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8-27-03 Sweet, new member applications. Yay, this'll be nice! Something might be starting where you get points for refferals and post's, perhaps something other. While it's not done yet, you can still get a head start now by referring people to us. It'd be a great help. If you wish to help, just copy the code below onto your website or other site if you wish, or just advertise how YOU think would work best!

8-16-03The site is done! Woo!

8-14-03Counter has been added to the bottom of the site.

8-12-03Other pages up, looks like the site is finally finished. Just have to finish up on Proboards and we're done!

8-5-03 Pages for Rules, Species, Character Sheet, Faq, & Pets/Familiars are up and linked. World page started, not complete.

8-4-03 Site Started, basic layout complete. Site up at Proboards.

 : . End Recent news

 . : Rae's News!

8-20-03 Booya! Finally at Lauren's house. Uh huh! Uh huh! -dances... pathetically- She's at work right now though -.-; Yuk... Besides that everything is just dandy and wonderful. Merf :3

8-16-03 Finally back from the father's home >.>; Very boring time. Only 2 more days untill I visit that lovable, blood sucking creature in NY! XD [Erm... I love you Lauren?]

8-8-03 The site is almost finished! Merf! :3 It will be up and running in no time! Unfortunatly, I'm with my dad's this weekend and might be staying 'till Tuesday.

8-6-03 Uff! Uff! Got our first APP today! Woo! -Does a fancy little jig with her ickle Roane plush- I'm surprised as well how fast this is getting done! In other news, meh dad and stepmum adopted 3 adorable kids from Russia and I saw them fer the 2nd time yeterday! -Throws around confetti- Yuhs, yuhs. Only 2 weeks till I visit Lauren!

 : . End Rae's News

 . : Lauren's News!

8-14-03 Yay, A counter O.o"

8-9-03 Eww until Tuesday? Girf, this bites. Canna be online w/ ya until then? Grr. Only 10more days til rae comes up to visit me here in NY! -dances-

8-6-03 Oooh... love the music Rae! Very purdy, yupp.

8-5-03 Yay, the site's finally getting on it's way! Lol, we only started it yesterday, Rae, it's great that it's moving so quickly! I can't wait until it's ready for the public! Muahah. -huggles a Sin plushie-

 : .End Lauren's News

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