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Chapter 8

"See if you would just listen to me." Taylor pleaded into the phone.

"CLICK" Ginette had hung up on him again. It was the fourth time this week.

"I give up!" Taylor said, he threw his hands up in the air as if he didn't care.

"Maybe you're trying to hard. Time away would make you feel better." Zac said as he sat on the couch and watched his brother.

"Zac, you're 14. You know nothing!!" Then he walked out the room.

"See if I try to help you again." Zac mumbled to himself as he pushed some ice-cream into his mouth.

Taylor decided to go for a drive. But he ended up right here he thought he would. At Ginette's house.

I saw Taylor pull into my drive way. "What is he doing?" I asked myself.

He got out and walked over to the door. I answered before he could knock.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked coldly. I couldn't controll my anger or my feelings. There he was right in front of me, looking as beautiful as ever. We used to have so much.

"As a matter of fact you can." He stated. The blue in his eyes were fading.

I stepped outside. We both sat on the porch swing together.

"Ginette I have something to tell you." He paused. "I'm still in love with you." If she only knew had much it took me to say that. He thought, then continued. "I'm sorry." He looked over to me.

I knew deep in his heart he was truly sorry. But it was to late now. I had to tell him about going to college in New York.

"Taylor, I have something to tell you also. I'm leaving next week for college. In New York." As I spoke his eyes grew wide.

"Ginette you can't! What about going to college here in Tulsa like we planned? What about us and getting married like we said??" He began to get upset.

"Taylor you cheated on me. Things change. What am I suppost to do? Stop my life and wait, wait for you? What am I to wait for? I can't even trust you anymore." I began to shake. I was so angry. I wanted him back, but I couldn't. Not after what he had done.

He put his arms around me. I felt uncomfortable. "Please leave Taylor." I asked him once again. This time, I knew it would be the last.

He stood up and looked at me. His mouth began to open as if he were going to speak, but he too was at a loss for words. He began to walk off. After a few minutes he turned around.

"I know I can't change what I've done in the past. But if it takes me forever, I'll find you again and make things right." He took a few more steps. "Only for you Gin." Then he got into his car and drove off.

Those were the last words I had heard from Taylor before I left Tulsa.

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