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Chapter 11

I picked up my bags and walked into my house. The place I grew up in. It still smelled the same, as when I had lived there previous years. I looked up to see momma slowly coming around the cornor.

"Ginette? I thought you'd never get here." I embraced her with a hug. My eyes flooded with tears. Not only tears for her, but for Taylor and my whole life. Everything. I began to think again, she was dying of cancer and there was nothing I could do. But sit there and anticipate. Which was hard. Very hard.

"I got here as soon as I could." I gave her a weak smile.

"Did Taylor pick you up? I had asked him to do so." She smiled at me.

"Yes momma, but I could have caught a taxi."

"Well I didn't want you do."

"But momma..."

"How was your trip?" She cut me off before I could even finish.

We walked over tot he couch and I helped her sit down. Even though she was in her late 40s, she was aging fast. I began to cry again.

"Ginette, don't cry."

"I never should have left." I sobbed as I braced my head againt her shoulder.

"It was what you wanted to do hon, don't blame yourself. You're hear now for me."

I needed to tell her the real reason I left for college in NY. "The only reason I went away for college was to get away from Taylor. He broke my heart and I felt he runined my life. I loved him momma. It hurt. So I ran away from my biggest problem." I confessed.

"Ginette, now really?" She looked at my confused.

"It's true though." I said, I still hadn't stop crying.

She looked over at me, then began to smile. "I know deep down you still love him." I looked over to her, as if she could read my mind. Momma always had that effect on me. "I'm getting tired, so i'm going to bed now. I'll see you in the morning Ginette." She kissed my cheek and left me with that to ponder on.

After momma went to bed I walked up the stairs to my 'old' bedroom. The only thing I regret is I fell asleep thinking about Taylor.

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