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By the time you read this page, another 10 children will be abducted or run away from home. The K*I*D*S* Shield Protection System provides every parent, grandparent, guardian, uncle, aunt or other caring person the opportunity and the tools to take serious preventive measures against this evil.

In the event your child is reported missing,
K*I*D*S* Shield Protection System
will, within 60 MINUTES of notification react by doing the following :

FAX your child's photograph and identifying details to law enforcement and child protection agencies, radio stations, television stations, newspapers, bus depots, train stations, railroad police, airlines, airport security offices, port authorities, border patrol, campus police, military police units, hospitals, clinics and school administrators within a 100-mile radius of the place where the child was last seen !

Place the child's photograph in color and identifying details on the "Missing Child Pages" of our KIDS Internet site available instantly on the World Wide Web !

FAX your child's photograph and identifying details to every corporate sponsor on the KIDS Corporate Network. Among them are most fast food locations, gas stations, hotel and motel chains, movie theaters, convenience stores, video outlets, shopping centers, amusement parks, recreational facilities and so on within a 100-mile radius of the place where the child was last seen ! This list of corporate sponsors is growing daily !

FAX your child's photograph and identifying details to dozens of regional and national cooperating organizations active in the "missing children" issue. These organizations will also receive detailed instructions on how to access additional information on the KIDS Internet site and this 24 hours a day, 365 days a year !

SEND you by air express, a camera ready copy of the KIDS Missing Child Poster that you can take to your local printer. Your local printer can also instantly download this information from our web site. This to make sure you can spread the word fast and easily !


The chance in finding your child back depends on the speed of your response KIDS will give you an advantage here !

BUT, this is far from all

Besides the above you will additionaly receive :

K*I*D*S* MASTER I.D. FORM Provides essential indentification data necessary to the fast reporting and recovery of a missing child or adult.

K*I*D*S* PARENTS SELF-HELP GUIDE Provides positive preventive measures that any parent can teach their child.

K*I*D*S* INSTANT RESPONSE TOLL FREE NUMBER for reporting lost and missing persons

K*I*D*S* CHILD SAFETY COLOR BOOK Teaches children in a non-fearful way how to be safe

K*I*D*S* FINGER PRINT KIT A simple and easy method of making this essential identifier available to law enforcement organizations in the event your child is missing.

K*I*D*S* WALLET-PURSE IDENTIFICATION CARD A small checklist that shows you what to do in the event your child becomes missing. It lists the KIDS toll free number and has a place for you to write in your unique P.I.N. number. (see below)

K*I*D*S* REFRIGERATOR MAGNET Lists the toll free notification numbers in a handy place accessible to the entire family as well as to babysitters.

K*I*D*S* INSTANT RESPONSE GUIDE A detailed booklet with checklist that shows priority steps to take in the event your child becomes missing

K*I*D*S* UNIQUE P.I.N. The Personal Identification Number provides a positive identification to KIDS that you are authorized to list your child as missing.

K*I*D*S* BADGE This " I am a K*I¨D*S* " can be worn by your child as a preventive warning to anyone thinking about kidnapping your child.

AMAZING isn't it ?

Can you imagine the peace of mind that this instant-response-system will give you ?
The peace of mind it will give anyone who cares about children !
Is it worth under 11 CENTS PER DAY ? You bet it is !

Find out how much this amazing child protection system costs and how to order.

Do it now .... tomorrow can be too late for your kid !

Or find out more about our amazing home based business opportunity !

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For more and free information :
Email USA : Trish Fayne
Email Europe : Marc Smits
© CPC- Antwerp Action, 1995-1997