Adventures in the World of Wearth

Game Session Two

Session Two: Saturday, Dec. 16, 2000

The party involved was:
Cebo - Human (Ftr1)
Moss - Half-Elf (Rng1) (present)
Roth Brandvar - Human (Bbn1)
Belfin - Elf (Rng1) (present)

Link to Last Session:
Players map of Session Two

The game opened on the morning of Flocktime 2, 3080 YE. The party had just left the ravine leading to the Sunless Citadel. Belfin was unconscious and Cebo had a single hit point remaining. The party decided to head back to Ruti to find some healing.

Arriving in Ruti the party headed immediately to the Temple of Pelor and asked for healing from "Corkie" Nackle the cleric of the Temple. The "donation" required for her to cast a Cure Light Wounds was 40 gp. They only had enough cash for her to cast two such spells, with Belfin reaching full hit points and Cebo only getting back a few. Corkie also told them they could purchase potions for only 50 gp each. Since all the treasure the party had left was some silver pieces and a few gems of unknown quality, they headed to the Mine Office (Ruti is, after all, a copper mining town) and traded in all the gems they had found in the depths of the Sunless Citadel. This, with most of the rest of their personal gold pieces, managed to buy them 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds from Corkie. It was decided that Moss and Belfin would carry the potions.

After spending most all their money the party went to the Ol' Boer Inn for food, lodging, and to clean up. While they were eating a servant of Kerowyn Hucrele, the matriarch of a local merchant family, delivered an invitation for refreshments after they had eaten at Hucrele House at the south end of town. The party agreed.

Hucrele House is a large stone building across from the Temple of Pelor. The party was ushered into a nicely appointed sitting room and was greeted by a matronly older woman, who introduced herself as Kerowyn Hucrele, the head of the Hucrele House. She had wine served and asked if the party had really ventured into the Sunless Citadel. On hearing that they had, she asked if they had seen any sign of two of her relatives. Apparently two of the younger members of the Hucrele Household (a brother and sister; Talgen, a fighter and Sharwyn, a wizard) had left with some friends to find their fortune adventuring in the Sunless Citadel, this was over a month ago and no word has been heard since. She said they would be easy to recognize because they would be wearing signet rings with the Hucrele Crest on them, and she showed the party hers.

She asked the party if they were planning on returning to the Sunless Citadel, when they answered yes she offered a reward for the safe return of her two relatives, or if not their return, at least proof of their deaths by returning their signet rings. She told the party she would reward them 125 gp for the return of each signet ring. If they could return her relatives "whole in mind and body" she would double the reward to 250 gp each. The party got the impression she was more interested in the return of the signet rings then missing relatives.

Taking their leave of Hucrele House the party returned to the Ol' Boer. Since all but Belfin were down hit points they decided that a few days bed rest was just what the group needed before returning to the Sunless Citadel. During this time they also had some talks with Garon, the barkeep at the Ol' Boer. He told them about the two young Hucrele's who went off adventuring, they left with a ranger named Karakas and a paladin of Pelor named Sir Braford. Sir Braford was not a local and he had a magic sword he called Shatterspike. They left about a month ago and have not returned yet, most figure them for dead. After they rested themselves back to full health they bought some stone chisels and hammers at the General Store (Ruti is, after all, a mining town) with the thought of breaking through the locked stone doors.

On the morning of Starday, Flocktime 8, during the start of Harnekiah, the party left Ruti once again for the dark ravine that leads to the Sunless Citadel.

Checking closely for any signs of the feared Dire Rats the party climbed down the rope and entered the Citadel. They went first to the stone door that bore the carving of rearing dragons on it. The one with the keyhole they were unable to open last time they were here. With Moss and Belfin standing guard, Roth and Cebo used chisels and hammers and slowly (and loudly) broke through the stone door into the room beyond. This room was a long gallery covered thickly in a carpet of dust. The room had the look of being undisturbed for ages. Along the north wall was three shallow alcoves and in the middle of the south wall was a single alcove that was glowing with a soft blue light. Faint tinkling notes could also be heard coming from it.

