort of residual werewolf thing? This is very disturbing.

Spike: It's your fault, the both of you! She belongs with me. I'm nothing without her.
Buffy: That I'll have to agree with. You're pathetic, you know that? You're not even a loser anymore, you're a shell of a loser.

Spike: Love isn't brains, children, it's blood... blood screaming inside you to work its will. *I* may be love's bitch, but at least *I'm* man enough to admit it.

Spike: I want Dru back, I've just gotta be the man I was, the man she loved. I'm gonna do what I shoulda done in the first place: I'll find her, wherever she is, tie her up, torture her until she likes me again.

The Wish

Willow: Isn't he gonna go poof?
Buffy: Mm, I guess these guys don't. We'll have to bury him or something.

Xander: And they burst in, rescuing us, without even knocking? I mean, this is really *all* their fault.
Buffy: Your logic does *not* resemble our Earth logic.
Xander: Mine is much more advanced.

Cordelia: But Harmony...
Anya: Oh, she follows me around. If that girl had an original thought, her head would explode.

Xander: What's done is done. Let's be in the moment. Behold the beauty that is now. Who's with me?
Buffy: He's actually making sense. We're young and free in America. How dare we be spun by love or the lack of same?
Willow: Absolutely. I-it's self-indulgent. I-I'm in. I'm on the joy train...
Buffy: That didn't work. Who wants chocolate?

Xander: Buffy? The Slayer?
Cordelia: No! Buffy the dog-faced girl! Duh! Who do you think I'm talking about?

Willow: Bored now. This is the part that's less fun. When there isn't any screaming.
Cordelia: What's up with you two and the leather?

Cordelia: No. No! No way! I wish us into Bizarro Land, and you guys are still together?! I cannot win!

Cordelia: No! You have to get Buffy. Buffy changes it. It wasn't like this. It was better. I mean, the clothes alone... But people were happy. Mostly.

Willow: That's right, Puppy... Willow's gonna make you bark.

Buffy: Why don't I just put a stake through her heart?
Giles: She's not a vampire.
Buffy: Mm, well, you'd be surprised how many things that'll kill.


Buffy: So, are you shopping? You're probably not shopping.
Angel: I couldn't sleep.
Buffy: Vampires probably not that big on Christmas, now that I think about it.
Angel: Not as a rule.

Xander: So, you doing anything special?
Buffy: Tree. Nog. Roast beast. Just me and Mom and hopefully an excess of gifts. What are you doing for Christmas?
Willow: Being Jewish. Remember, people? Not everybody worships Santa.
Buffy: I just meant for vacation.

Xander: Yeah, I like to look at the stars, you know? Feel the whole nature vibe.
Cordelia: I thought you slept outside to avoid your family's drunken Christmas fights.
Xander: Yes. And that was a confidence I was hoping you would share with everyone.

Willow: Mm, after what happened, we gotta cut her some slack.
Xander: That's the Christmas spirit.
Willow: Hello, still Jewish. Chanukah spirit, I believe that was?

Oz: This is what I do know: I miss you. Like, every second. Almost like I lost an arm, or worse, a torso.

Xander: Look, I'm aware I haven't been the mostest best friend to you when it comes to the whole Angel thing, and, um, I don't know, maybe I finally got the Chanukah spirit.

Willy: Doesn't ring a bell.
Xander: How about I ring that bell for you? (to Buffy) Does the threatening come now?
Buffy: Maybe you shouldn't help.

Willy: Hey. You did great, by the way. I was very intimidated by you.
Xander: Really?

Buffy: Nothing like a roaring fire to keep away the blistering heat.
Joyce: Oh, come on. It's lovely. Maybe I should turn the air conditioning on.

Jenny/The First: I am the thing the darkness fears. You'll never see me, but I am everywhere. Every being, every thought, every drop of hate.
Buffy: Alright, I get it. You're evil. Do we have to chat about it all day?

Jenny/The First: You have no idea what you're dealing with.
Buffy: Lemme guess. Is it... evil?


Buffy: A group of... human beings? Someone with a soul did this?
Giles: Yes, I'm afraid so.
Buffy: Okay. Then while you're looking for the meaning of that symbol thingy, could you also find a loophole in that 'Slayers don't kill people' rule?

Xander: Why was your mom there?
Buffy: More bad. She picked last night, of all nights, for a surprise bonding visit.
Willow: God, your mom would actually take the time to do that with you? That really wasn't the point of the story, was it?

Joyce: Are you embarrassed to be hanging out with your mother? I didn't hug you.
Buffy: No. It's just... This hall is about school, and you're about home. Mix them, my world dissolves.

Cordelia: You'll be one busy little Slayer, baby-sitting them.
Buffy: I doubt they'll have any more trouble.
Cordelia: I doubt your doubt. Everyone knows that witches killed those kids, and Amy is a witch. And Michael is whatever the boy of witch is, plus being the poster child for yuck.

