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Guides to General Weyrlife

What's life like in a Weyr? Well, it's different from Weyr to Weyr but the general idea is still the same. A Weyr is composed of dragons, their riders, young Candidates, and the support staff that is needed to keep the Weyr up and running. Each different type of resident has a different task and purpose. Let's look at each individually to get an idea of what life is like for each of them. It is important to note what affect dragons and their mating cycle has on EVERYONE in the Weyr. Check out the Guide to Dragon Mating Flights for more details.


Obviously, this group makes up the greatest population within the Weyr. The Weyr is led by the Senior Goldrider, called the Weyrwoman (note the capital lettering) and the Senior Bronzerider, called the Weyrleader. The other riders that live within the Weyr have 2 main tasks: flying Thread and the care of their dragon. Flying Thread is a dangerous job, and a lot of time goes into preparing for Threadfall, from drills with the Wingleaders, to repairing or refitting the dragon's straps. And of course, caring for a dragon is a job in and of itself that never ends. However, most riders also practice a Craft, perhaps something they'd started before they Impressed, or take part in helping out with the general chores of the Weyr if they have no particular area of interest or skill.

A dragonrider's day might start off with early morning drills (this is especially true for hotter climates), followed by breakfast. At this point, wing meetings might be held, or the rider might need to take care of something for their dragon. They might choose to practice their Craft or get assigned a chore by the Head Woman. After lunch, depending upon the day they might have some personal time, or it might be more of the same as the morning. After dinner, there's usually plenty of entertainment around the Weyr, from dragonpoker to dancing and drinking. And of course, whatever evening activity they choose to participate in!

Dragonriders have spare-time occupations, which they fit in between taking care of their dragons and their duties within the Weyr. Most riders make their own riding straps, because they need to be able to trust the leather to the last tug. Some riders have a talent for tannery and make more goods than they need, to barter with or gift to other Weyrfolk. Those with a bent toward tailoring or barbering are sought after in the evenings.

All the Weyrwomen keep their hair cropped close, with the exception of Lessa, who takes pride in her thick, dark tresses and keeps them plaited closely under her flying helmet, and Mirrim, who admires Lessa enough to copy her. Moreta was looking forward to the day when she would be able to let her blond hair grow out. As mirrors are rare, no one tries to cut his or her own hair. Anybody in the Weyr with a deft touch at cutting hair is much in demand during restdays or in the evening. The men tend to be cleanshaven: Due to genetic drift, Pernese males have very little body or facial hair. Some Lord Holders allow their hair to grow longer than dragonriders do as a mark that they are of the leisure class, but they too, tend not to cultivate facial hair. Drudges, who need to keep their hair out of the way, have it clipped under a bowl by a headwoman.

Most riders prefer short hair for safety. There is a risk in keeping one's hair long during Threadfighting. The first time a longer-haired rider gets threaded across the back of the neck, or has a fragment of Thread tangled in his hair, he is usually first in line for the barber.

Dragonriders enjoy gambling. Fort dragonriders like a good dice game and have reinvented craps and other games of chance. Like all the Weyrs, they play dragon poker. Since this is an Old Time Weyr, there are still some decks in use whose face cards bear the likenesses of riders so long dead that no one remembers who they were. Fort Hold plays board games, some of which have made their way in the the Weyr. Chess is often played in the evenings. Before the fire lizards came, a game could be left set up on a table for days until the players got back to it. Now players are well advised to finish before they leave, lest when they return they find the pieces rearranged or missing.


Weyrlings are a subdivision of riders. A Weyrling is a young dragon pair, usually under 2 Turns old. The pair, usually part of a larger group, is still studying under the tutelage of a Weyrling Master who helps them to learn about caring for a dragon, dragonhealing, image recognition for b*tweening, Thread patterns, wing formation, fighting tactics, communication skills, etc. Once a Weyrling group is deemed sufficiently trained, they'll graduate into the ranks of a full-rider. The process usually takes about 18 months. For more detailed information, please see the Weyrling Guide


Candidates might be at a Weyr for up to a Turn before there's a Hatching for them to try their luck at. While at the Weyr, they are expected to contribute in some way to 'earn their keep'. Like riders, they can do this in a variety of ways. If they belong to a Craft, they can continue practicing at the Weyr, advancing themselves while benefiting the Weyr. If they don't have a Craft, then chances are the Head Woman will assign them to a chore or put them into a rotation. The rotation will give them an opportunity to find an area of interest and perhaps begin an apprenticeship in that area.

Many Candidates also participate in Candidate classes. Many Candidates are not from a Weyr and might have trouble acclimating to a much looser society. Many have also never been around a dragon or seen the woes of Threadfall. While they have the best intentions, harper ballads that romanticize the life of a dragonrider have the effect of illusioning Candidates as to what life is really like. Part of the Candidate classes are dedicated to dispelling the rumors abour riders and Weyrlife, discussing the dangers of Threadfall, and the daily care needed by a dragon.

A Candidate's daily schedule is dominated by Craft and chore work, and classes when the Candidate Mistress decides to hold them. Of course, the Head Woman tries not to overload them so that they get a chance to enjoy life too! Often times, events will be held so that the Candidates can get to know one another, especially once a large group has arrived at the Weyr, usually just after a queen rises.

For more detailed information, including lists of generalized classes, chores, etc, please check out the Candidate Guide

Support Staff

The Support Staff for the Weyr, or Weyrfolk, are an essential part of the Weyr's day to day operations. Many times they are the family members of Riders, or other times, Candidates that never Impressed but stayed on at the Weyr. The Weyrfolk are led by the Head Woman (or Steward if male) who is in charge of coordinating the whole affair. The Head Woman's job is usually made easier by having masters or senior journeyman that run their Craft areas and report back to her. The Head Woman is the main liason between the WeyrLeaders and the Weyrfolk. Weyrfolk usually live in the Lower Caverns since they do not have dragons that are able to fly to every and all ledges. The Lower Cavers is a complex series of caves that interlink to one another and are connected by stairwells and hallways.

A weyrfolk's typical day will be much the same as the Candidate's with chores/Craft and personal time mixed between breakfast and dinner with lunch in between. After dinner there's usually a rotation of kitchen workers to help with the dishes, but otherwise, most people's evenings are free.

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