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After a few good chats on Cybersight you get addicted
Many people who chat there regularly now have pages dedicated to the site
This is a page dedicated to them

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From squirrel 2 JM at
Submitted 03:15:23 CDT.

HEY YOU! *waves* How's the world on the other side of the city? You know Poet's CYBERSIGHT WALL - one of the pages dedicated to the regulars from here. Well... Did you hear that the plug has been pulled on it?

From JM 2 squirrel at
Submitted 03:15:56 CDT.

Things this side are great. *s* Yeah - I heard. Spud got Creepy to replace it tho. The CYBERSIGHT WALL- MARK II is now up instead. Go check it out.

From squirrel 2 JM at
Submitted 03:16:47 CDT.

I see - that's good to hear - I'll go now - BRB *s*

From JM at
Submitted 03:17:15 CDT.

Anyone else here??

From JM at
Submitted 03:17:51 CDT.

Guess it's Just Me!! *l*

From JM at
Submitted 03:18:55 CDT.

I have just noticed - this page is the "wrong" way up!! The times are right - just backwards! *l*

From squirrel... at
Submitted 03:19:24 CDT.

I'm back - I love the wall - it's got the coolest counter!!! *l* Good idea Spud and great work Creepy. Pity the original one has gone. >>>> That reminds me - I haven't told you about Squigs Ghost's WALL yet. There are a few different names there and the colours are great!! *s*

From JM 2 squirrel at
Submitted 03:20:11 CDT.

*shakes her head* You and your colour obsession!! *l* I'll go look at it now.

From squirrel... at
Submitted 03:22:38 CDT.

... climbs up into her tree to wait for JM!

From squirrel... at
Submitted 03:25:02 CDT. STILL WAITING!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *falls out of her tree* OW! *rubs head* That hurts! *sob* *sob*

From JM 2 squirrel at
Submitted 03:26:21 CDT.

Sorry I took so long! Got the boot! Hmm.... ANYWAYS, it's so good to see all these pages dedicated to CS. *s* Have you seen Jadeite's VETERAN'S LIST. We're both on this one too.

From squirrel 2 JM at
Submitted 03:27:19 CDT.

Is he Poppy's guy - you know the one with the cybercafe?? He's also got a CYBERSIGHT THEORY as to why we all spend so much time in here but I don't know if either one of them are up at the moment.

From JM 2 squirrel at
Submitted 03:27:42 CDT.

Yep, that's right - he said something to me about that - but I've been there already - he has a very interesting take on the situation. BTW - I am still really sorry for giving your baby pic to Creepy. *l* I should have known that he would use it on his CYBERSIGHT FRIENDS page?? Dumb prick!!

From squirrel 2 JM at
Submitted 03:28:53 CDT.

Thanks - remember - I've still gotta get you back for that. >> Hey do you know of any other pages dedicated to CS??

From JM 2 squirrel at
Submitted 03:29:39 CDT.

Nah - that's all. Maybe someone lurking out there knows of some that we can check out. I wonder??

From squirrel 2 JM at
Submitted 03:29:52 CDT.

Maybe some other time - I got no time now tho' - gotta go b'sit!

From JM 2 squirrel at
Submitted 03:30:01 CDT.

Yeh sure!! Seeya round like a brick in a wall! **gone**

From squirrel ... at
Submitted 03:30:59 CDT.

...climbs up her tree and is gone!

Do you have a page dedicated to cybersight or its regulars - or do you know of any others?
If you do please take the time to mail us to let us know about it so that it can be included here.


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Christie and Shona last updated this page on 2nd May 2000 - OR SOMETHING!

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