Buffy: Hey. Is Willow around?
Xander: How can I convince you people that it's over? You assume because I'm here, she's here, that I somehow mysteriously know where she is.
Buffy: Those her books?
Xander: Yeah. She's in the bathroom.

Xander: Aw, man, it's Nazi Germany, and I've got Playboys in my locker!

Cordelia: Hey! Get your grubby custodial hands off that.
Police Officer: Miss, you have to stay back. Miss, stay back.
Cordelia: That hair spray costs $45, and it's imported!

Giles: They're confiscating my books.
Buffy: Giles, we need those books.
Giles: Believe me, I tried to tell that to the nice man with the big gun.

Snyder: Just remember, lift a finger against me, and you'll have to answer to MOO.
Buffy: Answer to MOO? Did that sentence just make some sense that I'm not in on?
Snyder: 'Mothers Opposed to the Occult.' A powerful new group.
Buffy: And who came up with that lame name?
Snyder: That would be the founder. I believe you call her 'Mom'.

Willow: No, Ma, hear this! I'm a rebel! I'm having a rebellion!
Sheila: Willow, honey, you don't need to act out like this to prove your specialness.
Willow: Mom, I'm not acting out. I'm a witch! I-I can make pencils float. And I can summon the four elements. Okay, two, but four soon. A-and I'm dating a musician.
Sheila: Oh, Willow!

Angel: I heard about this. People are talking. People are even talking to *me*.

Buffy: Okay, so I battle evil. But I don't really win. The bad keeps coming back and getting stronger. Like that kid in the story, the boy that stuck his finger in the duck.
Angel: Dike. (Buffy gives him a confused look.) It's another word for dam.
Buffy: Oh. Okay, that story makes a lot more sense now.

Giles: (to the computer) Session interrupted? Who said you could interrupt, you stupid, useless fad! No, I said fad. And I'll say it again.
Xander: At that point, I will become frightened.

Buffy: We need to get some information.
Giles: Yeah, well, somebody else do it. This thing's locked me out.
Xander: Well, if you wouldn't yell at it.

Buffy: And in some language that's English?
Oz: Fairy tales are real?
Buffy: Hans and Gre... (realizes) Hansel and Gretel?
Xander: Wait. Hansel and Gretel? Breadcrumbs, ovens, gingerbread house?
Giles: Of course! Well, it makes sense now.
Buffy: Yeah, it's all falling into place. Of course that place is nowhere near this place.

Oz: So what do we do?
Xander: I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go trade my cow in for some beans... No one else is seeing the funny here.

Cordelia: Took you long enough to wake up. My hand hurts.
Giles: Pity. Oh... Why are you here?
Cordelia: Things are way out of control, Giles. First the thing at school, and then my mom confiscates all of my black clothes and scented candles. I came over here to tell Buffy to stop this craziness and found you all unconscious... again.

Cordelia: How many times have you been knocked out, anyway? I swear, one of these times, you're gonna wake up in a coma.
Giles: Wake up in a... Oh, never mind. We need to save Buffy from Hansel and Gretel.
Cordelia: Now, let's be clear. The brain damage happened *before* I hit you.

Willow: You've seen what we can do! Another step and you will all feel my power!
Buffy: What are you gonna do, float a pencil at 'em?
Willow: It's a really big power!
Buffy: Yes! You will all be turned into vermin. And some of you will be fish! Yeah, you in the back will be fish!

Buffy: Mom, dead people are talking to you. Do the math!

Cordelia: God, you really were the little youthful offender, weren't you? You must just look back on that and cringe.
Giles: Shh!

Cordelia: Okay, I think I liked the two little ones more than the one big one.

Buffy: (After Amy the rat doesn't change back) Maybe we should get her one of those wheel thingies.


Buffy: I'm way off my game. My game's left the country. It's in Cuernavaca.

Xander: We're still talking party, right? I mean, some of us still love to relish celebrating in the birth of the Buff.
Buffy: I dunno. I think it might be time to put a moratorium on parties in my honor. They tend to go badly. Monsters crash. People die.
Willow: But eighteen is a *big* one, Buffy. I mean, you can vote now. You can be drafted. You can vote not to be drafted.

Buffy: So, how's it going with Amy the rat?
Willow: Good! She loves her new exercise wheel. She runs around, her nose wiggles...
Buffy: I-I meant, how's it going changing her back into a human being?
Willow: Oh. Still working on it. But I just got her the cutest little bell...

Buffy: Okay, I just got swatted down by some no-neck and rescued by Cordelia. What the hell is happening?

Xander: Maybe what we should be looking for is something like, um, Slayer kryptonite.
Oz: Faulty metaphor. Kryptonite kills.
Xander: You're assuming I meant the green kryptonite. I was referring, of course, to the red kryptonite, which drains Superman of his powers.
Oz: Wrong. The gold kryptonite's the power-sucker. The red kryptonite mutates Superman into some sort of weird...
Buffy: Guys? Reality?

