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The Ultimate Mega Man RPG

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- Tournament


Use missions to earn money and get a quick stats increase. To go on a mission you need a ref also.There is currently 3 mission up. Check to see if there are any spots left for you to fill. Use the links below to email me with questions etc. So I can add them to the FAQ page!

Recover Stolen Weapons

The weapons manufacturing plant was robbed late last night and has requested help. They lost a great deal of various weapons and will pay $1,750 to the first two people who can work together to complete this mission. Since they have a list of whats been stolen you won't be able to keep anything. They also belive that the boss, Snake, and some of his thugs took them and are hiding underground. The only ways to get in are through the forest or the sewers. We've gotten permission to go in through the sewers to avoid detection because the forest is heavily guarded and almost impossible to inflitrate. To Sign up for this Mission Email Me

People Signed Up:
Damien and Angelus. This mission is taken. No more spots to fill.


Infiltrate Hidden Base

We have gotten news that there is a hidden base located about 25 miles north of the area in which the weapons were stolen. Damien and Angelus are currently located there and will stop the terrorist Snake and his gang from going any further. We need two more brave fighers to go ahead of the two and get into the core of the hidden base. There were rumors of something going down in that area. Be careful. The reward for finishing this mission is 2,000. To Sign up for this Mission Email Me

People Signed Up:
Edonil and Charmer. This mission is taken. No more spots to fill.


Rescue Zero

This is a serious matter. The one named Zero has been taken hostage. We do not know who took him. We will give $2,000 to whoever can complete this mission, and find out who is behind this. Perhaps it was snakes master, Lord Dracus. Time is important, because his data will be copied and then who knows what those bastards will do once they get it. A Clone army, a super humanoid?...good god!!...WE NEED TWO TOP FIGHTERS AT THE MOST TO FIND AND BRING ZERO BACK TO US!To Sign up for this Mission Email Me

People Signed Up:
Slipy and Xero. This mission is taken. No more spots to fill.


- Rare Items

- Other


-None Currently