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The Balance Team
Group Information History
Output Adrian Rush Pretty Boy Cyber-1

POWERS: Alter Physical Structure, Light
CHARACTER: Adrian Rush
POWERS: Adrenaline Rush
Battle Rage
Increased Durability
Superhuman Strength
Super Leaping Ability
PLAYER: Robert
POWERS: Extraordinary Physical Beauty
Physical Perfection
Energy Expulsion, Force Blast
Solar Power
PLAYER: Marcus
POWERS: Unknown

Group Information
Base of Operations:The Balance Tower
Publicity:Known, and respected
Real Identities:Uknown
Criminal Record:Yes, acquitted
Standard Equipment:None

Thusfar in the game, the group has been to court to decide the fate of Adrian who killed 6 cops on their first super hero gig. They managed to win that luckily because Pretty Boy is also a lawyer. After that they scraped with The Masters of Speed which was also the first appearance for Cyber-1. After the skirmish Hellbent, Whirley Gig, and blur were put into critical condition. The rest were killed, aside from Fullbore who escaped. After a few months rest form the brutal battle (almost lost two peoples) the group is ready to take on a new threat. The gang hears the sirens of the Balance Tower (They're HQ) going off, they race to see the problem and learn that a renegade superhuman is attacking a hospital! They rush to the scene were Output is the first to arrive and take on the thug, fist to fist. After a brutal fight it seems neither can defeat each other so the super human flees through the hospital walls. Adrian and Pretty boy show up when this happens so they give chase were they have to split up and search. Adrian and Pretty boy take their own course and are then lured into a trap by a female hologram, both are knocked out with sleeping gas. Output manages to find his way into the basement were he is ambushed by a group of heavily armed men in armor. After a short fight and allot of fleeing (and saving VS non toxic poison) he manages to retreat to The Balance Tower. After some careful searching he finds out were the men are located at and is surprised to learn that there is a whole entire military base underneath that of a abandoned one. He also learns that they have some sort of power dampening field down there and has to search around all spy like. After a successful trip, he makes his way back to HQ with a disk full of info on what he's up against. The next time he attempts to invade the base he meets up with the bases pet guard The Prototype Sentinel. Losing the fight between him and the iron clad spider, he is then imprisoned and like the other two, has blood samples taken. A month later, news has been spreading about strange sightings over the abandoned base and the disappearance of The Balance Team. Markus, overhearing this on his radio decides to investigate as Cyber-1. He manages with the aid of his assistant Paedro to uncover a invisible floating base above the other two! Having fired upon it as commanded, Paedro makes way back into the city as Markus awaits to see what happens. A few moments later, hangers open to reveal about two dozen hovercrafts of some sort with no visible pilots. They then begin their attack on the city! Trying his all his communication systems hoping to reach Paedro, Markus is angered to see that the ship seems to be blocking all communications. Markus races back to help counter the attack with some of the other local superheroes, Orb a pink flying alien, and Sar Gweith a sharkman with a large appetite who happens to be another alien. Together they managed to stop a majority of them before Markus convinces both aliens to help him investigate the base. While searching they find the hidden base and carve a path of carnage through the top layer of the base. They also fight the megabot Sentinel P. Through this Markus obtains a tank, a few suits of armor, three PA's, and some weapons. He then has Sar take the tank loaded with the stolen goods and his PA, using one of the soldiers own PA to go in under cover. At the end of this he manages to free the base which was really a big lab/superhuman prison by destroying the man generator that was guarded by an AI. The mutants then do their stuff as the base starts to collapse from all the internal destruction. After which the flying base is gone, the city is burning, and the 4 heroes are standing staring at the blaze before them. With the aid of willing superhumans they set to re-build the city and its populace, becoming one of the first cities were Mutants are in the majority. Who are these invaders? Why were they imprisoning mutants and experiment with their blood? All that can be seen is a mist around these faceless foes.

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I think I'll delete the rest of this, unless you want it for anything...

This is my first ever Heroes Unlimited Campaign that I am running. Its a IRL (In real life) game which I’m running for my two cousins and two brothers. As I have yet to write up their character sheets to place on here...I’ll tell you a little bit about what’s happened so far and who they are: The Team leader so to speak is my cousin Vinny, I say he's the leader Because he gets the job done and right. His character is Output, a mutant with APS: Lights and a few minor abilities. The next character is the brute force of the team, my little brother Blake. His character is also a mutant named Adrian Rush with the mutant powers: Adrenaline Rush (hence the name), Battle Rage, Increased durability, Superhuman strength, and Super Leaping ability. Next is my step cousin, Robert. His character is...ugh...named Pretty Boy because his powers are: Extraordinary PB, Physical Perfection, Energy Expulsion: Force Blast, and solar power. And finally, the person who got me into RPG's, the guy that helped me out when I needed it, my big brother Marcus. He plays..Markus the super mechanic. He's not technically part of the team, more of a vigilante. Over the games period he has made himself a PA and called himself Cyber-1, along with a few other nifty gadgets. He's gotten the team out of a few scrapes without actually participating in what they do.