Angel: You really like it?
Buffy: Of course I do. It's sweet and thoughtful and... full of neat words to learn and say like 'wilt' and 'henceforth'.
Angel: Then why'd you seem more excited last year when you got a severed arm in a box?
Buffy: I'm sorry. Uh, it's just suddenly there's this chance that my calling's a wrong number, and... it's just freaking me out a little.

Cordelia: Oh, God. Is the world ending? I have to research a paper on Bosnia for tomorrow, but if the world's ending, I'm not gonna bother.
Giles: You can't walk home alone, Buffy. It isn't safe.
Buffy: I don't know you.
Cordelia: Did something take her memory? He's Giles. Giiillles. He hangs out here a lot.

Buffy: If I was at full Slayer power, I'd be punning right about now.

Willow: Now, now when you say 'fired', do you mean 'fired'?
Xander: You're not cruising past that concept any time soon, are you?
Willow: Well, it's just... I mean, he's been *fired*! He's, he's unemployed! He's... between jobs.
Buffy: Giles isn't going anywhere, Will. He's still librarian.
Willow: Okay, but I'm writing an angry letter.

Buffy: (Tries to open a peanut butter jar) I'll Just feel better when I get my strength back.
Xander: Give you a hand with that, little lady?
Buffy: You're loving this far too much.
Xander: Admit it. Sometimes you just need a big strong man. (He struggles with the jar and can't open it) Uh, Will, gimme a hand with that?

The Zeppo

Xander: Excuse me? Who, at a crucial moment, distracted the lead demon by allowing her to pummel him about the head?
Faith: Yeah. That was real manly how you shrieked and all.
Xander: I think you'll find that was more of a bellow.

Buffy: Uh, what do we do with the trio here? Should we burn them?
Willow: I brought marshmallows... (everyone gives her a look) Occasionally, I'm callous and strange.

Jack: You wanna be startin' somethin'?
Xander: What? Starting something? Like that Michael Jackson song, right? That was a lot of fun. 'Too high to get over, yeah, yeah...' Remember that fun song?

Cordelia: Ooo, I struck a nerve. The boy that had no cool.
Xander: I happen to be an integral part of that group. I happen to have a *lot* to offer.
Cordelia: Oh, please.
Xander: I do!
Cordelia: 'Integral part' of the group? Xander, you're the, the *useless* part of the group. You're the Zeppo.

Xander: What is the essence of cool?
Oz: Not sure.
Xander: I mean, you yourself, Oz, are considered more or less cool. Why is that?
Oz: Am I?
Xander: Is it about the talking? You know, the way you tend to express yourself in short, noncommittal phrases?
Oz: Could be.

Buffy: Do you remember the demon that almost got out the night I died?
Willow: Every nightmare I have that doesn't revolve around academic failure or public nudity is about that thing. In fact, once I dreamt that it attacked me while I was late for a test and naked.

Xander: What do you mean, what is it? It's my *thing*.
Willow: Your thing?
Xander: My *thing*!
Buffy: Is this a penis metaphor?
Xander: It's my thing that makes me cool. You know, that makes me unique. I'm Car Guy. Guy with the car.

Xander: I'll take two glazed, two cinnamon, couple cream-filled, and a jelly. No, no, let's round that out to four jellies.
Cordelia: Ooo, is some evil going on? Must be big for them to entrust you with this daredevil mission.
Xander: Cordelia. Feel free to drop dead of a wasting disease in the next twenty seconds.
Cordelia: Ooo, again, I strike the nerve. I am the surgeon of mean.

Giles: Did you eat all the jellies?
Buffy: Did you want a jelly?
Giles: I always have a jelly. I'm always the one that says 'let's have a jelly in the mix.'
Willow: We're sorry. Buffy had three.

Xander: I am really sorry about that. But your car came out of nowhere.
Jack: I was parked.
Xander: Exactly.

Xander: Yeah. Great knife. Although I think, uh, it may technically be a, a sword.
Jack: She's called 'Katie'.
Xander: You gave it a girl's name. How very serial killer of you.

Xander: Uh, this time of night, I'm pretty sure nothing's open... But they're always open for *crime*.... Okay. Now I'm involved in crime. I'm the criminal element. Having a car sure is cool!

Willow: Xander, what are you doing here?
Xander: Nothing. Certainly not crime. Wh-what about you?

Faith: Just relax... And take your pants off.
Xander: Those two concepts are antithetical.
Faith: Don't worry. I'll steer you around the curves.
Xander: Did I mention that I'm having a very strange night?

Xander: Long gone. Probably loaded with supplies. Gotta think... I can't believe I had sex... Okay, bombs. Already-dead guys with bombs. Oh, man, I'm outta my league! Buffy'll know what to do.

Xander: Note to self: less talk.

