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Dave's Super Mario RPG Page


No updates today. I am sorry school exists, but I cannot change that. I am drowning in homework. Please someone hand me a life preserver out of this hellhole.

No updates today. I'm in Auto CAD. Oh well. I am updating my new site. My Lufia 1 and Lufia2 site. I will update this page later today.

What's Up. Not much as for updates. I bet you saw that coming.

Here I am, up past midnight, updating my site. News is that my sister has a webpage you should check out. Click here.
- Shadow

Hi everybody. I'm going for the Armor Listings today. Not much else. Also a few minor changes.
- Shadow

Well, I'm back from sitting on the couch all summer. I stubbed my toe yesterday and it still hurts. And to make it worse, It's time for school again and I'm gonna be a Freshman. Yeah, you heard me. Freshmeat. Anyway, enough about me, how are you guys. The walkthrough will be updated and so will the Special Items Page.
- Shadow

Well folks, alot has happened over this month. School's out, my B-day's over, Father's Day has passed and this means changes. I have been working on a new Nintendo page that covers more than my other two sites. I'm am also finishing up a FAQ for Mission Impossible, and Spyro the Dragon. Also I will finish my Special Items Page and get on my Weapons/Armor Listings! Summer is now even hotter!
- Shadow

Hey! What's up? It's Shadow amd I finished, finally, the Items section and now I said I would start a Armor/Weapon section but I will first will start up a Special Items page...
- Shadow

Hello again! It's me and today I will stay up all night finishing my Items page... Maybe start and finish the Special Items too... The maybe start my Armor and Weapons listings. Later!
- Shadow

Talk about not updating a while! Sorry, but school is really biting me in the... well you get the point. Summer should be better however. I think I will update only a tiny bit today... Also if you catch any errors anywhere on this site or my other sites, notify me of them and yes, they will be fixed.
- Shadow

What's up all! I am planning to update my Items page very soon. Like... maybe this weekend. Stay tuned!
- Shadow

Hey everyone! What's up? Not much going on today except for maybe a... Items section! Yeah! Finally, it's underway! Well, enough chat. Time for writin'.
- Shadow

Hey everybody. I just started on updating my Accessories section. That's all for today. Okey-day.
- Shadow

Hi all. Shadow here. I am happy to anounce that it is Spring Break! I will be working on my website pretty much all week long. Great isn't it. I will most likely start my Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest Page, start an Items section for Mario, finish the Accessory Page, and I will update the walkthrough. Stick to the site and more shall come!
- Shadow

Ok Ok Ok. I'll admit that I haven't been updating regularly, but I can't always help it man. I got to go to school and do stupid homework and dumb stuff like that. Anyway, today I started work on my FFMQ Page which you can now check out in my links section. I am almost ready to update the walkthrough and start an Items Page, but not yet. Check back in a few days.
- Shadow

Sorry I haven't updated much but I will get things underway. The Items section has been a thought and will be here by tommorrow. I am also anouncing that I am making a RPG page for all the needs of my people. I am making a Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest Page, but it won't be here for some time. I will give you the address to look at in the future.
- Shadow

Hello all. Shadow here to tell you that I have updated the Accessory Page and the last one's screwed up. I'll fix it tommorrow. I haven't updated the walkthrough but I will tommorrow. I have news of an Items section soon. Stay Tuned.
- Shadow

I have started an Accessory section, finished the Characters section, and also will continue the walkthrough today. Tune back later for more.
- Shadow

Hello. Welcome to my Super Mario RPG site. This site will be the best site you will ever find for info on your favorite Mario game, Super Mario RPG. Right now it's pretty basic, but it will be updated daily.
- Shadow


Characters/Special Moves
Walkthrough to End of Mushroom Way (Still workin'on it)
Special Items
Links New!
