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Chapter 13

I ate my breakfast quitely as I was lost in a train-of-thought. Why was momma trying to get Taylor and I to be friends again? I felt unsure about the need to be close to him again. I had lived four years without any contact with him. Hell, I was doing fine! At least I thought I was. There was no way about it, I was still in love wit him.

"Ginette? Ginette, are you finished?" I looked up to see momma staring at me.

"Sorry mom. I was uh, still trying to wake myself." I covered up. I felt so childish.

"Well you better get up stairs and get ready." She stated as she piled the dishes in the stink.

I walked up the stairs into my room. What was I going to wear? I didn't even know where we were going. I sat down o nthe bed and pulled out one of my "business type" skirts and tops. That's all I ever wore anymore, since I got int the professional business. I pulled my hair into a sloppy bun and dabbed a little lip-stick on. I walked back to my suit case and pulled out a little box. For some strange reason I took this box with me where ever I went. For what? I don't know. I opened it up and looked at it's contence. I had looked at that piece so many times. It was the necklace Taylor had given me to keep while he went on promotion tour, so many years back. I don't know why I had kept it, but it held so much of me inside it. I sat it back inside my suit case and walked down the stairs.

"Ginette, Taylor is here." I heard momma's voice through the air.

As I reached the bottom step, I looked up as Taylor cought my eye. He smiled, I smiled. I looked at momma and she smiled. I knew she could tell there was still something there. We had a 'moment'.

I looked back down at the floor. I felt guilty, maybe I should give him another chance.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I walked over to hug momma.

"Anywhere you want. Tulsa has changed a lot. I can show you some new places and go out to eat somewhere maybe..." His eyes smiled. I could tell he was happy I had accepted his invitation.

We said our goodbyes to momma and walked out the door.

As I climbed into Taylor's truck, he touched my hand. My face turned to him with alarm.

"I just want to show you around Ginette. Talk with you. I wont mess up this time. I promise. I love you too much." Then he climbed in beside me. I was left speechless.

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