Xander: Less than two minutes. Dumb guy. Little bomb. How hard can it be?

Bad Girls

Faith: Nicely diverted, B!
Buffy: Diverted? That was me fighting for my life, Miss Attention Span.
Faith: This isn't a Tupperware Party. It's a little hard to plan.
Buffy: The count of three isn't a plan. It's Sesame Street.

Xander: Harvard... Yale... Wesleyan... Some German Polytechnical Institute whose name I, uh... I can't pronounce. Is anyone else intimidated? 'Cause I'm just expecting thin slips of paper with the words 'No Way' written in crayon.
Oz: They're typing those now.
Xander: Hmm.

Buffy: Is he evil?
Wesley: Evil?
Buffy: The last one was evil.
Wesley: Oh, yes. Gwendolyn Post. We all heard. No. Mr. Giles has checked my credentials rather thoroughly.

Buffy: Is he evil?
Giles: Not in the strictest sense.
Wesley: Well, I'm glad that's cleared up.

Giles: You seem to know a lot about them.
Wesley: I didn't get this job because of my looks.
Buffy: I really, really believe that.

Wesley: I don't want to bore you with the details.
Buffy: A little bit late.

Wesley: Buffy, you will go to the Gleaves family crypt tonight and fetch the amulet.
Buffy: I will?
Wesley: Are you not used to being given orders?
Buffy: Whenever Giles sends me on a mission, he always says 'please'. And afterwards I get a cookie!

Buffy: (to Wesley) Don't say anything terribly interesting while I'm gone.

Buffy: I hate it when they drown me.

Giles: Are you alright?
Buffy: I had to lather, rinse, and repeat about five million times to get the sewer out of my hair, but otherwise, I'm of the good.

Wesley: Remember the three key words for any Slayer: preparation... preparation... preparation.
Buffy: That's one word three times.

Xander: Hey! Whoa! Can we resume Buffy's 'Ode to Faith' later, like when I'm not actively multiple-choicing?
Buffy: How come your eye twitches every time I say Faith's name?
Xander: What? No, it doesn't.
Buffy: (looks right at him) Faith.
Xander: (His eye twitches, and he slaps his hand over it) Cut it out! We got a test to take, okay? And I'm highly caffeinated, and I'm trying to concentrate.

Wesley: Ah. There you are.
Buffy: Ah. Speak of the really annoying person.

Wesley: Oh, God! Oh, God!
Giles: It doesn't seem too promising, does it?
Wesley: Stay calm, Mr. Giles. We have to stay calm.
Giles: (sarcasticly) Well, thank God you're here. I was planning to panic.

Giles: If it's for me to scrub those hard-to-reach areas, I'd like to request you kill me now.
Wesley: Are you out of your mind? This is hardly the time for games!


Faith: New Watcher.
Cordelia: Oh.
Wesley: Does everybody know about you?
Buffy: She's a friend.
Cordelia: Let's not exaggerate.

Willow: I'm late. I-I'm meeting Michael. The warlock guy? We're still trying to de-rat Amy.

Buffy: I need to talk to you.
Willow: Good. 'Cause I've been letting things fester. And I don't like it. I wanna be fester-free.

Wesley: (On the phone) Yes, hello. Mr. Travers, please. Quentin Travers. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce calling. The code word? Monkey... M-o-n-k... Just put him on, will you? This is an emergency.

Faith: *I* know what this is all about. You just came by here 'cause you want another taste, don't you?
Xander: No! I mean, it was nice. It was great. It was kind of a blur.

Faith: Finally decided to tie me up, huh? I always knew you weren't really a one-Slayer guy.
Angel: I'm sorry about the chains. It's not that I don't trust you... Actually, it *is* that I don't trust you.

Faith: You gonna shrink me now? Is that it?
Angel: No, I just wanna talk to you.
Faith: That's what they all say. And then it's just, 'Lemme stay the night. Won't try anything.'
Angel: You wanna go the long way around, hey, I can do that. I'm not getting any older.

Buffy: How's she doing?
Angel: It's like talking to a wall. Only you get more from a wall.

Angel: But you're not a god. You're not much more than a child. Going down this path will ruin you. You can't imagine the price for true evil.
Faith: Yeah? I hope evil takes MasterCard.

Giles: You let her get away?
Wesley: 'Let' wouldn't be the way I'd phrase it, but... Yes, she escaped.
Angel: That's good work. First, you terrorize her, then you put her back in the streets.

Faith: You sent your boy to kill me.
Mayor Wilkins: That's right, I did.
Faith: He's dust.
Mayor Wilkins: I thought he might be. What with you standing here and all.


Anya: For a thousand years I wielded the powers of The Wish. I brought ruin to the heads of unfaithful men. I brought forth destruction and chaos for the pleasure of the lower beings. I was feared and worshipped across the mortal globe. And now I'm stuck at Sunnydale High. Mortal. Child. And I'm flunking math.