Belfin entered the room to investigate the alcove, taking the precaution of tying a rope about his waist and having the others hold the end of it. As he approached the alcoves he saw that the alcoves contained dust covered stone pedestals with fist-sized crystalline globes on them. The ones in the northern alcoves were all cracked and blackened. The one in the south was glowing blue. As he approached it the music swelled into a load brooding chorus and Belfin felt the immediate desire to get as far away as possible from it. He left the room and went past his comrades until he came to the end of his rope (so to speak), he then drew his sword and cut the rope continuing until he reached the outer courtyard, where he stood fists to his ears for some time.

After the music had ended and Belfin regained his senses they entered the room again keeping close to the northern wall until the reached the door at the far end. This was another stone door, but was unlocked. They pushed it open into a short corridor that lead to another stone doorway. As the party walked down the corridor they all managed to activate a trap that fired arrows at them with every step they took. Roth, the barbarian, managed to take a critical hit from one of the arrows that dropped him unconscious. Belfin used his potion of cure light wounds to bring Roth back around. The door at the end of the corridor lead to hall that was filled with dust like a layer of gray snow. In the northern end of the chamber was a sculpture of a dragon carved from gold-veined black marble. Moss was the one who finally entered the room to look around. As he approached the 10' tall statue of a coiled dragon a Magic Mouth spell appeared on the dragon's jaws and spoke the following riddle:

We come at night without being fetched;
We disappear by day without being stolen.

Standing at the outer doorway Belfin guessed at the answer to the riddle (he kept saying "stars"). Perplexed at what the riddle was for the rest of the party entered the room. After looking over the dragon statue, triggering the Magic Mouth several more times, they searched the room for secret doors. Belfin noticed a secret door in the west wall of the chamber right away. Looking over the doorway they saw no way to open the door, they tried using their chisels on it, but they seemed to slide right off the stone without effect. They banged on it a few times to no avail, briefly considered using the dragon sculpture as a ram, and finally just gave up on the door.

Leaving the room the party went off in search of Meepo, finding him again in the room with the broken cage. Meepo, looking a little beaten, was overjoyed to see the party and assumed at once they were back to help him rescue the clan's dragon from the goblin's. A quick trip to the kobold "throne room" and Yusdrayl, the kobold leader, and they were on their way.

Following the same path as before the party came to the back gate of "goblin country". The hallway leading to the goblin guard post was covered with more caltrops and the goblin guards at the far end were alert (especially since the party tripped the same "bell" alarm as before). Using the same tactics as before they found another door, tore it off it's hinges and used it as a large tower shield, sweeping the caltrops before them. The two goblin guards ran off screaming an alarum while they were doing this.

Coming to the javelin practice room, the party peeked around the corner and saw a total of six goblins waiting behind the low wall at the end of the room. Deciding on a full frontal assault as the battle plan, the party rushed down the room to the wall and attacked the goblins. In the ensuing melee the party managed to defeat the six goblins but at a heavy cost. All party members but Moss were brought to negative hit points, Moss used his remaining potion of CLW to bring Belfin back to positive hit points. Searching the bodies they found a silver flask (full of vile goblin liqueur), an iron key, and a handful of silver pieces. They quickly peeked into a couple more corridors before leaving. Including one room full of crates and boxes and barrels marked "Elf Pudding".  They briefly pondered the wisdom of staying with the kobolds and resting back up but decided that they did not want to trust kobold hospitality in such a weakened condition.

The session ended in the early evening of Starday, Flocktime 8 with the party outside the Sunless Citadel.
Party members are in the following conditions:
          Cebo - Unconscious (at -6 hp's, out of 13 hp)
          Moss - 5 hp's (out of 11)
          Roth - Unconscious (at -9 hp's, out of 15 hp)
          Belfin - 2 hp's (out of 11 hp)

The next session will start at the top of the ravine in the early evening of Starday, Flocktime 8, 3080 YE.
Link to Next Session:

Unanswered Questions:

Left over questions from previous sessions:


Page Last Updated Monday, April 29, 2002