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Cakle the Imp

Cakle the Imp

In the first days of Exodus Night there weren't any oddities to be seen, in fact the lands looked pure and untouched. Exploring the many regions and finding the Lokian caverns out pops a small leathery red imp named Cakle. He seemed charming enough and offered to help the journeymen to the Froman Mountains. Of course he led them through winding routes, and sea dunes, telling them of blown out of proportion stories. He appears quite charming when you first meet him, and leads a sizable army of imps.

Cakle has a true sense of humor playing on each and everyone's flaws. He takes his sense of humor into an evil exhibit, sometimes even a deadly lead to death using the person's weaknesses. It can not be said that he can not make people laugh, but there is most always a horrid twist of fate planned for them.

His appearance makes him almost cute, until you really know what is beneath this king of imps. Those horns and amber eyes tell a different story, but Cakle has one fear himself…his mother. She usually lurks in the secret passages of the tavern, and is a lich imp with a more twisted mind then Cakle himself.

Look into yourself to find your own weakness to ward this little horrid creature off you, or fall into his twisted tricks which could be your last breath. There are other times he can be quite charming. Winter Celestial, the angel of the Northlands, is his someone he wants to kill, They say they are two of a kind only baring different facades.

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