Buffy: He even has that test to see if you're crazy that asks if you ever hear voices or you ever wanted to be a florist.
Willow: Ooo, I used to want... Wait. Florist means crazy, right? I never wanted to do that.

Willow: Match? You want us to breed?
Snyder: I want you to tutor him. Percy is flunking history. Nothing seems to be able to motivate him.
Percy: Hey, I'm *challenged*.
Snyder: You're lazy, self-involved and spoiled. That's quite the challenge.

Oz: Didn't figure you for missing school.
Willow: You think I'm boring.
Oz: I'd call that a radical interpretation of the text.

Buffy: Well, I-I didn't mean it as...
Willow: No, it's fine. I'm 'Old Reliable'.
Xander: She just means, you know, the geyser. You're like a geyser of fun that goes off at regular intervals.
Willow: That's Old Faithful.
Xander: Isn't that the dog that, that the guy had to shoot...
Willow: That's Old Yeller.
Buffy: Xander, I beg you not to help me.

Anya: I'm sort of new here. Um, I know Cordelia?
Willow: Oh, fun.
Anya: Yeah. Um, listen, I have this little project I'm working on, and I heard you were the person to ask if...
Willow: Yeah, that's me. Reliable-Dog-Geyser Person.

Buffy: Oh. There you are.
Xander: Hey, Buff.
Buffy: Aren't you gonna introduce me to your... Holy *God*, you're Willow.

Giles: She was truly the finest of all of us.
Xander: Way better than me.
Giles: Much, much better.

Willow: It's really nice that you guys missed me. Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs, did ya?

Willow: I'm not a *vampire*.
Buffy: You are. I-I mean, you, you were. Giles, planning on jumping in with an explanation any time soon?
Giles: Well, uh... something... something, um, very strange is happening.
Xander: Can you believe the Watcher's Council let this guy go?

Anya: What a day. Gimme a beer.
Bartender: I.D... I.D.
Anya: I'm eleven hundred and twenty years old! Just gimme a friggin' beer!
Bartender: I.D.
Anya: (sighs) Gimme a Coke.

Evil Willow: No. This is a dumb world. In my world there are people in chains, and we can ride them like ponies.

Buffy: It was exactly you, Will, every detail. Except for your not being a dominatrix... As far as we know.
Willow: Oh, right. Me and Oz play 'Mistress of Pain' every night.
Xander: Did anyone else just go to a scary visual place?

Evil Willow: Well, look at me. I'm all fuzzy.

Willow: It's horrible! That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and... skanky. And I think I'm kinda gay.
Buffy: Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person it was.
Angel: Well, actually... (gets a look from Buffy) That's a good point.

Evil Willow: Hey, you.
Cordelia: 'Hey me'? 'Hey me' what? I have a name, you know.
Evil Willow: Uh, Cordelia.
Cordelia: What did you do? Lock yourself in the book cage?

Xander: So, um, in your reality, I'm like this bad-ass vampire, huh? People afraid of me?.... Oh, yeah. I'm bad.


Xander: What's this Ascenscion mean?
Giles: I'm not sure.
Wesley: No, not really a common term in demonology.
Willow: Ooh ooh! The Marenschadt Text. I think in the section on genocide, they mention Ascenscion.
Buffy: Well, we have a winner.
Xander: And, more importantly, two losers.

Xander: Got the address. I beat it out of Willy the snitch personally.
Buffy: You beat up Willy?
Xander: Sure! Well, actually, let's just say I applied some pressure. Or more accurately, that I asked politely, and then, uh, okay, I bribed him.
Buffy: How much?
Xander: Twenty-eight bucks. Does the Council reimburse for that kind of stuff?
Giles: Did you get a receipt?
Xander: Damn.

Faith: Look, I'm not so good at apologies. Mostly because I think the world's out to screw me so I'm generally more owed than owing.

Cordelia: You have the greatest voice. Have you ever thought about doing books on tape?
Xander: Way to focus CC.
Wesley: Yes, let's, uh, let's try to stay on track. We need everyone working together here.

Cordelia: I'm in Wesley's group.
Giles: There is just the one group.
Cordelia: Yes! And I am in it.

Cordelia: Hey! I know a way to make investigating the Mayor even more boring. On second thought, no, I don't.

Buffy: Faith, listen to me very closely. Angel's a killer. When he's done with me, he'll turn on you.
Angel: She's right. I probably will.

Wesley: Well, I for one protest. You pitted Slayer against Slayer in a dangerous charade that could've gotten them both killed, without informing me! I'm telling the Council!

Willow: Graduation day. There's a big scary un-fun. At least Angel's not bad, though. That's good, right?
Xander: Yes, I feel so much better knowing that he broke my face in a good way. It's a good bruise.


Note: Everything contained within asterisks (**) and italics are people's thoughts which Buffy hears.

