U walked across the stone walled corridor feeling excited and nervous @ the same time. You are just on your way to your first ever Divination class and you can't wait!! You finally came into your destination (3rd floor corridor, 5th room to your left, the wooden oak door next to Ooga-Ooga The Ogre's portrait)You opened the door and stepped inside; students are already inside, but the teacher is no where in sight. You entered the bright lit room and sat on a vacant seat, looking around while wiating patiently for the teacher. U saw some familiar faces before, but there's a no. of students u haven't seen, like that dude in the corner telling funny jokes or those girls on the front arguing about the best muggle band: Linkin Park or N*Sync ("Chester Bennington is WAY hotter then Justin!!!") You sat in your seat, minutes passing by, looking as though u might die of boredom any moment. "What's taking so long??" you think, "Did the teacher get stuck on the toilet or somethin?? I'm BoReD!! Suddenly, someone skidded across the room which made everyone look @ da front. That someone was a 14 yr. old teenage girl, waering plai pants with a leather bealt (the kind with metallic holes) a black tee with the wird "Supergirl" written in rhinestones, leather cuffs in both wrists and a jansport backpack. She took of her backpack, put it in the teacher's desk and said "Sorry, i'm late." She then looked at the students (the students including you were stunned that your teacher is so young..hehe) and spoke again. "Well, uhhh....i guess we should start." It wasn't the welcome she expected....

EvErYoNe ReAd!!
Hello!! Nice into, eh?? Well, anyway, my name is Professor Angel Arrows (or Prof. Angel) and i'm ur teacher!! Now that i've introduced myself, let us start....If you would like to be part of the class (Whoopie, yay, yahoo!!!) you need to owl me the following info:

If you're a students already, pls. go to "Inside The Classroom" where you will find the rest of the intro and the first ever lesson: ~*.DrEaMs.*~ which will begin shortly. NoTe:The class will start on Monday, November 19, 2001. After you owl me your information, pls. wait until Monday to start going in Divination Classes. By then, all links will be put up. Thanks, aite? Check out the other links in store for you!! Hope to see ya in Divination class!!

Yep, Divination class has started....just few ideas though you might like: I might set up an EZboard community here in our class (EZboard is a message board system) so we could really particpate in our lessons. I'd really like your opinions about that. Also, would you like me to put music in the page?? Well, not the cheesy kinds, I mean REAL songs like Linkin Park, Nelly, Jay-Z songs. Would u like dat?? You could owl me to voice ur opinions about my ideas.
So, everything is still clustered and my lesson page is NOT ready!! What a nightmare!! So, after you join the class, pls. be patient with me and wait until the lessons and homework payge are up (which is going to be up in 2 days!!! I SWEAR!!!!!!!!)
I'm very devastated....something came up today and i can't belive i forgot it!!!!! Anyway, i have 2 students right now: Pheonix & Marie frm Slytherin. Hope ya others come and join!! Im 2 tired 2 update anything, so chow!
Tomorrow, class will officially start!! YaY!!! I have 3 more wonderful additional students today: Tara, Elia, & Marcie!! That means i have to work on the Class 411 link. I'M SO SOORRRYYY DA TEXTBOOK IS STILL NOT READY!!! I hope it'll be ready by the end of the week (i'm so busy with other stuff, that's why) thanx 4 da patience guys!!!
Divination class has oficially started!!! Go 2 the lessons page and do the homework. Textbook will be coming up and 2day i will put up the Grades 'N points link.
This is an AdvAnCe Turkey Day greeting....HAPPY THANKSGIVING GUYS!! Hopefully you'll have your textbook by Friday AND expect an owl from me by that day, that's if u haven't done your homework!! (Homework reminders, dat's what i call it!!)

Hey guys...are u enjoying ur turkey and gravey and all those yummy stuff?? We have 4 new students: Tish, Jake, Cassandra, & Michelle
Ok, the textbook is here (at last!!!!) and the new lesson and homework is posted up. I gave ya HW reminders 4 those who haven't done their homework, but now, it's TOO LATE so if ya wanna make it up, u gotta wait 'till 2morrow until i put it up on "Past Lessons". We have 4 new students (wow..my class is getting popular these days) Bekah, Isabel, Harriet, & Nicole. To see my HP movie opinion go to "My Chamber" (it's not done yet...just the beginning....too lazy to finish)
We have a new student...Kojiro!! Also, lots of u are confused with the homework....first, you have to go to "Inside The Classroom" where you will find your lesson. There are 2 activities there and 4 homework you must pick one of them to do. It will require 2 use your textbook, "The Fortune Cookie". Aite? Still confusing? Ask me personally with e-mail. Thanx!
I'm afraid dat this weeks lesson will be cancelled due to mah ankle injury (sprained it in cheerleading practice) So i will not make any updates dis week. (i'm actually sneaking in da internet..im not suppose 2 use dis...hehe) BUT what u can do in da meantime is catch up wit ur late homework. Yes, u can still join, but u will recieve mah acceptance messages on Friday, hopefully. I'll try 2 sneak in here later 2 update the grades and add any additional students. Sowwie 4 da inconvinience guys

::Refresh::::Inside Da Classroom:::: "The Fortune Cookie"::::Homework::::Past Lessons::::Quizzies/Tests::::Grades 'N Points::::Class 411::::My Chamber::::Back 2 Hogwarts::


"Divination...most difficult of
all magical arts...learn how to unwrap the
mysteries of your future...
find the magic within"


Meet one of my owls; Aries (the smarty pants) my other owl, Cosmos, will gladly take your mail directly to me...just call him!! (see owl below)

Email: Xx_CoSmOs_xX@angelfire.com

Wanna knoe where i got some of da site's graphix?
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