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Chapter 10

As the plane made a land, I followed the other passengers off. I walked over to get my luggage so I could hurry to see momma.

I waited a few minutes for mine to pass. When I saw it, I quickly readh to get it. Just as I did, someone grabbed it.

"Hey, that's mine." I said annoyed.I looked up to see smiling blue eyes looking down to me.

"I know." He said.

"Taylor?" I asked confused.

"Your mom asked me to pick you up. She wasn't feeling well."

"Oh" I paused. "Well I'm doing fine thank you." I grabbed my suitecases and walked away.

"Ginette please don't start this again. I haven't seen you in four years." He grabbed my arm. "I missed you."

I looked up. "I came back for momma." Then I walked away again.

"Ginette please wait!." I heard him call after me. I turned around and look at him again. He was more beautiful than I remembered. His hair had gotten a bit darker, he was a few inches taller, but those eyes were still crystal blue. I pulled myself back to relaity.

"What Taylor? I need to go see my mother, she is ill and you know that." I said. I was getting bothered by him while my mom was sick and needed me.

"You can ride with me, I drove. So you don't have to pay money for a cab." I onced again looked into his eyes, they were begging me please.

"Fine then, thank you for the offer." We walked over to his truck. He walked around and helped me put my stuff in the back, then he opened the door for me. I got in. It felt weird riding with him again. I missed it.

We drove for a while then he finally spoke. "So uh, what did you major in at college. I mean what career are you in now?" He was nervous I could tell. It must have taken him a lot to pick me up like he did.

"Real estate, Taylor. Selling houses and all. It's good money." I stated.

"I never imagined you advertising houses." He kept looking straight.

"So what are you up to these days?" I asked when we came to a stop light.

"Still doing music. We've just realeased our new album, "Only For You". He looked at me, then pressed the gas.

"Well that's good to know you still enjoy making music." I looked over at him. He probably has a girlfriend I thought. "I heard Isaac got married." I started up a conversation again.

"Yeah he did and Zac's in a long-term realtionship with some girl."

"I thought you'd be married by now?" Did I say that out loud? I asked myself. Oh God! It was a risk but I had to find out.

"Why would you think that?" He asked, then smiled at me. I smiled back.

We pulled into my mother's drive way, he stopped the car then reached for my hand."I'm here if you need me. Always. You know where I live."

"Thanks" I replied.

"You know I still care about you, don't you?" He asked holding my face in his hands.

It was to much, to soon. I couldn't take it. I wanted to kiss him so bad.

"I need to go. Thanks for the ride." Then I got out.

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