Xander: Hogan Martin thinks he's soooo hot. Like we should all be awed by him just 'cause he can put a ball in the net.
Hogan: Hey Xander.
Xander: He said my name! He knows my name!

Buffy: What?
Giles: It says it can infect the host.
Buffy: Infect? Infect?... GILES!
Giles: Hmmm.
Buffy: INFECT!?!
Giles: Oh. Umm, "Infects the host with an aspect of the demon." That's all it says.

Willow: What are you doing, Buffy?
Buffy: Nothing... Checking for horns!

Buffy: What if he is right? I'm suddenly gonna grow this demon part and we don't even know what it is. It could be claws, or scales... What?
Willow: Was it a boy demon???

Xander: You know Oz, I look at all this beauty; all these healthy young women and I wonder why I ever wasted my time on Cordelia. I mean, look at her ... she's no better looking then the rest of them.
Oz: None of them are really my...
Xander: (sees Wesley looking at Cordelia) Oh my God! He's looking at her! He's got his filthy, adult, Pierce-Brosnany eyes all over my Cordy!
Oz: You're a very complex man, aren't you?

Angel: An aspect of the demon?
Buffy: You know the drill?
Angel: By rumor. That doesn't mean anything. I mean, sometimes demons just exaggerate their power.
Buffy: Demon hype. But maybe not. I spend all my time in the dark here anyway. It's not like I'd be at a game with my friends where someone could see me and my new monster part.

Angel: Hey, I won't let anything happen to you if I can help it. No matter what, I'll always be with you. Hey, I'll love you even if you're covered in slime.
Buffy: I liked everything until that part.

Oz: It was intense.
Xander: Yeah, for a minute I thought you were gonna make an expression.
Oz: I felt one coming on, I won't lie.

Willow: **Buffy did the reading? Buffy understood the reading?**
Xander: **When did she study? Was I supposed to study? Ms. Murray's kinda hot!**

Angel: A lot of things that seem strong and good and powerful, they can be painful.
Buffy: Like, say, immortality?
Angel: Yeah, I'm dying to get rid of that.
Buffy: Funny.
Angel: I'm a funny guy.

Xander: She can read our minds? Our every impulse and fantasy?
Buffy: Every one.
Xander: **Oh God.**
Cordelia: **I don't see what this has to do with me.** I don't see what this has to do with me.

Oz: **I am my thoughts. If they exist in her, Buffy contains everything that is me and she becomes me and I cease to exist.** Hmm.
Xander: **What am I gonna do? I think about sex all the time. Sex! Help! 4 times 5 is 30. 5 times 6 is 32. Naked girls! Naked women! Naked Buffy! Oh, stop me!**
Buffy: God Xander! Is that all you think about?!

Oz: **No one else exists either. Buffy is all of us. We think therefore she is.**

Cordelia: **Whatever. I wonder when I can go.** Whatever. Can I go?

Joyce: Uh, I've uh, I've got laundry.
Buffy: Why are you... You had sex with Giles!?!?! YOU HAD SEX WITH GILES?!
Joyce: It was the candy! We were teenagers!
Buffy: On the hood of a police car?!
Joyce: I'll be downstairs, you feel better.
Buffy: TWICE?!

Xander: You're okay! Can you hear thoughts? (Buffy shakes her head no) Just when I wasn't thinking about sex...

Willow: So you feeling better about Angel?
Buffy: Well, we talked, he cut out the heart of a demon and fed it to me, and then we talked some more.
Willow: See, that's how it should work!

Buffy: Well, it's nice to be able help someone in a non-slaying capacity. Except he's starting to get that look, you know, like he's gonna ask me to prom.
Giles: Well, it would probably be good for his self-esteem, if you umm...
Buffy: Oh, come on! What am I, St. Buffy?!

Buffy: Sure. We can work out after school... you know, if you're not too busy having sex with my MOTHER! (At which point Giles walks right into a tree.)


Buffy: Well, there's something you don't see every day. Unless, of course, you're me.
Angel: That was bracing. Want to do another sweep?
Buffy: It's what I live for. Sad to say.

Buffy: Do you get the feeling that we're kind of in a rut?
Angel: A rut?
Buffy: You never take me any place new.
Angel: What about that fire demon nest in the cave by the beach? I felt that was a nice change of pace.

Buffy: You! I mean I can't believe you got into Oxford!
Willow: It's pretty exciting.
Oz: That's some deep academia there.
Buffy: That's where they make Gileses.
Willow: I know! I could learn and, and have scones.

Buffy: I gotta have a plan? Really? I can't just be proactive with pep?
Giles: No. You want to take the fight to them? I suggest the first step would be to find out exactly what they're up to.
Buffy: Oh. I actually knew that. I thought you meant a more specific plan, you know, like with maps and stuff. Great. We'll find out what they're up to.

Buffy: So, what's in the box?

Buffy: Looks like a job for Wiccan girl. What do you say, Will? Big time danger.
Willow: Hey, I eat danger for breakfast.
Xander: But oddly enough, she panics in the face of breakfast foods.

