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- or - The fine art of salvaging.

Healers, locksmiths and thieves should probably check out the "Wimps are people, too." section for details on their profession to earn their first incomes. This section was written with the warrior in mind who, unlike the less violent professions, have no means of earning money initially other than salvaging. Healers may charge small fees for healing, locksmiths may seek temporary employment at Apula's and thieves...well, thieves can just steal something and hock it.

First, you need the coin...

...and the only way for an unarmed, unarmored newbie to get it is to Salvage. Now, I don't want to deny the age-old traditions of beg, borrow and steal, certainly you can make money that way. But salvage offers the you a more honorable income without risking your reputation.
In Iridine there are a variety of items that you can collect and sell to shopkeepers for money. The variety is not extensive, gathering these things can be difficult and you won't get much for them but if you work hard and stick to it you'll soon earn enough to afford your first pieces of armor. And with armor you can venture into hunting areas that offer a much more generous living.


Unit                    Value in Sens        Value In Denar        Value in Gold Cents
Bronze Sen                          1                             1/12                              1/300
Silver Sterce                      3                              1/4                               1/100
Silver Denar                      12                              1                                  1/25
Gold Cent                         300                            25                                   1

When expressing a large quantity of money Iridinians often refer to the 'talent'. It is not a unit of money (there is no
'talent coin') but does represent a set value.
Unit              Value in Denar        Value in Gold Cents
"Talent"                   1562.5                             62


There are four items (that I know of) that newbies can salvage in Iridine. Burnt torches, rat pelts (and heads), bandit chests and thug items. Now, the problem with salvaging should be obvious. It's done mostly in the hunting areas where dangerous animals wander. And certainly you can expect to be approached by a vicious osecar or fierce hound while salvaging. The thing is, if you are salvaging in the first place then it's probably because you don't have any armor. And fighting even a sewer rat without armor is a bad idea. So when an animal (or whatever) enters the area just leave, go somewhere else to salvage.
Burnt torches can be found all over Iridine. Probably the most common place to find them is in the Sewers, where a light source is always needed. Remember that the game does not give a detailed description of every area you enter, items on the ground are usually not shown. When hunting for burnt torches you must look at every area you enter to find your torches. When you have a full load of torches go to Sesquillicus' Supply Shop and sell her your torches.
Rat pelts and heads are usually only found in the hunting areas. Now when characters get to a certain level they usually stop skinning their kills, the money it gets them is less interesting to them than the experience they get from the fight. So, you'll often find unskinned animals in abundance in the sewers and dumps. (Note: the dump rats, however, often have gems in their stomachs so you'll find that they will almost always have their stomachs removed while pelts and heads are left intact).
Caprarius, the Carcass Buyer, buys the pelts and heads of rats that you find. But his prices have been known to change without warning and he occasionally buys other parts as well. Since no one knows what Caprarius is buying in a given month, skin the whole animal and bring the parts to him. Make note of the parts he buys and from then on skin only those. No point in weighing yourself down with animal parts you can't sell. But when you do find what he is buying right now, you probably don't have to worry about that for a while. He doesn't change things up that often and usually sticks with pelts and heads.
[Update: Dump Hounds are now skinnable and can be found to have gems in their stomachs as well. Also, some sewer rats, it is reported, have also been found with gems in their stomachs. Thanks to Jetal for this update!)]
Thug items are found in the alleys west of the Toga (see Directions). Again, some players will hunt the alleys merely for the experience and may leave items from thugs and brutes laying around. Thugs wear leather armor (a one-piece torso armor), daggers and pouches of coin. Brutes usually only have armor, leather helmets and pouches of coin. You will find that the armor and the coin is usually taken (but check all pouches anyway, sometimes you get lucky) but many players simply leave the daggers because they don't want to walk all the way to Thimaro's shop to sell them. Gather these daggers and sell them to Thimaro. If you are lucky enough to find armor or the leather helmets of brutes, you can sell them to Venina in her leather shop. Venina will also buy pouches (any pouch) for 1 sen. Be warned, however, that you will be less likely to find the more valuable thug and brute items just laying around compared to the cheap animal parts or cumbersome bandit chests.
Bandit chests can be found in the Bandit Woods. They can sometimes be found scattered somewhere in the wood in groups of as many as 5 or 6. Now, the reason why the more experienced players leave these empty chests laying around is simply one of logistics: two chests won't fit in one sack. So, if a warrior in the bandit woods hunts and kills 3 or 4 bandits, he has to be wearing 3 or 4 sacks to carry those chests back to town with. Most don't bother wearing that many containers. It's a pain sorting out all the contents of a sack, pouch, backpack, etc. without adding even more sacks. So, if a warrior doesn't bring a locksmith with him or find one hanging around in the woods, he learns the skill himself. Then, he can open the chests, get the loot and let the empty chest fall to the ground for some lucky newbie to find.
Luckily, bandits wear sacks, too. And it is in these sacks that they carry their chests. So, you are lucky enough to find a few chests in the woods, you'll probably find a few sacks as well. Get and wear every sack you find. Put a chest in each sack. Gather as many sacks and chests as you can carry (I once gathered about thirty-five, the most I could carry at one time) then head on over to The Locksmith Shop and sell those chests to Apula for about 7 denarii each. If you are lucky enough to find one still locked (you should check each one just in case, Apula will buy locked chests for the same price and tell you no different) you are in luck! Chests often carry a respectable amount of coin and/or gems. Any locksmith in town will be glad to open the chest for a small percentage of what it contains. You will, in fact, probably find an out of work locksmith hanging around Apula's.

