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Chapter 7

5 months later...

"I think you need to go see her Taylor." Isaac said. He knew his brother was doing wrong.

"Isaac, I don't know what to say. I still have feelings for Ginette, but then there is her.

"Who do you love? Who has always been there waiting for you for almost two years? Ginette, that's who!!" Isaac said, completly mad.

"I'm about to go see her in a few minutes."

"Ginette just called Taylor!" Zac said as he wallked into the room. He had no say so in anything.

"I'm going! I'm going!!" Taylor yelled as he stormed out the house.

"what's his problem?" Zac asked. Isaac just shook his head in disappointment.

I opened the door and saw Taylor standing there. He looked confused as if he had a lot on his mind. "Tay babe!" I said, then hugged him.

"Hi Ginette, can we talk for a few minutes?" He asked.

"Sure..." I felt a pit in my stomach get bigger.

He walked in and we both sat on my couch. "It's been five months since we seen eachother." I nodded as he spoke. "I get lonely Ginette. I didn't mean for it to happen. I love you to much."

I began to cry. I didn't know what he was saying, but I knew it was bad. "What happened?" I managed to ask.

He pulled me in for a hug. I pushed him away. "What happened?" I asked again.

"Gin, I love you with all my heart." Tears were filling his eyes. "I...I did...I...slept with someone else." He put his hands up to his face.

I let it all out right there. I couldn't hardly breath it hurt so much."How could you? You said you loved me." I said between sobs.

"It just happened. It was a mistake, I love you Ginette. I mean it!" Taylor said looking at me.

"No you don't! You let the fame go to your head, so you think that you can have any girl you want. Well this is one girl you can't have anymore. Goodbye Taylor!!" I said as I stood up.

"No, God no. Ginette don't do this, don't say that." He pleaded.

"Please leave." I said softly. It was hard, but I kept my voice calm.

He looked down, then up at me again. "I love you Ginette with all I have, but I'll leave only for you." Then he walked out the door and out of my life. Why does it hurt so bad? I asked myself. I walked up to my room and began to cry some more.

"What happened?" Isaac asked his brother.

"She said it was over Isaac. Over! I can't believe that one year and eleven months of my life, over. I love her, still." Then Taylor began to cry on his brothers shoulder.

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