Oz: Well, we better be sure. Destroying this box is supposed to be a pretty delicate operation.
Xander: Well, then, they shouldn't leave it in the hands of the lay people.

Xander: I need a volunteer to hit Wesley.

Willow: (to the vampire guard) Oh, uh, I'm looking for a sucking candy, cause my mouth gets dry when I'm nervous, or held prisoner against my will... And suddenly I'm thinking sucking isn't a good word to use around vampires. Hey! Did you get permission to eat the hostage? I don't think so.

Faith: You hurt me, I hurt you. I'm just a little more efficient.
Willow: Aw, here I just thought you didn't have a come-back.

Mayor: Still don't understand why it couldn't work out with you and my Faith. Guess you kind of just have strange taste in women.
Angel: Well, what can I say? I like them sane.

Snyder: You. All of you. Why couldn't you be dealing drugs like normal people?

Willow: So Faith was like I'm going to beat you up and I'm all "I'm not afraid of you" and then she had the knife which was less fun...

The Prom

Angel: Where you going?
Buffy: To go kill a cat on my head.
Angel: No mirrors.
Buffy: You know, this place really isn't girl-friendly. No mirrors, no natural light.

Xander: Well, hey, it's demon Anya, punisher of evil males. Still haven't got your powers back?... You haven't right?

Xander: Then why you talking to me?
Anya: I don't have a date for the prom.
Xander: Well gosh. I wonder why not. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with your sales pitch?
Anya: Men are evil. Will you go with me?
Xander: One of us is very confused, and I honestly don't know which.

Anya: When I lost my powers I got stuck in this persona, and now I have all these feelings. I don't understand it. I don't like it. All I know is I really want to go to this dance and I want someone to go with me.
Xander: Be still my heart. Oh wait, it is. How come I got the short straw?
Anya: You're not quite as obnoxious as most of the alpha males around here. Plus I know you don't have a date.

Buffy: So it was blue and sorta short.
Willow: Not too short, medium. And it had this weird, sorta fringey stuff on its arms.
Giles: What's that, a demon?
Buffy: A prom dress that Will was thinking of getting. Can't you ever get your mind out of the hellmouth?

Buffy: We'll get you a dress. You know, we should check April Fools.
Cordelia: Don't go there! I shop there.
Xander: I myself am dipping into my road trip fund to procure a shiny new tux, so look for me to dazzle.
Giles: And I myself will be wearing pink taffeta as chenille would not go with my complection. Can we *please* talk about the Ascension?

Buffy: I always say patrol's not complete without a trip to the stinky sewers.

Cordelia: Look! Right there, zoom in on that.
Xander: It's a videotape.
Cordelia: So? They do it on television all the time.
Xander: Not with a regular VCR they don't.

Oz: What's that? Pause it.
Xander: Guys! It's just a normal VCR. It doesn't... Oh wait, uh, it can do pause.

Giles: So, we have a threat against the students on their big night, a hellhound trained to attack people in formal wear...
Cordelia: Oh, are we all catching up now?
Giles: Tucker is planning to attack the prom tonight.
Oz: Once again, the Hellmouth puts the special in special occasion.

Buffy: No! You guys are going to have a prom. The kind of prom that everyone should have. I'm going to give you all a nice, fun, normal evening if I have to kill every single person on the face of the earth to do it.
Xander: Yay?

Angel: What are you doing here?
Buffy: Hello to you too.
Angel: Sorry. I'm just surprised.
Buffy: Me too. I don't know why though. Where did I think you get your blood, McPlasma's?

Oz: Everything cool?
Buffy: Coolest. Devil dogs are history. How's the prom?
Oz: Strangely affecting. I got all teared up when they played 'We Are Family'.

Welsey: Mr. Giles. I'd like your opinion. While the last thing I want to do is muddle bad behavior in front of impressionable youth, I wonder if asking Miss Chase to dance would...
Giles: For God's sake, man, she's eighteen. And you have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone. Just have at it, would you, and stop fluttering about.
Wesley: Right, then. Thanks for that.

Graduation Day (part 1)

Cordelia: I can't believe this loser look. I lobbied so hard for the teal. No one ever listens to me. A lone fashionable wolf.
Xander: I like the Maroon. Has more dignity.
Cordelia: Dignity? You? In relation to clothes? I am awash in a sea of confusion.

Willow: Oh, I'm gonna miss her.
Buffy: Don't you hate her?
Willow: Yes, with a fiery vengeance. She picked on me for ten years, the vacuous tramp.

Anya: We could watch sports of some kind.
Xander: Uh, I don't know.
Anya: Men like sports. I'm sure of it.
Xander: Yes. Men like sports. Men watch the action move, they eat of the beef, and enjoy to look at the bosoms. A thousand years of avenging our wrongs and that's all you've learned?

