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The U.S. Department of

released a study report that in 1988 there were as many as

114,600 attempted abductions of children by non-family members !

4,600 abductions of children by non-family members reported to the police !

300 abductions of children by non-family members where the children were missing for a long period of time, sexually abused or murdered !

354,000 children abducted by family members !

450,700 children were runaways !

124,100 children who were abandoned !

438,200 children who were lost, injured or otherwhise missing !

The State of California : 1993 !

There are approximately 63,000 "sick minds" in this country. 80% attack children, 20% women, some do both !

These "sick minds" kidnap 12,000 children each year, and attack 80 to 90 thousand children in places like parks and playgrounds !

San Francisco General Hospital receives about 80 children a year who are molested by strangers !

The average highly active "sick mind" attacks 380 victims in their life time !

Prior to the California Violent Crime Center the reported kidnapped children was three per year. They are now reporting 78 for 1993 and 1,065 for "suspicious" incident when a stranger abduction could have happened !

These are very frightening numbers and they are almost 10 years old. More recent statistics support the estimate that last year over 1.8 MILLION children were missing in the USA alone !!

John Walsh (host of television show "America's Most Wanted") has testified before Congress that the annual total number of abducted children is higher than 1.5 MILLION adding that "we don't have a clue what happens to over 50,000 of them", and that "this country is littered with mutulated, decaptivated, raped and strangled children".

If this doesn't make your blood run cold...then you're not human.

Even when faced with these frightening numbers, most parents simply don't know where to turn for help. The demands put on modern day parents are overwhelming. Full time jobs for both parents, single parents trying to play both roles of mother and father, financial pressures... It's no wonder that parents don't get around to taking positive preventative measures against child abduction and kidnapping. Most parents don't think about it untill it's too late !

What do you do ? Where do you turn first ? Who can help ? What steps do you have to take quickly and methodically to get the word out that your child is missing ? How fast can and will police respond ? How can you be expected to respond clearly when all you can really think about is " is my baby ok ?" !

This is the kind of agony facing a parent EVERY 40 SECONDS IN AMERICA !

FINALLY you can do something about it

Our K*I*D*S* Shield Protection System allows you to take an active part in one of the most compelling problems of our time : Missing Children, Child Kidnapping, Abduction and Runaways.

Read more exciting news about our
K*I*D*S* Shield Protection System
before it is also too late for your child.

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For more and free information :
Email USA : Trish Fayne
Email Europe : Marc Smits
© CPC- Antwerp Action, 1995-1997