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Chapter 14

"Taylor...that's the past. Can we not bring that back up?" I asked. I felt so guitly and didn't want to show it. Much less talk about it.

"I'm sorry Ginette. I just wanted to let you know I still care and people make mistakes. I'm crazy about you!" As I looked into his eyes. I did something I never thought I would do again. I kissed him. I kissed Taylor Hanson, yet again!

Memories flooded back into my mind as I felt the pasion he released.

Realizing what I was doing, I pulled away. I looked at him neverously. His eyes were tender and filled with shock and hope. They glistened and the blue became brighter and I continued to stare deeper. Inside, I found someone that I had cared about so long ago. He reached out for my hand and we kissed again. It was beautiful. As we pulled away, he began to smile.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?"

"No..." I answered slowly.

"Four years. Since the day you told me you were going away for college in New York. We had everything planned out. Marriage...everything. I never stoped loving you Ginette and I never will. Not even that one night, when everything went wrong. It was your name I was calling out. It was you I was making love to. I'm sorry." He let go of my hand and looked out the window.

I reached over and hugged him with tear stained eyes.

"You have to understand..." I started to say. "It was hard for me. It hurt. I knew we were young, but I thought you did care for me. Listen Taylor, I don't know where this is going, but I'd like to be friends again, at least." I smiled at him hoping he would take my offer for what it was.

"Never...Never did I mean to hurt you. After all these years I still haven't wanted anyone. Not one person comes close to you. Not one. That's why Isaac is married and Zac is in love, with someone he cares about. They both found someone to care for, love them, always be there with them. I have nothing. I found her, but I realized that she doesn't care for me. I'm just hoping she still does, just give it a try." He looked at me with the sweet puppy dog eyes.

I began to laugh. "We can start over. But let's start a friendship first. Maybe, you never know, but It might turn into something else."

"Only for you. Ginette, I need to say this. I don't know if It's gonna change anything, but I love you." Then he started the truck and we drove over to his family's house. I could tell he had a lot on his mind. And he did something else that was hard for him. Telling me he loved me. It sent every wonderful emotion up my body.

But I wanted so long to feel his arms around me. I guess my heart was still un-sure. But why was it me? The one he loved, the one he's waiting for. Why couldn't I just let go to something that happened so long ago? I looked over at him. He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. The way his hair casualy fell over his eyes, the muscles in his arms, the way his lips seem to shine.

"What?" He asked half smiling. "Is there something in my hair?"

"No." I laughed. "Just thinking."

"About what?" He smirked.


"Me? What?" He looked a little cofused, yet curious. He stoped his truck as we pull into the Hanson's drive way.

"I'm the one who is about to take a risk this time. But I don't think I ever fell out of love with you." I bit my bottom lip. He pulled me into his arms again.

He smiled. "Give me a chance. I wanna love you. I can show you this time." I looked at him again. My heart was racing. He ran his fingers through my hair and around my face, then over my eyes. I was crying again. I was to emotional.

He leaned next to my ear and wispered. "I'll wait for you Ginette. I've done it before and I'll do it again. No matter how long it takes. Only for you."

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