
Now Playing: Mariah Carey - Joy To The World
Originally posted on December 25th, 2004
Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays if you prefer.
Another year is coming up and this one has been better than I expected to be, received a phone call from Mike's mom this past Wednesday. We talked for two hours about him and our life together in general, was refreshing to confide in her. The person who knows him well but won't cover spots like friends will.
She's not doing so great, but it's the season for sickness, she just needs to be extra careful.
No gaming, too busy, but maybe after the New Year we will, but my Side Quest to bring Aiyana back is finally bearing fruition, but I don't want it to over take the campaign.
Christmas was backwards this year, for as long as I remember, Christmas Eve was always spent with the Lassiter side of the family, while Christmas Morning was spent with my parents and Christmas afternoon spent with my mom's side. This year my mom's side got together on Christmas Eve at my grandpa's house, Mike played hookie while my dad's side celebrated on the 23rd, which I missed all together because my dad never informed me.
Mike I got gift cards, money, junk food, and movie tickets.
Mike got shirts from my grandma and 2 DVD's from me. (The Bourne Supremacy and Spider Man 2).
I got a fancy leather jacket, and a CD from Mike Enigma's Greatest Hits.
From mom I got two "motivational books" that so far seem a very subtle way to preach religion..which is odd, as my mom is not religious. She also got me a cool candle holder that's on a dragon foot, balancing a dragon's egg, with cool designs that when a candle is in side, shows details not there before. Also got a purple Dragon holding a sword that serves as a Letter opener. Grandma gave me a night shirt and a sweater.
I think that's about it besides loading up on food, sparkling cider and Egg nog lol!
Will add more when I remember more!
Be safe everyone!