The Junk Dealer
A shop near the Dumps that buys...well...junk. Sandals, wooden clubs, clothing, who knows what else. The location of the Junk Dealer's shop is part of your starting Marks (i.e. you can walk to it from any main cobblestone road.) Beware, though, if you offer the dealer a sack full of stuff, expect that all the items in the sack will be purchased. In other words, don't leave your weapon or coins or anything else of value in the sack. If you do it will be bought, and not for likely more than a sterce or so. And you won't get it back. Only offer items that you want to sell.


To skin an animal use the following command strings. You must be holding a knife or dagger to skin.
*To skin all the animal parts from an animal: Skin <animal>, repeat until all parts have been skinned.
*To skin a specific animal part: Skin <head/pelt/whatever> from <animal>.
Get <part> and put it in your sack/backpack/whatever and continue on salvaging.
*To look in a dump rat stomach for gems: Get stomach
Look in stomach
Empty stomach in my <sack/backpack/whatever>
Discard stomach (will prompt with y/n, type "y")

Selling to shopkeepers:

*To sell a pelt to Caprarius, a torch to Sesquillicus or a dagger to Thimaro type:
Get <torch/pelt/head/whatever> from <sack/backpack> (or wherever you're keeping it).
Offer <head/pelt/torch/whatever> to <Cap, Ses or Thim>.
When they have accepted the item type:
"cap change or "ven change or "thim buy
They will offer you coin or, perhaps, a small sack of coin:
Accept Cap/Ses/Thim
A shortcut if you have a sack full of items to sell is to simply offer the entire sack to the shopkeeper. They will take what they want from the sack and put the empty sack on the counter. However, make sure that you have something in the sack that they DON'T want or they will keep the whole sack.
*To sell leather armor to Venina or daggers to Thimaro:
Thimaro and Venina not only buy these items but they repair them also, so when you offer your goods to them they will ask whether you want them to buy it or repair it. Of course, you want them to buy.
Offer dagger to Thimaro or offer armor/helmet/pouch to Venina
When prompted answer "ven buy or "thim buy
Then, as usual, when they have received the item(s):
"ven change or "thim change
accept ven or accept thim
Apula will simply accept chests without the repair/buy query, but the exchange is otherwise the same.

Handling money
Splitting sums of money: Here's a situation that's going to drive you absolutely batty until you get the hang of it. Paying other characters sums of money. Now, shopkeepers and trainers take your money automatically. But other players can't. So how do you get 50 denar out of the pile of 250 in your sack to buy that cool flowing green sagum from your pal Dorinius? The split command makes this possible. If your have a hand free and a pile of coins in some container about your person, just use the command string: split <number of coins you want> <type of coin you want>. Example: In the above situation you would use the command string split 50 denar. This would put 50 denar in your hand, ready to offer them to Darinius.
Split coins & ungroup coins: If you have a "pile" or "handful" of various different coins you may have to ungroup coins to divide them into the different types first (sen, sterce, denar, cent).
Both of these commands and command strings are best done while your coins are in your sack, back or pouch (or other container). Trying to do this inhand may quickly leave you without a free hand to complete whatever transaction you are attempting and causing some confusion about which amount is in which hand. I once split 25 denar from about 100 inhand and offered to 100 to someone without realizing until much later. Needless to say, I lost 75 denar in that deal.
Share <coins> with <person or persons>: This is a real shortcut and time saver. If you have a certain amount of one type of coin inhand you can "share" it with another person, or even more than one person. For example: If you have 100 denars inhand and use the command string share denars with Darinius it will split the denars evenly with you and Darinius (50 denars for each of you). You can share with more than one person, too. Example: share denars with darinius, minos and heltonius (25 denars for each of you). Or you can share unequally, offering more of a share to one person by mentioning them more than once. Example: share denars with darinius, darinius and minos (25 denar left in your hand, 25+25=50 to Darinius and 25 to Minos).
* Thanks to Antaeus for this sub-section and, especially, the share command, which I had never even heard of!

The Herbalist:
Another option to earn cash is gathering herbs to sell to the herbalist. Unlike the items listed above, this one is far more time consuming and pays less. But should you ever find that some other salvager has stripped the town before you got in it might be worth considering.
In the forests north of Iridine there grow a small variety of plants, mosses, leaves, etc. Most cannot be gathered but some can. You will have to find which ones you can get and which you cannot. Even then, there is no Guarantee that the Herbalist will buy. It will be, i'm afraid, a case of trial and error.
When you have a load of herbs go to the Herbalist and offer them to him (just as in the examples above). He will accept those he wants and refuse those he doesn't.
To gather:
Gather <plants>