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Non Player Character Stats: Cakle

Race: Imp Profession: Theif/Illusionist/Shaman
Sex: Male Ethics: Neutral (Chaotic)
Height: 2 Feet 5 Inches Weight: 36 pounds
Level: Thief 21st/Illusionist 11th/Shaman 18th Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: -- Age: Unknown
Pet: None God: Vorhee
Gold: 6100 Evade: 90%
Hit Points: 180 To hit: 71%
Soak: 60%

Ability Scores

Strength: 15 Dexterity: 23
Intelligence: 17spacerspacerspacerspacerspa Wisdom: 17
Constitution: 16spacerspacerspacerspacer Charisma: 21


Charm, Riddles,
Forgery, Quickness,  
Dual Steal, Dual Weaponry,  
Enhanced Summoning, Sleight of Hand,
Survival, Ancient Languages,
Singing,   History,
Hunting, Cultured

Special Abilities


Regenerates 6hp/round unaided. If killed, Cakle's regeneration may revive him should it be given enough time (or rounds of combat) to raise his HP above 0. If this ability fails to revive Cakle after two minutes (or twelve rounds of combat), his body will automatically teleport itself back to his fortress.
Lordship: As overlord of all imps in Exodus, Cakle may summon up to LvLd3 imps at will in combat to fight at his side, based on his Shaman level. These imps will fight as first-level fighters, and carry plain daggers as their weapons. If Cakle falls in combat, the imps will automatically suffer a morale failure and flee.
Incorrigible: Cakle may not be charmed by any means, and repeated attempts on his life have rendered him immune to all known forms of poison, as well as weapons, magic, etc. that have biological effects, e.g. poisons, polymorphisms, infections, etc.
Magic Resistance: Cakle has been conditioned against extreme temperatures and weather conditions; thus, he receives 40% magic soak unaided vs. any and all elemental magic in addition to that provided by items.

Special Weaknesses

Intimidation: If Cakle is faced with opponents of equal or higher level than himself, he must roll d100 at the beginning of each round of combat. On a roll of 97-100 or 1-3, he suffers a morale failure and automatically flees. However, should the roll succeed, Cakle and any imps he has summoned become inflamed and receive a +10% bonus to their to hit and evade. This effect is not cumulative.
This ability also goes into effect when Cakle and his minions are faced with large animals and/or humanoids—specifically, ogres, ragers, demons/demonesses, elementals (in elemental form, not humanoid), trolls, spawn of Sudane, and animate golems.
Any living creature weighing more than 500 pounds will activate this ability, including shapeshifters altering themselves to resemble creatures fitting these criteria.
Holy: Cakle may not set foot on holy ground and is repelled by symbols of faith. Additionally, holy-based melee attacks/prayers will inflict 1d10 unsoakable damage in addition to their normal effects upon Cakle.


Dragon Leather: This armor is a relic of the ancient past uncovered by Cakle's minions centuries ago in one of their numerous plundering expeditions. It confers upon the user 50% soak and immunity to fire-based damage, as well as 20% soak against all forms of magic. When wearing this armor, Cakle gains a fearsome appearance, and its enchantments project the illusion that Cakle is much larger than he truly is.
Scepter of the Imp Lord: A scepter of pure gold with an enormous sapphire globe resting on its top. When asked, Cakle will proudly claim he stole this scepter from an old king, but rumor has it that it was actually a gift from the Dwarves intended to pay homage to the Daelite princess Aiyanna, but its delivery was disrupted by imp raids. Thus, there would be a twisted half-truth in Cakle's claim.
It is obvious that the item is magical, but the identity of its enchanter remains unknown. With a rare composite of mythril and another unidentified metal serving as its core, this scepter would likely be valued in the hundreds of thousands today.
In combat, the Scepter inflicts 2d5+15 damage and will deliver a polymorph/imp status effect on a to hit roll of 10 or lower. This effect may only be dispeled by a Cleric of level 15 or higher.
Tome of Lost Dreams: Supposedly a family heirloom of Cakle's, it is more likely that, like the rest of the goods you often see an imp in possession of, it was stolen, although it is, once again, obviously a thing from another age.
The Tome is a relatively small, wrinkling old book of violet leathery cover and worn spine that Cakle claims contains the collective knowledge of spells unknown that would make him unstoppable.
This typical imp boasting has already been disproved—in the same journals by which scholars once identified the tome, they found the name given here and a bit of its contents: supposedly the means by which to literally bring one's worst nightmares to life, whether in illusion or reality.
In any case, the book serves as an amplifier for Cakle's annoying-at-best illusions, adding +2 to the requirement of any stat checks Cakle's foes may have to make as the direct result of his illusionary spells. It has been said that the Tome contains much more than one would be able to guess by Cakle's work—the book will not be unlocked unless it falls into the hands of its rightful owner once again.

Infinite Wealth

Dragon Leather: The only armor Cakle is ever likely to wear. It is light and easily removed.

On-Person Items

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