Buffy: What page are you on, Wes, cause we already got there.
Wesley: Yes, well. You will go tonight. Look over his apartment. Anything of note, report back here.
Buffy: I just love it when you take charge, you man, you.
Wesley: Uh, we... was that a yes? I have trouble keeping track.

Giles: Faith has you at a disadvantage, Buffy.
Buffy: Cause I'm not crazy or cause I don't kill people?
Giles: Both, actually.

Anya: You've never seen a demon.
Buffy: Uh, excuse me? Killing them professionally, four years running.

Buffy: What about the spiders? The Mayor had a box of spiders that he had to eat. The Box of... I want to say Grav-Locks?
Giles: Gavrock.

Cordelia: What's her saga?
Xander: She's freaking.
Cordelia: About what?
Xander: The Mayor is going to kill us all during graduation.
Cordelia: Oh. Are you going to go to fifth period?
Xander: I'm thinking I might skip it.
Cordelia: Me too.

Joyce: You're running away again?... And you're taking my clothes.
Buffy: Mom, I need you to leave town. Tonight.
Joyce: Buffy, I'd miss your graduation.
Buffy: Yeah, that's sort of the idea.

Joyce: Oh, you know, Buffy, looking back on everything that's happened, maybe I should have sent you to a different school.

Buffy: I'm just glad Faith's such a suck shot.
Giles: You sure it was her?
Buffy: Well, I've narrowed down my list of one suspect.

Anya: When I think that something could happen to you, it feels bad inside, like I might vomit.
Xander: Welcome to the world of romance.
Anya: It's horrible. No wonder I used to get so much work.
Xander: Well, I'm sorry I give you barfy feelings.

Anya: Are you really going to be that much help to them? I mean, you'll probably just get in the way.
Xander: Your stock is plummeting here, sweetheart.
Anya: Fine! You know what? I hope you die... Aren't we gonna kiss?

Graduation Day (part 2)

Xander: Aren't you supposed to be drinking tea anyway?
Giles: Tea is soothing. I wish to be tense.
Xander: Okay, but you're destroying a perfectly good cultural stereotype here...

Cordelia: I demand an explanation.
Xander: For what?
Cordelia: Wesley!
Xander: Uh ... inbreeding?
Cordelia: So very funny. Any minute now I'm sure to laugh. I just got off the phone with him. He could hardly speak, he was so upset. He said there'd been a fight or something and ... he said he was leaving the country.

Cordelia: Well, does he have to leave the country? I mean you got fired and you still hang around like a big looser, why can't he?
Xander: Cordelia. We're trying to stop a massacre here. You wanna give us a hand?
Cordelia: Sure... That's just such a typical Buffy thing to do. She's always thinking of herself.

Willow: He's delirious. He thought I was Buffy.
Oz: You too, huh?

Xander: Well, it's just good to know when the chips are down and things look grim you'll feed on the girl that loves you to save your own ass.

Xander: What exactly is up?
Giles: Buffy ... are you sure you're all right?
Buffy: I'm ready.
Willow: Ready for what?
Buffy: War.

Buffy: So am I crazy?
Willow: Well, crazy is such a strong word.
Giles: Let's not rule it out though.
Buffy: You don't think it can be done?
Giles: Oh ... I didn't say that ... I might ... but not yet.

Cordelia: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Oz: We could attack the Mayor with humus.
Cordelia: I stand corrected.
Oz: Just keeping things in perspective.
Cordelia: Thank you.

Buffy: Faith told me to play on his human weakness.
Willow: Faith told you? Is that before or after you put her in a coma?
Buffy: After.
Willow: Oh. (gives her strange look)

Cordelia: Of course, that's it, we'll attack him with germs.
Buffy: Great, we'll get him cornered, then you can sneeze on him.
Cordelia: No... no... we'll get a container of Ebola virus... and... and we... or... it doesn't have to be real... we can just get a box that says Ebola on it and... and um... chase him... With the box.
Xander: I'm starting to lean towards the humus offensive.
Oz: He'll never see it comin'.

Buffy: The Council is not welcome here. I have no time for orders. If I need someone to scream like a woman... I'll give you a call.

Wesley: So there is something I can do? Besides scream like a woman.

Buffy: Yeah it does. You and Xander are going to have to work together now. Can you guys handle it?
Xander: I'm still key guy right?
Buffy: Right.
Xander: Great, then Angel, in his non-key guy capacity, can work with me.
Angel: What fun.
Xander: Hey... key guy still talking!
Buffy: Oh that's good... start bickering... that's gonna work great for us. You guys are like little old ladies.

Buffy: My God ... he's gonna do the entire speech.
Willow: Man, just ascend already.
Buffy: Evil!

Mayor/Demon: WELL GOSH!

Cordelia: Well that was the most fun you could have without having any fun.
Willow: What about the part when we kicked some demon ass ... I didn't mind that.
Xander: Here, here.