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The Void

Regardless of the people who think The Void is just a collection of bloodthirsty chat killers, we as a group are rebuilding out image. The Void is still running strong, through my attempt at leadership, and the support of Fallen Angel and DarkAngel. A few others are also helping us to recover our image as protectors of the innocent.

I am slowly rebuilding the combat pages. For now, a skeletal listing of T2 is available, and a sample combat, some details on magic, and Psionics are all on their way. Until then, I hope you can learn to fight from my little write up.

As always, the purpose of The Void is to protect those who need it. We have many friends, and seek to ensure the cyber-safety of those individuals. We always seek the most efficient form of protection. If that means talk and negotiation, great... if it means fighting, then you'd better watch out.

And please remember... CHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN

Current Members of The Void

T2 Combat
Void History
Ran Pangea, the newest realm